Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Distance Learning
Program Prerequisites
- Associate degree in electrical, mechanical, electro-mechanical, or similarly titled engineering technology program
- The following courses or their equivalent:
- ENT 135 Computer Aided Drafting
- ENT 151 Engineering Materials
- ENT 192 Circuit Analysis I
- ENT 193 Circuit Analysis II
- ENT 196 Basic Electronics
- ENT 271 Mechanics I: Statics
- ENT 272 Mechanics II: Strength of Materials
- ENT 293 Digital Switching
Required Courses for BS Completion
ENT 301: Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite- MTH 151 Calculus I, ENT 271 Statics. The basic concepts of force, mass, and acceleration; work and energy; and impulse and momentum are introduced and applied to problems involving particles and rigid bodies. Topics include displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a particle; relations between forces acting on a particle or rigid body; and the changes in motion produced.
ENT 310: Fluid Mechanics (3)
Prerequisite- MTH 151 Calculus I, ENT 271 Statics. The application of fluid statics and fluid dynamics to the solution of fundamental engineering fluid problems. The one dimensional energy and momentum equations are introduced and applied to the solution of fluid flow problems.
ENT 311: Process Control Interface Design (3)
Prerequisite- CSE 153 C++ Programming, ENT 193 Circuit Analysis II, completion of associate degree or permission of instructor. An introduction to data acquisition and control with a graphical user interface (GUI). Topics include parallel, serial and network access. Data transfer technology such as Object Linking and Embedding and Dynamic Data Exchange are also covered.
ENT 316: Project Management (3)
Co-requisite-STA 301. Prerequisite: ECO201 or 202 Economics or permission of instructor A course of upper-level students in Engineering Technology. This course covers background, techniques, and case studies in project management particularly focused on engineering technology applications. The student will develop a fundamental understanding of the concepts for managing both small and large projects. Discussion, evaluation, and presentation skills will be enhanced. Some of the specific topics to be covered include: Gantt charts, PERT charts, projects life-cycle, budgeting, cost analysis, breakeven analysis, conflict resolution, organization tools, project planning, statistical process control, and other selected quality improvement tools. Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel will be used as software tools throughout the course.
ENT 401: Computerized Instrumentation (3)
Prerequisite-ENT 311, MTH 151 Calculus I. Overview of the requirements for the design of servo-mechanisms including stability, transfer functions, loop dynamics, and digital signal processing. Covers digital and analog signal conditioning, transducers, and controllers.
ENT 402: Industrial Automation (3)
Prerequisite- ENT 311. This course uses lab based experiences to investigate common electrical and mechanical instrumentation including hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, programmable logic controllers (PLC), microcontrollers, and industrial SQL databases.
ENT 407: Modern Manufacturing Systems (3)
Prerequisite- ENT 151 Engineering Materials ENT 272 Strength of Materials. Coverage of topics related to the manufacturing environment including metal deflection and tolerance, robotics, programmable controller applications, and manufacturing cells.
ENT 418: Electromechanical Control Systems (3)
Prerequisite- ENT 301,401, MTH 251 Calculus II. This course covers advanced control topics including state variable models, higher order system response, transient response, and stability analysis.
ENT 497/498: Senior Design I and II (2,2)
Prerequisite- ENT 316 and Senior Standing or permission of instructor. Student teams conduct major open-ended research and design projects. Elements of the design process including establishment of objectives, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation are integral parts. Real-world constraints such as economical and societal factors, marketability, ergonomics, safety, aesthetics, and ethics are also integral parts. 497: feasibility studies performed. 498: implementation, testing, and production of design. Includes guest lecturers, team presentations, team building sessions, team meetings, and guided discussions relating to design. Continuous interaction with faculty and outside professionals.
STA 301: Statistics (3)
Prerequisite- MTH 151 Calculus I. A first course in applied statistics including an introduction to probability, the development of estimation and hypothesis testing, and a focus on statistical methods and applications. Includes introduction to probability of events, random variable, binomial and normal distributions, mathematical expectation, sampling distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Statistical methods include one and two sample procedures for means and proportions, chi-square tests, analysis of variance, and linear regression.
MTH 245: Differential Equations for Engineers. (3)
Mathematical techniques used in engineering: ordinary differential equations first order, higher order and systems, Laplace transforms, and applications.
Prerequisite: MTH 251, MTH 249 or MTH 249H.
Prerequisite: MTH 251, MTH 249 or MTH 249H.
Course Schedule
This schedule assumes full-time students start in the summer and finish in the following:
ENT 310, 311, 316, 402, 407; STA 301; MTH 231
ENT 301, 311, 401, 497; STA 301; MTH 231
ENT 310, 401, 402, 418, 498; STA 301; MTH 231
Technology Requirements
All students in the EMET program are required to bring their own laptop to class. Minimum requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
- 2.5 GHz or faster processor
- 8 GB or higher RAM
- 200 GB hard drive
- DirectX 9-capable video card (1024 x 768 or higher resolution)
- High definition audio system, microphone and a web camera system for video conferencing
Software Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 10 or 8.
- The laptop should be capable of running the following software/ applications which are required by several EMET program courses: AutoCAD, Arduino IDE, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visual Studio, Working Model, and Matlab.