Student Surveys
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
A national survey conducted by the Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University, the NSSE assesses the extent to which undergraduates engage in a variety of educationally effective activities. Students respond to questions about how they spend their time and what skills they are developing as the result of their college enrollment. More than 2.7 million students from 1,493 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada have participated in the NSSE since 2000.
Population: (2000 - 2013) Oxford campus first-year students and seniors in the spring semester; (2015) Beginning with the 2015 administration, the NSSE was administered to bachelor's degree-seeking first-year students and seniors on all Miami campuses.
Topics: Students' academic experiences and satisfaction; includes questions such as the number of term papers they wrote for courses, the level of academic challenge they perceive in courses, etc..
Related Surveys: The NSSE is a national survey designed to be paired with the BCSSE and FSSE.
Years Available: 2021, 2023
Questionnaire: Available at NSSE Survey Instrument
NSSE Engagement Indicators: In 2013, NSSE replaced their five Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice with ten Engagement Indicators. A description of the Engagement Indicators, the survey items included in each indicator, and the process for developing and scoring the indicators are available on the NSSE website.
Select Results
If you would like results or analyses not available here, please email
- Survey Instrument
- Comparison Institutions (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Full Frequencies and Percentages (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Engagement Indicators (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- High Impact Practices (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- First-Year and Senior Transitions (Oxford)
- Academic Advising (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Mental Health and Well-Being (Hamilton) (Middletown)
- Pocket Guide (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Survey Instrument
- Comparison Institutions (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Full Frequencies and Percentages (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Engagement Indicators (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- High Impact Practices (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- First-Year and Senior Transitions (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)
- Academic Advising (Oxford)
- Experiences with Online Learning (Hamilton) (Middletown)
- Pocket Guide (Hamilton) (Middletown) (Oxford)

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Oxford, OH 45045 513-529-1662