FSB Directory
Megan Gerhardt
Professor & William Isaac and Michael Oxley Center for Business Leadership Co-Director & Director of Leadership Development

Contact Information
- Campus: Oxford
- Office: 2042B
- Phone: 513.529.4235
- Email: gerharmm@miamioh.edu
Office Hours
- MW 7:15am-8:15am and by appointment
- Curriculum Vitae [PDF]*
* Accessible version of PDF available upon request.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. University of Iowa, Organizational Behavior, 2003
- B.A. University of Iowa, Psychology, 1998
Recent Publications
- Gerhardt, M.W, (2024). Why We Need Intergenerational Friendships at Work. Harvard Business Review, published March 13, 2024.
- Gerhardt, M. W. (2023). Making Sense: Dropping and Acquiring in Post-Pandemic Management Learning and Education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(3), 351-356.
- Hibbert, P., Caza, A., Coraiola, D. M., Gerhardt, M., Greenberg, D., Laasch, O., ... & Wright, A. L. (2023). Why Be an Editor?. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(4), 569-573.
- Gerhardt, M.W., Nachemson-Ekwall, J. & Fogel, B. (2022). Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity. Harvard Business Review, March. (Big Idea feature article)
- *This article was chosen for inclusion in HBR’s 10 Must Reads for 2024, Harvard Business Press
- Hibbert, P., Coraiola, D. M., Caza, A., Gerhardt, M., Greenberg, D., Laasch, O., Lindebaum, D., Rigg, C., Ryazanova, O., & Wright, A. L. (2021). From the Editors—Interpreting Our Tradition. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 20(1), 1–5.
- Gerhardt, M.W., Charlier. S.D, and Greenberg, D. (2019). AMLE Reviewer Resource Library: A Collection of Recommended Pieces on Developmental Reviewing. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18 (1).
- Dust, S. B., Gerhardt, M. W., *Hebbalalu, D., & *Murray, M. (2019). Protecting my turf: The moderating role of generational differences on the relationship between self-enhancement values and reactions to generational diversity. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(2), 153-169.
- Porter, T.H., Gerhardt, M.W., Fields, D. & Bugenhagen, M. (2019) An exploratory study of gender and motivation to lead in millennials, The Journal of Social Psychology, 159:2, 138-152.
- Ballou, B.J., Gerhardt, M.W., & Heitger, D.L. (2017). Effectively Measuring Outsourcing Risk by Engaging Service Providers that Have Effective Service Controls Verified by an Independent Attester, Credit and Financial Management Review.
- Gerhardt, M.W. (2016). The Importance of Being…Social? Instructor Credibility and the Millennial Student. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (9), 1533-1547
- Gerhardt, M.W., Brown, K.G., & Dysvik, A. (2014). A Bridge Over Troubled Water: A Former Military Officer, Corporate Executive, and Business School Dean Discusses the Research-Practice Divide. Journal Management Inquiry, 23, 4: 373-378.
- Gerhardt, M.W. & Le, H.A. (2013). Overt Narcissism and Approach-Avoidance Motivation: Expanding the Lens to Examine Goal Orientation. Journal of Organizational Psychology. 13, 21-31.
- Luzadis, R. & Gerhardt, M. (2012). An exploration of the relationship between ethical orientation and goal orientation. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 5.
- Wesolowski, M., Luzadis, R.A, & Gerhardt, M.W. (2011). Understanding the nomological net for gender bias. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 1 Gerhardt, M.W., Ashenbaum, B.A., Newman, W.R. (2009). Understanding the Impact of Proactive Personality on Job Performance: The Roles of Tenure and Self-Management. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
- Gerhardt, M.W. & Luzadis, R.A. (2009). The Importance of Perceived Task Difficulty in Goal Orientation-Assigned Goal Alignment. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
- Gerhardt, M. W.; Rode, J.C.; Peterson, S. J. (2007). Exploring mechanisms in the personality-performance relationship: Mediating roles of self-management and situational constraints. Personality and Individual Differences, 43 (6), 1344-1355.
- Barbosa, S.D.; Gerhardt, M. W.; Kickul, J.R. (2007). The Role of Cognitive Style and Risk Preference on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 13 (4), 86-104. (Contribution: 20%; Cited by 156 (as per Google Scholar), Journal Acceptance Rate: 18%, Impact Factor forthcoming)
- Gerhardt, M. (2007). Teaching Self-Management: The Design and Implementation of Self-Management Tutorials. Journal of Education for Business, 83(1), 11-18. (Contribution-100%; Cited by 27, as per Google Scholar); Journal Acceptance rate: 52%)
- Peterson, S.J., Gerhardt, M.W., & Rode, J.C. (2006). Examination of the Relationship Between Hope and Task Performance: A Test of a Theoretical Model. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1099-1109. (Contribution: 40%; Journal Acceptance Rate: 40%; Cited by 27 (as per Google Scholar); Journal Impact Factor: 1.861).
- Gerhardt, M.W. & Brown, K.G. (2006). Individual Differences in Self-Efficacy Development: The Effects of Goal Orientation and Affectivity. Learning and Individual Differences, 16, 43-59. (Contribution: 85%; Cited by 45 (as per Google Scholar); Journal Acceptance Rate: 40%; Journal Impact Factor: 1.565)
- Ilies, R., Gerhardt, M.W., & Le, H. (2004). Individual Differences in Leadership Emergence: Integrating Meta-Analytic Findings and Behavioral Genetic Estimates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 12, 207-219. (Contribution-25%; Cited by 89 (as per Google Scholar); Journal Acceptance Rate: 28%; Impact Factor: 1.30).
- Wenzel, A., Werner (maiden name), M., Cochran, C., & Holt, C. (2004). A Differential Pattern of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Social Phobic and Nonanxious Individuals. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32, 1-13. (Contribution: 50%; Cited by 12, as per Google Scholar). Journal Impact Factor: 1.149.
- Brown, K.G., & Gerhardt, M.W. (2002). Formative evaluation: An integrative practice model and case study. Personnel Psychology Vol 55(4) p.951-983. (Contribution: 35%; Cited by 70, as per Google Scholar); Journal Impact Factor: 4.54; ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 4/54)
- Judge, T.A., Bono, J.E., Ilies, R., & Gerhardt, M.W. (2002). Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology Vol 87(4), p.765-780. (Cited by 1620; as per Google Scholar), Contribution: 15%; Journal Acceptance Rate: 10%; Journal Impact Factor: 4.367).
Honors & Awards
- 2021-2022: ASG Outstanding Professor Award
- 2016: Smucker Teaching Excellence Award, Farmer School of Business, Miami University
- 2012-2015: Naus Family Faculty Scholar
- 2009: Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Award, Farmer School of Business, Miami University
- 2002: Flanagan Award for Best Student Paper, Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Toronto, Cana.
Professional Interests
- Research: Generational Differences, Individual Differences, Motivation, Learning, Leadership
- Teaching: Leadership & Learning, Introduction to Management and Leadership
- Consulting & Workshops: Gentelligence: Leadership of Multiple Generations, Strengthfinder/Strengths based Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Women in Leadership, Values-Based Leadership
Areas of Expertise
- Leadership
- Learning
- Motivation
- Organizational behavior
- Personality
Megan W. Gerhardt, Ph.D. is a Professor of Management and Leadership at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University, where she also serves as Robert D. Johnson Director of the Center for Business Leadership. Megan is an age and generational diversity expert, consulting with top organizations around the world on strategies to leverage generational diversity in the workplace. In addition to her academic research, she is author of the book Gentelligence: A Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce. Her Gentelligence work has been showcased as Harvard Business Review’s Big Idea in March 2022 and was also chosen as one of Harvard Business Review’s Top 10 Must Reads for 2024. Megan’s work on leveraging generational diversity has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, NBC News, The Washington Post, and CNN, among others. All of Dr. Gerhardt’s work focuses on leveraging unique talent differences to achieve impact and extraordinary levels of performance.
- MGT 291 B MW 8:30AM-9:50AM FSB 2040
- MGT 415 A MW 10:05AM-11:25AM FSB 2040