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Pay the SEVIS Fee

SEVIS is the system the U.S. government utilizes to collect and maintain information on nonimmigrant students, exchange visitors, and their dependents.

Apply for a Visa

Before you can begin your studies at Miami University, you will need to apply for and be issued a visa stamp.

Port of Entry | Customs

When entering the United States, all international visitors will be inspected by a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer.

Look Up I-94

An I-94 is a number and admission record assigned electronically to international visitors, including students, when entering the U.S. by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

International Students and Scholars

ISSS Requests

International students and scholars can submit a variety of requests to ISSS via InterLink. 

Access InterLink

Campus Community

Campus Community allows to students to find each other based shared country, interests, or other information, ask questions or share info in the forums, learn about upcoming events, and more! 

Access Campus Community

Sign-Up for Email Updates

International students and scholars will automatically receive communications from ISSS. Others are welcome to sign up to receive emails and communications from our office. 

Sign up for Email Updates