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Application Process and Forms


Prior to beginning research or acquiring/purchasing agents, researchers are required to submit an application to the Office of Research and Innovation for review by the Institutional Biosafety Committee. The principal investigator must complete the IBC Main Form and complete IBC Forms A-E, as appropriate.

Completed forms should be submitted by email to

Initial Review

Once an application has been submitted, the Office of Research and Innovation will distribute the application to the Institutional Biosafety Committee for review. ORI will make a determination, based upon the information included in the application, regarding the training required of each researcher listed on the application. This information will be communicated directly with each researcher. ORI and the Environmental Health and Safety Office will perform a joint inspection of the lab space(s) identified on the application to ensure that the space is adequate to perform experiments with the agents identified in the application.


After reviewing the application, additional clarification or information may be needed from the Primary Investigator. ORI will contact the PI directly regarding any requests for additional information. The PI shall respond to each comment directly from the information provided by ORI and make revisions to their application based upon the IBC reviewer’s comments via The revisions will be provided to the IBC by ORI.

Final Review and Decision

The application and any revisions will be reviewed by the IBC at a convened meeting. A formal vote will occur so long as a quorum is present. Once a decision has been made by the IBC to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application, ORI will communicate with the PI the decision rendered.

Joseph Carlin
Institutional Biosafety Committee Chair

Joseph Carlin

Pearson Hall, 48
Oxford, OH 45056