Communication Sciences and Disorders Central Application Service (CSDCAS)
Application Deadline
For Miami University, the CSDCAS application DEADLINE is December 15, 2024. All applications must have the status of COMPLETE at this deadline. Letters of recommendation should be submitted by your letter writers no later than December 15, 2024. Learn more about CSDCAS and create a CSDCAS account. Once the account is made, then additional information about CSDCAS will be provided.
At any time, if you have questions regarding the CSDCAS application process please contact CSDCAS directly or visit the CSDCAS Applicant Customer Service Center.
The CSDCAS portal for Miami University opens on August 15, 2024, for students applying to begin the program in the Fall 2025.
Application Considerations
Miami University uses a holistic admissions process in reviewing applications. We seek students with strong academic and interpersonal skills. We use applicant experiences, attributes and metrics to make admissions decisions. Preference may be given to students with strong extracurricular involvement, including (though not limited to) student/community organizations, volunteer work, employment, athletics, arts, and research. We recommend that students have an overall GPA of 3.3 or higher and a CSD-specific GPA of 3.4 or higher, though we will consider students with lower GPAs who have very strong applications. Miami University’s Graduate School requires a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 to be considered for admission; those with a GPA below 2.75 will be disqualified.
All applicants will be considered for both admission and funding. There is no separate application for assistantships.
General Application Components
These responses will be required for all schools that you are applying to that are also using the CSDCAS portal. The following areas are based on questions asked during last year's application process:
- Personal Information
- Complete the information per the instructions provided.
- Note: We recommend that you use your personal email address rather than your school email address. The email you use (school or personal) should be one you check regularly and that you will have access to post-graduation. Make sure you use an accurate phone number.
- Academic History
- Official transcripts - All official transcripts, including those for AP credit, must be sent to CSDCAS Verification Department P.O. Box 9113 Watertown, MA 02471
- Colleges Attended - Simply add your school, degree, and year. If you did something like PSEO/CCP, you have to also enter those college credits
- Transcript Entry - This needs to be done for EVERY school you received college credit. This is a VERY TEDIOUS part of the application but make sure you are thorough. If you make a mistake in this area, it can significantly delay the processing of your application submission.
- Standardized tests - GRE scores will NOT be used by Miami University and do not need to be submitted.
If you are an international student and are required to submit a TOEFL score, this is where the score should be entered. See Miami University’s criteria for English proficiency test scores for details.
- Supporting Information
- Evaluations (Letters of Recommendation) - You will send a request from CSDCAS to your recommenders, using their system and entering the recommender's email address. Once your recommenders submit their letters, you will be notified.
Program Materials
These are specific components of the CSDCAS application unique to Miami University. Personal Essays and CV/Resumes will be used to measure experiences and attributes. Both will be reviewed both on the content and professional appearance. Please make sure that you carefully follow the instructions for both prior to submission. Failure to follow directions may negatively impact your application
- Personal Essay:
- Formatting:
- 11-point font or larger
- 1.5 or double spaced
- Responses to each of the 3 prompts should be no more than 250 words
- Prompt (please address each of these in your statement):
- Prompt 1: (250 words max): The mission statement for our program is as follows:The Miami University Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology (SPA) is committed to helping students develop superior critical thinking and clinical skills through an integration of academic information with research and clinical experience. These clinical skills will also serve the speech, language, and swallowing, and hearing needs of the individuals in our community. The Master's program in Speech Pathology is a program run by devoted, energetic, professionals dedicated to their students, patients, and profession. The program is unique to the University with a combined mission of training students in a highly-technical and skilled profession, conducting research in a rapidly-evolving field, and operating a professional and teaching clinic serving the University and the surrounding community. Based on our mission statement or other information you have learned about the program, please explain why Miami University is a good fit for you.
- Prompt 2: (250 words max): At Miami University, we have found that students demonstrating the following attributes tend to be successful in the graduate program: Collaboration, Communication, Compassion,Critical Thinking, Ethical Integrity, Initiative, Intellectual Curiosity, Motivation, Organization, Respect for Varied Perspectives, and Reliability. Choose two of these attributes which you feel are personal strengths and describe how you exude these attributes. How will these help you succeed in graduate school?
- Prompt 3: (250 words max): Choose two of these attributes that you would like to improve in yourself and describe. How will you work to develop these attributes during graduate school?
Once you have completed your personal statement, upload your document on the Miami University CSDCAS Documents Tab.
- Formatting:
- 11-point font or larger
- No more than 2 pages
- Do NOT include a photograph of yourself
- Aside from the above points, you may personalize your formatting (professional)
- Only include activities since beginning college
- Failure to follow all directions may negatively impact your application.
- Please include the following sections:
- Personal
- Name
- University, Degree(s), Dates Attended
- Major(s), Minor(s), Certificate(s)
- Overall Cumulative GPA
- Guided Observations (formal observation hours under the direction of an ASHA-certified provider who has met the new ASHA standards; typically these hours are obtained from a clinical methods course)
- Current total number of hours (if none, please state this)
- Expected total number of hours by graduation (if none, please state this)
- Shadowing Experiences (these are informal observation experiences of speech-language pathologists; if none, you may delete this section)
- Location of shadowing experience
- Total number of hours observed
- Clinic Experience: (If none, you may delete this section)
- Location of experiences
- Populations/ types of disorders you served
- Current total number of direct patient contact hours
- Expected total number of direct patient hours by graduation
- Research: (If none, you may delete this section)
- Name of research mentor(s) (faculty/grad students)
- Area(s) of research
- Number of hours per week working on the research project
- Dates of involvement (e.g., MM/YY - MM/YY)
- Your responsibilities
- Any presentations or publications resulting from your work (if applicable)
- Extra-Curricular and Volunteer Activities - Include the following for EACH activity listed
- Name of Activity/Organization
- Frequency of activity (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, one-time event)
- Dates of involvement (e.g., MM/YY - MM/YY)
- Define any leadership roles/responsibilities, if applicable
- Employment (If none, you may delete this section) - Include the following for EACH job listed
- Name and location of employer
- Brief summary of job (e.g., title and basic responsibilities)
- Approximate number of hours per week
- Dates of employment (e.g., MM/YY - MM/YY); indicate if it is year-round or seasonal employment
- Define any leadership roles/responsibilities, if applicable
- Awards/Honors (If none, you may delete this section)
- Name of award/honor
- Date(s) received
- Other Relevant Other Experiences (If none, you may delete this section)
- Specialized training/certifications
- Conferences attended
- Other relevant training/experiences not listed above
Once you have completed your resume/CV, upload your document on the Miami University CSDCAS Documents Tab.
- Miami University CSDCAS Pre-Requisites Tab, found on the CSDCAS Application: This information is reviewed very carefully and checked against the requirements of the program. Many of the classes on this list are required before entering our graduate program, please see the Review Graduate Admission Requisites section above for details.
- Twelve (12) Different pre-requisites are delineated in this section.
- Carefully indicate the courses/credit hours/grades that you have completed OR NOTE THAT YOU ARE SCHEDULED to take a course for the Spring/Summer semester.
- Please leave a course blank if you have NOT taken and DO NOT have a plan to take a specific course. Portions of courses do NOT fulfill the requirement of a completed course. For example, if you take a course that combines voice and aphasia, you are still required to take voice and adult aphasia as separate classes at the graduate level. Also, independent study for research OR work in a lab does not replace a designated research methods course.
Most common CSDCAS question: What do I do if I will not receive my Fall 2024 grades BEFORE the December 15, 2024, deadline? Do I wait to start my application? The answer is NO.
- You should use the one-time academic update allowed by the CSDCAS to submit final grades at the end of the fall semester.
- DO NOT WAIT to complete your application to our program while you are waiting for the grades for your fall coursework.
- This one-time academic update allows you to submit your application in full prior to December 15, and then when your grades are posted for the fall semester, you can just update the academic portion of your application.
- You can use this one-time academic update beginning December 15.
To ensure that our graduate committee will have adequate time to review your grades, please submit your academic update no later than Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
Complete and update your academic application.
Three main points to remember:
- The CSDCAS application deadline of December 15, will require your application to be in the COMPLETED phase.
- Letters of recommendation are due by your letter writers by December 15.
- Students should NOT wait for their Fall transcripts to complete their application. Instead, complete the application, and then once the Fall grades have been received use the one-time academic update allowed by the CSDCAS. The one-time academic update is allowed beginning December 15. To ensure that our graduate committee will have adequate time to review your grades, please SUBMIT your academic update by January 2.