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Economic Impact Research and Innovation Oxford and Beyond Excellence and Expertise

Professor working to train aspiring teachers amid shortages

Miami University professor tackles teacher shortages, emphasizing training aspiring educators for crucial STEM and special ed.

Professor Brian Schultz works to train teachers as schools scramble to fill positions
Economic Impact Research and Innovation Oxford and Beyond Excellence and Expertise

Professor working to train aspiring teachers amid shortages

Spectrum News 1
AUG. 18, 2022
BY Sheena Elzie

Miami University Professor Brian Schultz addresses the teacher shortage crisis, emphasizing the need to train more aspiring teachers. Recognizing the impact on STEM and special education classes, Schultz works to develop future educators, acknowledging low pay, burnout, and pandemic pressures as factors pushing potential teachers away. Despite challenges, he believes early investment and training can alleviate shortages in critical areas.

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