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Eligibility and Employing Family Members

Eligibility requirements differ, depending on whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student at Miami, attend another university, or are still in high school.


Miami University Students

During the academic year, Miami students must be registered for a minimum of six credit hours per term (in a degree-seeking program) to be eligible to work as a student employee. An exception can be made for one semester for students who need less than six credit hours to graduate, by submitting a written request for review to prior to the student working.

During the summer, Miami students must be registered for the current or upcoming term (in a degree-seeking program) to be eligible to work as a student employee.

Other University Students

During the academic year, students attending other universities (i.e., not Miami) must be registered in a degree-seeking program to be eligible to work as a student employee. During the summer, these students must be registered for the current or upcoming term in a degree-seeking program to be eligible to work as a student employee.

The student must provide proof of enrollment (e.g., a Degree Audit Report, acceptance letter) to their direct supervisor.

Graduate Students

During the academic year, graduate students must be registered for a minimum of six credit hours per term in a degree-seeking program at Miami to be eligible to work as a student employee. Graduate students with an assistantship must obtain permission from the Dean of the Graduate School to hold a student employment position.

During the summer, graduate students must be registered for the current or upcoming term at any university to be eligible to work as a student employee. If the student will be attending graduate school outside of Miami, they must provide proof of enrollment (e.g., a Degree Audit Report, acceptance letter) to their direct supervisor.

Please note: Student Employment terminates Miami graduates after each semester. Hiring departments must email if a student will continue to work in the department after graduation.

High School and G.E.D. seeking Students

Miami University policy does not permit the hiring of anyone under the age of 16. See Working as a Minor for further details.

During the academic year, high school students must be enrolled in high school or taking classes to obtain a G.E.D. There is not a minimum credit hour requirement. During the summer, the student must be attending high school the following year.

When a student graduates high school, they are permitted to work during the summer after graduation only if they are registered at any university for the upcoming semester. If the student will be attending a university outside of Miami they must provide proof of enrollment (e.g., Degree Audit Report, acceptance letter) to their direct supervisor.

International Students

International students possessing an F-1 Student Visa or a J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa (with permission of their sponsor) may be employed as a student. An international student cannot displace an equally qualified student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.

International students are subject to the work hour limitations of their visa status. Failure to comply with the work hour restrictions could result in the student losing their legal status in the US.

For additional questions about employment, international students may contact International Students and Scholar Services.

Employment of Family Members

Ohio's Ethics Law prevents public employees from using their position to obtain employment for family members. This includes, but is not limited to an employee's:

  • Child(ren)
  • Spouse
  • Siblings

Employment of Members of the Same Family details the University's policy for members of the same family being employed at Miami. An exception can be permitted for large departments where the lack of interaction or supervision between the child and parent can be documented. A written request must be submitted to for consideration (prior to employing the student).

Our Mission

Working alongside the various departments and units within Miami University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.