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College of Creative Arts Messaging Guide


How does the College of Creative Arts fit into the Power of Will story?

The Power of Will is about quiet confidence, optimism, and resolve. It’s about humans, what they can accomplish, and how they can help others. It’s about the people who embody Miami’s values, who work daily to understand more deeply and connect more meaningfully.

Creative minds are no strangers to will. The dedication, grit, and drive needed to build a career in any creative field embodies the Power of Will philosophy. In the College of Creative Arts, we help students cultivate their will and realize the full potential of the arts and emerging technologies. Our students will change lives, address societal change, and solve global issues.

The Power of Will is designed to empower and support, never to alienate or intimidate. When we tell someone they will accomplish great things at Miami, we’re saying it’s our purpose to help them accomplish great things. We provide the resources, opportunities, and support vital to meeting a wide range of goals.

The arts, architecture, design, and emerging technologies are fields with the transformative power to improve lives and society. Students choose the College of Creative Arts not only because we possess great disciplinary expertise, but because we have the support, outcomes, and network that they seek to transform their own will into reality.


When it's time to apply these concepts to real-world communications like emails, blogs, social media posts, etc., keep in mind the things that make the College Creative Arts unique. These will naturally fit with Miami's brand pillars and The Power of Will campaign.

Here are some prompts you can use if you're feeling stuck:

The Power of Will is about tenacity, determination, and resilience. How do we show that?

The Power of Will is empowering and never alienating. How do we help others live up to and exceed their potential?

The Power of Will is about Miami University as a community succeeding through confident action, intentional collaboration, and mutual support. How is our work demonstrating that approach?


How do we take what makes the College of Creative Arts unique and blend it with Miami's messaging?

Brand Pillars + Your Pride Points + The Power of Will = Your Story

Find places where Miami University's brand pillars and your pride points intersect— and when possible, use The Power of Will as a creative framework to elevate your message and help strengthen the Miami University story. Practically speaking, seek out opportunities to build messages around the word "will," clearly communicating will as an empowering invitation brought to life through the powerful support and opportunities Miami University offers. Here are a few examples:

Brand Pillar Pride Point Headline/Subhead Example Copy
Understand Deeply A deep understanding of the creative fields (visual and performing arts, architecture and design, emerging technologies) can help us gain a better understanding of humanity and society. Where passion meets expertise: The College of Creative Arts. To fully understand the arts and creative fields is to understand humans—what makes us tick, why we do what we do, how we can be brought together. The College of Creative Arts fosters this deep, holistic learning in creative disciplines like the arts and emerging technologies. We will empower you in practical ways that transform your calling into a thriving career. At Miami, you will create.
Learn Broadly Value of “practical” minors and double majoring. Why stop at triple-threat? Expand your knowledge of all the creative arts at Miami University. In the College of Creative Arts, our mission centers on that place where a broad education and the arts and emerging technologies intersect— where our lives become richer, our ideas more comprehensive, our view more holistic. Here, you will learn broadly with opportunities to double-major or minor in complementary or non-complementary fields. You will conduct interdisciplinary work or work with cohorts that challenge you and collaborate with you. You will develop an inclusive, optimistic view of how the creative fields impact society.
Think Entrepreneurially The arts contribute heavily to the global economy/arts entrepreneurship. At The College of Creative Arts, you will make more than art. You will create a brighter world. The creative fields play a significant role in business success. An entrepreneurial mindset that seeks out opportunity, leaps hurdles, and cultivates a deep will to protect passion is a true asset for any creative. At Miami, you will learn to find the intersections where your craft meets needs, and where your unique skills can address any challenge.
Serve Purposefully The arts are a catalyst for social change. Your vision will matter. Make your mark with the College of Creative Arts. All of the disciplines within the College of Creative Arts are vehicles for societal change. By reflecting our humanity back to us, by casting a vision for a better future, by mindful design and empathetic action, creative minds both influence and mirror our humanity.
Connect Intentionally Programs serve as “windows to an ever-changing and diverse world.” Architects, actors, artists, app designers (and that’s just the A’s). You will find your people in the College of Creative Arts. The creative arts are about connection: seeking kindred spirits, sharing fears and hopes, building a more beautiful world, designing solutions that make life easier for everyone. Our disciplines are windows onto a constantly changing world. We live in a time of increasing isolation, and the creative arts bring the will, the opportunity, and the passion to build connection and community.

NOTE: These examples were not developed for a specific audience or channel. They are intended to be helpful guides to how you might integrate with The Power of Will and Miami University’s brand pillars with your own stories.