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Miami alum named Texas Regional Teacher of the Year
Miami alum named Texas Regional Teacher of the Year
Reframe: Episode 59
Inside the Synnovation Lab
Dr. Ellen Yezierski Awarded $1.9M NSF Grant
Ellen Yezierski, Professor of Chemistry, was recently awarded a 5-year, $1.9M NSF DRK-12 grant. The project aims to improve our knowledge of the ways in which conceptual understanding in high school chemistry is afforded and constrained by teachers’ use of dynamic, molecular-level visualizations.
New Education Program Helps Low-income Children Avoid the Summer Slide
A new partnership between Miami University and Hamilton’s Head Start program is helping local children stay ahead this summer. It’s called JUmp over the SUmmer Time (JUST).
Reframe: Episode 56
No-Nonsense Nurturing with Kristyn Klei Borrero and Noah Borrero
CT3 Looks to Great Teachers to Develop More Great Teachers
Kristyn Klei Borrero is the CEO and co-founder of CT3, a professional development and coaching program for teachers used by K-12 schools across the country.
Reflecting on 18 of Last 9: Benjamin Walker
Meet award recipient Benjamin Walker and discover how his international studies led him to his current career.
ASG's 2019 Outstanding Professor might not have been a teacher at all
Catherine Wolfe Bornhorst never imagined that she would receive the 2019 Outstanding Professor Award.
Award-winning Educator Invests in the Social Emotional Sides of Teaching
A recipient of Miami University’s prestigious 18 of the Last 9 award, and a Miami graduate with a degree in teacher education, Benjamin Walker is a professional educator in Chicago, where he’s recently become involved with a social startup called the Academy Group, which accelerates the educational experience for students of struggling communities.