University Response
Miami has adopted a Crisis Management Plan to continue business in the event of an emergency. From feeding and housing students to preserving academic functions, numerous procedures have been established to ensure restoration of university functions as soon as possible following a significant disruption. The plan also provides for the protection and survival of our students, faculty, and staff.
In the event of an emergency, Miami will strive to provide communication to all members of its community via various means:
Web page
Urgent safety messages and long-term incident updates will be posted to Miami's homepage and to myMiami.
Text messaging, email, university telephones
Students, staff, and faculty email addresses and Banner-listed cell phone numbers are registered in the Emergency Text Messaging System for receiving text alerts and emails.
The university also sends VoIP phone messages across Oxford and regional campuses.
Parents can receive emailed updates via the Emergency Contact Listserv. (Students must register parents for this service and can do so through myMiami by choosing the "Emergency Contact Information" link within the Web Page Index.)
Campus Status Telephone Line
513-529-1809 is the university information line during the work week. A campus status line, 513-529-9000, provides information on changes to class schedules or campus closure caused by weather or an unexpected event.
Digital signs, computer monitors
Urgent safety messages can be sent to numerous digital monitors and university-owned computer monitors when they are simultaneously sent via text and email.
Outdoor emergency towers
In addition to enabling a person to instantly talk with Miami police, the blue-light towers' speakers broadcast vocal alerts to about 500 feet distance as part of the university’s Oxford emergency notification system, collectively covering a large outdoor area.
Local TV and radio stations
Campus closures and other information are carried by local TV and radio stations, including WMUB (88.5 FM), as needed.
In addition to university texts and emails, student leaders and landlords help deliver safety information to off-campus students.
Institutional Preparedness Team (IPT)
A committee of professionals representing a broad range of offices and expertise on campus. The team consists of mental health, health, residence life, and student conduct professionals, legal and media counsel, police, and faculty, and is convened by the universities Vice President for Student Life.
Crisis Management Team (CMT)
In the event of an emergency, the Crisis Management Team carries out the Crisis Management Plan. This group, which includes representatives from the Office of the President and University Police, among others, oversees a variety of operations, such as crisis communications, information technology, and utility/facility restoration.