The University and the Union met for collective bargaining negotiations on September 26, 2023. Prior to discussing substantive proposals, the University's bargaining committee confirmed that it is not agreeing to the Union’s MOU for a 2% increase, at this time. The University reiterated that it intends to negotiate compensation, including the MOU for a 2% increase, when the parties fully engage in discussions on all other economic proposals. The University looks forward to receiving the Union’s other economic proposals, including those on benefits and other economic terms of bargaining unit faculty members' employment.
The University also confirmed that the activities of the Benefits Committee and All-University Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators will remain paused. Additionally, the University informed the Union that, consistent with Ohio law, it continues to engage in good faith bargaining on matters related to the terms and conditions of employment of bargaining unit faculty members. Moreover, faculty participation in these committees is not a mandatory subject of bargaining.
The University asked a series of questions [PDF] regarding the Union's September 12, 2023, Academic Freedom proposal in an attempt to better understand the goals of the proposal and the perceived problems the Union is trying to solve for. In response to these questions, the Union stated they were unaware of any incidents in which a faculty member’s rights for Academic Freedom were violated under the current policies. The University's current policies on Academic Freedom adopts the AAUP's 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom (as clarified in the 1970 interpretational comments), which is a well-accepted standard across colleges and universities.
The Union presented a new proposal on Nondiscrimination [PDF], as well as counter proposals on four of the five University proposals presented at the September 12th bargaining session, including Purpose [PDF], Separability [PDF], Recognition [PDF], and Labor-Management Meetings [PDF].
The University presented a counter proposal on Labor-Management Meetings [PDF], as well as five new proposals on Duration [PDF], Health, Safety and Security [PDF], Appointments [PDF], Discipline and Discharge [PDF], and Grievance and Arbitration [PDF]. As with the proposals presented by the University at the prior session, these are common provisions found in collective bargaining agreements, including those of Ohio public colleges and Universities.
The parties also reached their first tentative agreement on Recognition [PDF], which describes the unit as determined by the State Employment Relations Board.
The University and the Union are scheduled to meet next on October 18, October 25, November 1 and November 15, 2023. Toward the end of the bargaining session, the parties discussed additional meeting locations conducive for bargaining. The University has secured the Wilks Conference Center on Miami’s Hamilton campus for the upcoming October sessions, which was proposed by the Union during the September 12th bargaining session, and will consider alternative locations proposed by the Union.