Grounded in Miami University’s tradition of liberal education, ETBD represents the liberal arts of the 21st century, providing a foundation in information and digital literacy, from multimedia authorship/critical theory to digital and social media marketing, from app development to code-based art, from game studies to user-experience design, and more. This grounding is then complemented with a focused area of depth in one of many areas of scholarly interest in IMS.
Thus, ETBD graduates are highly sought after by both employers and graduate schools. Graduates are currently employed by everything from innovative startups like Uber to established agencies like Rockfish to consumer product development like P&G. ETBD games students go on to work for Microsoft Studios, Nintendo, Oblong Industries, ZooGames/IndiePub and Zynga. Mid-career games alumni have experience at Rockstart Vancouver and Lucas Arts.
Notable Miami alumni
founder of J!nx clothing, the sponsor of our annualGlobal Game Jam
director of the Games+Learning+Society, one of the top programs and conferences for games and learning in the world
one of the originators of Dungeons and Dragons
vice president of Amazon Games
senior vice president of Activision Blizzard
founder of 11:11 studios
CEO of choremonster
Areas of interest
Our students are uniquely suited for employment in a number of rapidly growing industries. Students in ETBD often pursue interests in areas including (but not limited to):
Interactive Web Design and Development
Mobile App Design and Development
Game Studies
Game Design
Game Development
Games and Learning
Interactive Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Web and Social Analytics
User Experience and Interaction Design (UX)
Interface Design
Code/Algorithmic Art
Interactive and Digital Art
Simple Robotics (Arduino)
Innovation, Startups, and Tech Entrepreneurship
3D Design and Animation
Virtual Environments, Simulations, and Immersive Virtual Reality
Design Thinking
Music Technology
Critical Theory as Applied to Interactive Contexts
Interactive Communication and Authorship
Interactive Data Visualization
Job Opportunities
Current job opportunities for internships and positions for graduating seniors are available at Miami's Handshake as well as the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies LinkedIn Group.
Have a job opportunity for one of our students or graduates? Email us at and we'll let our folks know!
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Department of Emerging Technology in Business and Design