Ellen Yezierski, Professor of Chemistry, was recently awarded a 5-year, $1.9M NSF DRK-12 grant. The project aims to improve our knowledge of the ways in which conceptual understanding in high school chemistry is afforded and constrained by teachers use of dynamic, molecular-level visualizations.
A new partnership between Miami University and Hamiltons Head Start program is helping local children stay ahead this summer. Its called JUmp over the SUmmer Time (JUST).
Kristyn Klei Borrero is the CEO and co-founder of CT3, a professional development and coaching program for teachers used by K-12 schools across the country.
A recipient of Miami Universitys prestigious 18 of the Last 9 award, and a Miami graduate with a degree in teacher education, Benjamin Walker is a professional educator in Chicago, where hes recently become involved with a social startup called the Academy Group, which accelerates the educational experience for students of struggling communities.