MME Advising
MME Advisor
All MME majors are assigned an advisor within the MME Department. They can assist you in making educational and career decisions, assist you with course selections, and help solve other academic problems and issues. They can also help you plan your course selections as you seek to attain your target graduation date.
Finding Your Advisor
To find your academic advisor's name and contact information, follow the steps below:
- Log in to myMiami
- Click on the “Academic Advising” button found under “Student Essentials”
- If you are a current MME student and do not have an assigned advisor, please reach out to the departmental advisor for assistance:
Your academic advisor is the person you should contact with any questions you have about your academic plan. You should also meet with your advisor on a regular basis, especially just prior to registering for classes for the upcoming semester.
For Immediate Assistance
If you need immediate assistance or your advisor is not available, contact MME Lead Departmental Advisor, Edgar Caraballo, Ph.D. ( or MME Academic Advisor, Mr. Wyatt Bischoff (
Major Bulletin
Mechanical Engineering
Smart Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering Management
Manufacturing Engineering (old)
MME Additional Resources
- CPB 244: Introduction to Environmental Enigneering
- CPB 423/523: Biomechanics
- CPB 482/582: Process Control
- CSE 153: Introduction to C/C++ Programming or CSE 174: Fundamentals of Problem Solving
- CSE 271: Object-Oriented Programming
- CSE 273: Optimization Modeling
- CSE 372: Stochastic Modeling
- ECE 287: Digital Systems Design
- ECE 291: Energy Systems Engineering
- ECE 302: MATLAB and its engineering applications
- ECE 304: Electronics
- ECE 306: Signals and Systems
- MME 334: Quality Planning and Control
- MME 360: Special Topics
- MME 375: Human Robot Interaction
- MME 434: Manufacturing Design
- MME 435/535: Process Engineering
- MME 437: Manufacturing Automation
- MME 451/551: Sustainability Considerations in Design and Development
*Students wishing to petition a technical elective course must reach out to their advisor before the course begins*
Students wishing to seek an exception to the requirements for their major course of study are required to prepare and submit a petition for review and possible approval. Exceptions include taking courses at other universities for the purpose of substitution for required MME courses. Students are encouraged to obtain approval for substitution of transfer courses prior to enrolling in the course to be transferred. Visit to verify if courses will transfer.
Students are responsible for initiating petitions. Petitions should be prepared in consultation with the academic advisor. Petition forms are available in the department office. They must be properly completed, have all supporting materials attached, and be signed by the student’s advisor. Petitions are submitted to the department administrative assistant. The administrative assistant logs the petition and then passes it on to the Petition Committee chair. The Petition Committee meets in a timely fashion and rules on each petition received. The student and faculty are notified of decisions in writing by email. Questions should be directed to the student’s advisor, the petition committee chair, or the department chair.
All courses that are used to fulfill requirements of the major must be taken for a letter grade, including those in CHM, PHY, MTH, STA, ECE, ENG, and ECO. Courses that may be taken credit/no-credit (C/NC) are Miami Plan electives. For example, the Miami Plan Foundation IIB-Humanities course may be taken C/NC since there is a list to choose from and no specific course is required for any MME major. However, the Miami Plan Foundation IIC-Social Science course is specified to be ECO 201 for all MME majors and must be taken for a letter grade. To receive credit for a C/NC course, you must receive a D- or better. Courses taken on a C/NC basis are not included in your GPA. Miami policy stipulates that no more than 10% of your coursework can be taken C/NC. You must declare your intention to take the course credit/no-credit before 20% of the class meetings have occurred. Visit the OneStop for more information.
Students should be knowledgeable concerning the rules, definitions, and procedures governing academic integrity/academic dishonesty. See Miami University Student Handbook section 1.5 for information regarding Miami’s Academic Integrity policy and procedure.
The student grievance procedure is in accordance with MUPIM Section 5.5 and Section 1.7 of the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Handbooks:
The departmental grievance procedure is as follows:
- The student submits a written, dated, and signed complaint to the department chair
- The chair convenes the department academic grievance committee. This committee consists of three faculty members, one of whom is designated as the chair.
- The grievance committee will verify that full discussions among the student, instructor and department chair have been exhausted as a means of resolving the grievance, determine hearing procedures, and hold hearings to determine the facts.
- Committee recommendations will be in accordance with those discussed in Section 1.7 of the respective student handbook.
- The department chair receives recommendations from the committee and communicates them to the student and instructor.
- The department chair maintains communication with the divisional grievance committee, and retains documents of the entire incident.