Donna Gouvan, Assistant Director, Budget and Administrative Services
Phone: 513-529-8601
A credit workshop is an enrollment-contingent, self-supporting, program designed to encourage curricular innovation and/or serve special populations of learners. Workshops offer academic credit to registered students, and are directed by Miami University faculty. Workshops vary in length from one day to several weeks.
If you have an idea for a credit workshop, you would be advised to talk to other faculty or staff in your department or division who have proposed workshops. They can help you with the specific process your area goes through in vetting a workshop. In addition, you may choose to meet with the staff in Global Initiatives who can help you through the process.
Once you have background information, try a draft of the proposal to see where you are in gathering what you need to propose the workshop. You may be surprised at how much you already know or have in hand for the proposal.
A workshop budget is an estimation of expenditures, determined by the workshop director. The goal is to develop a realistic budget that will provide a high-quality program.
Global Initiatives Budget Specialist can be a great resource of information during the process.
Your first budget is a proposal; an educated guess. Your expenses will also be an estimate. This is done to give you a general idea of the enrollment you will need to sustain your workshop.
Yes, you can. You must submit a proposal, with a budget, and it goes through the proposal process as described above. You will need to provide rationale on why this course should be offered as a workshop. You must pay careful attention to the contact hour guidelines.
Full-time/part-time faculty, consultants, and others can receive appropriate salary. Full-time unclassified employees on twelve-month appointments cannot receive additional compensation for their work in a workshop unless vacation time is used. All clerical and other classified employees must be hired within university personnel policies. Consult the Human Resources Office or Academic Personnel for more information.
When your enrollment is final you should revise your workshop budget based on the actual enrollment. Revised budgets are submitted to Global Initiatives. If your enrollment is less than proposed, you may need to adjust expenses.
It is the director’s responsibility to promote the workshop to students. However, Global Initiatives can provide support and guidance as needed.
Because every experience is unique, each workshop director has her/his own set of pre-requisites, requirements, rules, and policies for the individual workshop program. All credit workshops operate under the Miami University student Code of Conduct and the Miami University Travel Guidelines, whether they are on-campus, at an off-campus site, or traveling to a location in the US or abroad.
For help with the credit workshop proposal forms and conducting a credit workshop, contact the appropriate Global Initiatives staff member.
Phone: 513-529-8601
Phone: 513-529-8607
Phone: 513-529-8600