B.S. and Master of Sport Analytics
This combined program a collaboration between the Department of Sport Leadership and Management (SLAM) and the Department of Information Systems and Analytics (ISA). The program will cover a wide range of topics including performance and business analytics, strategic management, and coaching effectiveness, as well as sport economics, marketing, administration, and more.
Advantages of the Combined Program
Combined programs allow highly qualified students to simultaneously pursue a Bachelor's and Master's degree.
- Students begin working toward a Master’s degree as they finish their undergraduate degree. For students admitted into the combined program, 9 hours of 400 or 500 level courses can be double-counted toward the B.S. and Master’s degrees. The degree may be obtained in four to five years, particularly if students bring advanced standing credit into the Bachelor's degree.
- This program will cover a wide range of topics, including performance and business analytics, strategic management, coaching effectiveness, sport economics, marketing, administration, and more.
Admission Prerequisites
- Minimum of 64 credit hours
- Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater
- A college-level course in introductory statistics
- A college-level course (full semester) in predictive analytics
- A college-level mathematics in pre-calculus, matrix algebra, and calculus concepts
Admission Requirements
- Complete the online application, be sure to indicate the combined program option
- $50 Application Fee
- Transcript
- Resume
- Personal Statement
The priority application deadline is March 1. The program does have rolling admission throughout the year. Students are encouraged to seek advising before applying.
Admitted students will be assigned a graduate faculty advisor within the Sport Analytics combined program. Questions about the Master of Sport Analytics should be directed to Ryan Chen, Ph.D.