Following on the heels of what was a tremendously successful first edition in the fall of 2023, a second Artificial Intelligence (AI) summit at Miami is set to take place on March 10-11, 2025 in the Armstrong Student Center and the McVey Data Science building on the Oxford campus. This is one of several events planned for this school year revolving around Miami’s AI FOCUS theme year.
Plans for the symposium, titled AI Everywhere, are still being finalized, but it should be an engaging, action-packed day and a half.
“The return of Miami's AI Symposium as part of this year's Focus theme, 'Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Our World' is really exciting,” said David Seidl, vice president for Information Technology and chief information officer.
This day-and-a-half-long event will include multiple parallel tracks focused on artificial intelligence at Miami including educational, research, and business uses across the institution, a community AI discussion lunch, and keynote speakers with expertise in AI.
New this year is a poster session in the afternoon of March 10 to be held in the McVey Data Science building atrium. Once it has been finalized, the complete schedule of events, speaker bios, and pertinent information will be available on the symposium website at MiamiOH.edu/ai-symposium.
Miami faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the call for proposals for both 50-minute educational sessions and the poster session. “Community engagement — particularly proposals for both sessions and the poster event in the McVey Data Science building at the end of the day Monday — is how the magic will happen,” Seidl said. “I encourage students, faculty, and staff to submit proposals and to hold the date.”
The call for proposals is open now and will run until Dec. 6.
“We have a cross-institution team helping to make the event bigger and better than our successful inaugural event in 2023,” Seidl added. Similar to the first symposium, there are a number of university departments and organizations assisting to make this event as good as it can be, including IT Services, University Communications and Marketing, College of Engineering and Computing, Farmer School of Business, Emerging Technology in Business and Design, Office Of Residence Life, and the Office of Research & Innovation.