Farmer School of Business ranked among top 20 public undergraduate business schools
The Farmer School is ranked among the best public business schools by Poets & Quants for Undergrads.

Farmer School of Business ranked among top 20 public undergraduate business schools
In the just released 2024 rankings from Poets & Quants for Undergrads, the Farmer School of Business at Miami University has yet again been ranked as one of the nation’s top 20 public business schools. The school has also been ranked as one of the Top 7 public schools for Student Academic Experience and in the Top 20 public schools for Career Outcomes. *
“Miami University has always offered students an unparalleled residential college experience where students thrive as they grow emotionally, socially, and academically,” said Jenny Darroch, dean of the Farmer School and Mitchell P. Rales chair in business leadership. “At the Farmer School we also pay close attention to career and personal success. These rankings are evidence that we are achieving our goals and speak to the ecosystem of faculty, staff, fellow students, alumni, and employers who all work together to support our students’ success. Even more gratifying is that these rankings are a result of our alumni reporting their experience at the school and after graduation. Our alumni appreciate and highly value their Farmer School experience and want to remain engaged and support and elevate the next generation of students.”
“The rankings also show how focused we are on preparing our students for career and personal success by providing them with opportunities to ‘practice what we teach’ with innovative curriculum, hands-on learning, access to internships, and opportunities to study abroad and away,” Darroch said.
Poets & Quant’s undergraduate business school rankings are based on three categories they believe best measure the undergrad business school experience: the quality and diversity of students enrolling in a program (Admissions Standards); the ability of a business school to nurture, challenge, and grow those young minds (Academic Experience); and how the market and world’s top employers respond to those graduates when leaving the school (Career Outcomes). Each category is given an equal weight in the final score of 33.3%.
*NOTE: These rankings reflect the Farmer School of Business compared to other public institutions.