ENT Academics
Associate in Applied Science
We offer associate degrees in two different concentrations. If you are uncertain about which concentration fits you best, feel free to immediately contact one of our academic advisors or any faculty in our department. After earning an associate degree, a student can apply for a bachelor's degree. If your associate degree is in one concentration, you are not required to pursue that same concentration for your bachelor's degree and may choose from any of the four available concentrations.
Bachelor's Degrees
At the Department of Engineering Technology we offer Bachelor's Degrees in four different concentrations. If you are uncertain about which concentration fits you best, feel free to immediately contact one of our academic advisors or any faculty in our department.
Tech Prep and CT2
Tech Prep
Students who are in a Tech Prep program may be earning college credit for career & technical education courses they are taking in high school. View the transfer and articulation page to learn about articulation agreements Miami has signed. Contact barbiegregory@MiamiOH.edu to learn more.
Manufacturing Foundations Certificate
Offered in the Department of Engineering Technology with support of the Ohio Engineering Technology Educators Association, the new program is fast, affordable, and lays the groundwork that can lead to a rewarding career or a college degree.