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About the Student Success Center

Who We Are

The Student Success Center (SSC) can help you find solutions to your problems so you can focus on pursuing your Miami degree. Contact us to be connected with an advocate who can help you with:

  • Navigating campus resources
  • Creating an academic success plan
  • Deciding if your major is right for you 
  • Transitioning to or from college
  • Addressing a challenging situation 

The SSC also houses the Office of Exploratory Studies, which provides holistic advising services to Miami students who are either undecided on a major or who were not admitted into their program of choice.

An image of Nellie Craig Walker Hall.

Our Staff

Our Mission

The Student Success Center (SSC), located in 112 Nellie Craig Walker Hall, focuses on advocacy, problem-solving, and retention. With the goal of increasing student persistence to graduation, its staff helps students untangle and resolve complex problems and provides assistance with navigating University policies and procedures.

The SSC supports students throughout their Miami experience in many ways, including by:

  • Using data to inform strategic and intentional outreach to students who are not registered for classes and/or who are thinking about withdrawing from the institution.
  • Providing a neutral place for students to talk through cross-divisional questions and concerns, including academic options in all colleges and schools.
  • Helping students create an action plan to resolve issues (personal, medical, academic, familial, or other) that affect their academic and/or social success.
  • Connecting students to a variety of on-campus and off-campus resources.
  • Serving as a central point of contact for special student populations.

Committed to ensuring the success of every Miamian, the SSC serves as a resource for all students. Additionally, staff provide targeted outreach and assistance to a number of special student populations:

  • First-generation college students
  • Foster care alumni and emancipated youth
  • Housing insecure students
  • Low-SES students

Contact the Student Success Center

128 Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056