Maria Gaidar, Founder of Democratic Alternatives (DA!)
Maria Gaidar is a political activist from Russia who has challenged the Putin regime on its violations of electoral freedom. She is the daughter of the former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, who launched economic reforms in Russia in the 1990's. Ms. Gaidar is the founder of the youth political organization "Democratic Alternative" (DA!) which fights against civil rights abuses, corruption in universities, police brutality, mistreatment of draftees in the army, and intolerance and xenophobia.
Articles and videos about Maria Gaidar
- Demokratizatsiya
Russians Must Shed Fear
INTERVIEW WITH MARIA GAIDAR - Video and commentary on Maria's debate at Club Gogol with writer Edward Bagirov: "Putin's Plan or Putin's Klan?" (in Russian)
YouTube Videos (are all in Russian)
- Masha and the Laws of Putin
- Masha Gaidar on the Situation with Yegor Gaidar
- Shevchuk on Masha Gaidar
- Amazing Interview with Maria Gaidar
- Maria Gaidar on the program "To the Barrier!"
- Maria Gaidar: Isn't it Time to Breathe?
- Maria Gaidar on New Vremechko, 11/04/07
- Maria Gaidar on the program People Want to Know
- Maria Gaidar, Wind of Change. Action against higher prices
- Black & White, 10/4/07
- Masha Gaidar - handing over the diploma,People Want to Know
- DA! against Nashi on the programVremechko
- The Devil