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RedHawk50 Timeline
Date Information
Jun. 15, 2024 Nominations Open
Jul. 30-Aug. 15, 2024 Notification of RedHawk50 nominations sent to companies. 
This email includes the application and revenue verification form.
Aug. 15, 2024 Nominations Close
Sept. 30, 2024 Application and revenue verification forms deadline.
Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2024 Vetting of alumni status and financial forms by Miami’s independent accounting partner.
Dec. 1, 2024 Honorees notified. The full list will not be released until the RedHawk50 Reception and Awards Gala.
All companies are asked to keep the information confidential until the event.
Dec. 1, 2024-Feb. 15, 2025 Timeframe to purchase tables/plates for the RedHawk50 Reception and Awards Gala.
Jan. 15, 2025 Deadline to become an event sponsor.
Feb. 15, 2025 Companies named to the RedHawk50 list must submit company and alumni honoree information to be included in all digital and printed materials.

2024 Nominations are Now Open!


Contact RedHawk50

Farmer School of Business
800 East High Street
Oxford, OH 45056