General Focus Curriculum
Our curriculum prepares you for the rigors of medical school and other biomedical professional opportunities through didactic classes, clinical case studies, professional presentations, and shadowing clinicians.
General Focus Suggested Plan of Study
12 months to Degree
Summer Semester |
PAS 601 | Introduction to the Healthcare Professions | 1 |
PAS 603 | Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Research | 3 |
PAS 611 | Pharmacology | 2 |
PAS 612 | Introduction to the Human Body and Pathophysiology of Disease | 4 |
PAS 623 | Immunology and Infectious Disease | 3 |
TOTAL | 13 |
Fall Semester |
PAS 604 | Clinical Bioethics and Professional Conduct | 1 |
CHM 740 | Topics in Organic and Biochemistry | 3 |
Fall Elective1 | Complete one in each of 4 areas | 3 |
Fall Elective | Complete one in each of 4 areas | 3 |
TOTAL | 10 |
Winter Semester |
Winter Elective | Elective if necessary to complete one in each of 4 areas2 |
Spring Semester |
MMS 690 | Capstone | 3 |
Spring Elective | Complete one in each of 4 areas | 3 |
Spring Elective | Complete one in each of 4 areas | 3 |
TOTAL | 9 | |
1 OR MBI 515 in Fall Term & an elective in Winter Term
2 Winter courses are taken as needed to complete electives
Elective Courses (typical semester offerings)
Fall Electives |
Course Number | Title | Credits | Category |
BIO 549 | Biology of Cancer | 3 | Gen Sci |
GTY 608 | The Logic of Inquiry | 4 | Gen Sci |
GTY 609 | Qualitative Research Methods | 4 | Gen Sci |
MBI 525 | Microbial Physiology | 4 | Gen Sci |
BIO 544 | Molecular Biology | 3 | Molec |
BIO 606 | Advanced Cell Biology | 3 | Molec |
CHM 740 | Topics in Biochemistry | 3 | Molec |
MBI 595 | Bacterial Cellular and Developmental Biology | 3 | Molec |
BIO 552 | Neuromodulation | 3 | Neuro |
BIO 554 | Endocrinology | 3 | Neuro |
BIO 569 | Neurophysiology | 3 | Neuro |
GTY 579 | Research Inequality Aging and Health | 4 | PH/Geron |
GTY 602 | Perspectives in Gerontology | 3 | PH/Geron |
GTY 667 | Policy & Politics of Aging | 3 | PH/Geron |
Winter Electives |
Course Number | Title | Credits | Category |
KNH 541 | Environmental Public Health (3) | 3 | PH/Geron |
Spring Electives |
Course Number | Title | Credit | Category |
MBI 505 | Medical Bacteriology | 4 | Gen Sci |
MBI 564 | Human Viruses | 3 | Gen Sci |
BIO 564 | Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology | 3 | Molec |
BIO 605 | Advanced Molecular Biology | 3 | Molec |
CHM 740 | Topics in Biochemistry | 3 | Molec |
BIO 571 | Molecular Physiology | 3 | Neuro |
PSY551 | Cognitive Neuroscience | 3 | Neuro |
PSY556 | Biological Bases of Behavior | 3 | Neuro |
GTY 556 | Aging and Health | 3 | PH/Geron |
GTY 610 | Implementation Science: Linking Research to Practice | 3 | PH/Geron |
GTY 641 | Organizations and Aging Enterprise | 3 | PH/Geron |
KNH 541 | Environmental Public Health | 3 | PH/Geron |
KNH 562 | Public Health Planning and Evaluation | 3 | PH/Geron |
KNH 611 | Behavioral Approaches to Health Promotion and Education | 3 | PH/Geron |