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Health and Safety

Our students' health and safety are our highest priorities. While Miami takes many steps to ensure safe programs, there are inherent risks associated with travel.

Miami University is dedicated to offering a wide variety of study abroad and study away opportunities to meet the needs of our student population. We recognize the importance of policies that protect the safety and well-being of study abroad program participants, whether enrolled in a Miami faculty-led program, an exchange program, or directly enrolled in an institution or provider program abroad.

Student viewing sculpture display in Italy


Students with disabilities participate in study abroad programs around the world; the key to a successful experience is planning. Understand, however, that attitudes, accessibility, and accommodation for students with emotional, mental, learning, or physical disabilities may vary at different program sites and locations. Think about how you will manage these differences and seek as much information as possible before you depart.

Discuss your study abroad plans with your Education Abroad Advisor and Miller Center for Student Disability Services. Our offices will work with you to discuss reasonable accommodations abroad and assist you with the planning and pre-departure process. To better help you prepare, please contact us as early as possible.


There is not a single piece of coverage that will envelop all contingencies, but Miami University has assembled a coordinated effort to prepare and protect students as they travel throughout the world.


In short, GeoBlue is supplemental health insurance that allows you to access GeoBlue case management, referrals, and get health care services abroad, from contracted providers, at no cost at the time of service. (Using non-network providers will require payment at the time of service, with reimbursement following claim filing.) GeoBlue also provides emergency evacuation coverage for political and natural disasters.

To buy or enroll

Miami University Access Code: CNX-4745
Use the Miami University access code for the contracted rate.

Review the GeoBlue Member Guide to find out what the plan covers and how to take advantage of GeoBlue member resources.

If you have a health issue, injury, or need to seek medical advice, call GeoBlue, collect, 24/7/365, and a medical professional will assist you. GeoBlue will help locate a doctor, dentist, or other medical professional and provide medical advice. Do not delay in calling, even if you cannot locate your policy number. GeoBlue can help you. If it is an emergency, get to a medical facility and then contact GeoBlue.

Contact the GeoBlue international medical community where you will be connected to English speaking medical and healthcare professional by calling 610-254-8771 or e-mailing

The GeoBlue website has a number of resources for preparing to travel abroad. Here you will find:

  • Travel Safety Global Health Tour – an informative video, along with other short, informative videos. (Also found on YouTube - search “GeoBlue”).
  • mPassport – a mobile health and safety app that you can put on your smart phone to provide easy access to information about doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and medications, as well as news alerts, specific to your travel location. (You can also find the apps by searching for GeoBlue or mPassport at the App Store.)
  • Doctors, Hospitals and Pharmacies – search your destination for medical care.
  • Health and Safety – location-specific health and safety profiles.
  • Translation Guides – drug names, medical terms, and medical phrases in other languages.
  • Featured Articles – travel health and special needs.

International SOS

MU Membership Number: 11BCAS000010

The services provided by International SOS range from simple telephone advice from an expert in the field to full-scale medical and security evacuations. The International SOS network of multilingual specialists operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from 28 Alarm Centers around the world.

Below are some key benefits to membership.

  • Pre-departure preparation: By logging onto the International SOS website ( you can sign up for health and security email alerts and review valuable country-specific information.
  • While abroad: International SOS will help you locate a qualified health care provider, replace a prescription, or simply answer a general medical or safety/security concern.
  • In an emergency: International SOS can ensure you get immediate care whether it requires closely monitoring your condition with local doctors, or evacuating in case of political unrest or disturbances abroad.

It is important to note that International SOS is not health insurance. This assistance program benefit provided by Miami University is designed to supplement and enhance your current health insurance with medical and security advice and services. It does not cover individual medical or evacuation expenses. Miami University therefore requires that all travelers on Miami-managed programs have their own medical, evacuation and travel insurance. Any charges incurred by Miami University for International SOS services not covered by existing insurance will be passed onto the individual.

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

The CDC website contains helpful information with health recommendations based on individual locations. On this website, you can check to see what vaccinations are recommended for your travel, which will assist you in working with your physician to make decisions about your medications and vaccinations.

State Department & STEP

The State Department website provides country-specific information and recommendations regarding health and safety while traveling. Below are several services available on their website.

  • Travel Information - Passport and visa details, and policies for traveling as a U.S. Citizen.
  • Country Specific Information – Information on every country in the world.
  • Travel Warnings and Alerts – Important information to review if traveling to a country under warning and alert.
  • Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP) — The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. You are strongly encouraged to use this resource.
  • Smart Travel iPhone app— Smart Traveler, the official State Department app for U.S. travelers, invites you to see the world with easy access to frequently updated official country information, travel alerts, travel warnings, maps, U.S. embassy locations, and more.

Optional insurance coverage

Miami University recognizes that everyone has unique travel needs. Miami does not provide or require insurance coverage for trip cancellation, travel delay, loss, fire, theft, and damage while traveling. You will want to review the options provided for this coverage by your homeowner's insurance, travel agent, or online providers such as:

Education Abroad

Contact Us

214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056

513-529-8608 (fax)


If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency abroad, please contact MUPD at 513-529-2222.

GSA Partner Logo: IEE Generation Study Abroad Commitment Partner

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