FSB Directory
Henry Jin
Associate Professor

Contact Information
- Campus: Oxford
- Office: 3022
- Phone: 513.529.2158
- Email: jiny3@miamioh.edu
Office Hours
- W 9-10am (Zoom), F 11am-noon (Office), and by appt
- Curriculum Vitae [PDF]*
* Accessible version of PDF available upon request.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. - Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, 2013
- M.B.A. - Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, 2009
- B.S. - Frost School of Business, Centenary College of Louisiana, 2005
Recent Publications
- Yao Jin, Stan Fawcett, Amydee Fawcett, & David Swanson, (2019) “Collaborative Capability and Organizational Performance: Assessing Strategic Choice and Purity,” International Journal of Production Economics, 214, 139-150.
- Cantor, David, & Yao Jin, (2019) “Theoretical and Empirical Evidence of Behavioral and Production Line Factors That Influence Helping Behavior,” Journal of Operations Management, 65 (4), 312-332.
- Sodero, Annibal Camara, Yao Jin, Mark Barratt, (2019) “Big Data in the Retail Supply Chain,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49 (7), 706-726.
- Göçer, Aysu, Yao Jin, Stan Fawcett, (2019) “How Does the Contingent Sustainability–Risk–Cost Relationship Affect the Viability of CSR? An Emerging Economy Perspective,” Sustainability, 11 (19), 5435.
- Fawcett, Stan, Yao Jin, Amydee Fawcett, & Ednilson Bernardes (2018). “Technological Game Changers: Convergence, Hype, and Evolving Supply Chain Design,” Production Journal, 28, 1-17.
- Fawcett, Stan, Yao Jin, Amydee Fawcett, & Greg Magnan, (2017). “I Know It When I See It: The Nature of Trust, Trustworthiness Signals, and Strategic Trust Construction,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (4), 914-938.
- Jin, Yao, David Swanson, Matthew A. Waller, & John Ozment, (2017). “To Survive and Thrive under Hypercompetition: An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Strategic Purity on Truckload Motor Carrier Financial Performance,” Transportation Journal, 56 (1), 1-34.
- Swanson, David, Yao Jin, Amydee Fawcett, & Stan Fawcett, (2017). “Collaborative Process Design: A Dynamic Capabilities View on Mitigating the Barriers to Working Together,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (2), 1-19.
- Fawcett, Amydee., Yao Jin, Christian Hofer., Matthew A. Waller, & Vitaly Brazhkin, (2016). "Sweating the Assets: Asset Leanness in Motor Carrier Performance," Journal of Business Logistics. 37 (1), 43-58.
- Jin, Yao, Brent Williams, Adriana Rossiter-Hofer, & Matthew Waller, (2015) “Masking the Bullwhip Effect in Retail: The Influence of Data Aggregation,” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 45 (8), 814-830.
- Jin, Yao, Brent Williams, Travis Tokar, & Matthew Waller, (2015) “Forecasting with Temporally Aggregated Demand Signals in a Retail Supply Chain”, Journal of Business Logistics, 36 (2), 199-211.
Honors & Awards
- Larry T. Wilson Fellow, 2012-2013
- CAPS Research Grant, 2012
- Doctoral Academy Fellow, University of Arkansas, 2009 - 2013
Areas of Expertise
- Supply Chain Management
- Inventory Management
- Demand Forecasting
- Retail Management
- Transportation and Logistics Management
Yao "Henry" Jin received his Ph.D. from the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Drawing on his retail industry experience, his main research interest focuses on retail supply chain and operations concerning issues related to collaboration and demand planning. He has published his research in journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Business Logistics, among others. Currently, he is working on projects regarding counterfeit products and service failures in omni-channel retailing.
- MGT 498 A MW 8:30AM-9:50AM FSB 0024
- MGT 498 B MW 10:05AM-11:25AM FSB 0024