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Schedule an Advising Appointment

All Miami international students can schedule in-person or virtual advising appointments with International Student and Scholar Services or schedule an appointment with the English Language Learner Writing Center.

Advising Appointment Guide

How to Schedule an Advising Appointment

  1. Log in to Navigate Student.
  2. In the left column, click the Appointments tab.
  3. Click Get Assistance.
  4. Select Appointment Type
    • Oxford Students: Select Oxford - Student Success & Academic Support
    • Regional Students: Select Regionals - Student Success & Academic Support
  5. Under Service, scroll to International Student & Scholar Services and then select the most appropriate reason listed in that section.
  6. Under Pick a Date, select the date that works best for you and then click the Find Available Time button.
    • If you would like or need to schedule an appointment with a specific advisor, select their name in the Staff menu on the left
    • If you want to see only in-person appointments, you can filter for in-person meetings using the How would you like to meet menu on the left
  7. Select the time that is convenient for your schedule. Be mindful of time zone differences. All appointments are scheduled in Eastern Time (Ohio time).
  8. Select Meeting Type. Confirm your preferred meeting mode from the pull-down menu.
  9. You may opt for Email or Text Message Reminders. You must enter your cell phone number if you opt for a Text Message Reminder.
  10. Click the Schedule button to finalize your appointment.

How to Cancel an Appointment

  1. Log in to Navigate Student.
  2. Review your Upcoming Appointments on the right side of the page.
  3. Choose the appointment you wish to cancel.
  4. Select Cancel My Attendance.
  5. Select Reason for cancellation.
  6. Select Mark as Cancelled.
  7. You and your advisor will receive an email notification with the cancellation.

Drop-In Advising

Drop-in advising is offered during the fall and spring semesters when classes are in session. There are no drop-in periods during university class breaks, winter, and summer terms. Drop-in sessions are limited to ten minutes; if more time is needed, an advisor may recommend that an appointment be scheduled. The following situations always require scheduled appointments: OPT applicationsReinstatement applicationsChange of Status applicationsUniversity Withdrawal, and Academic Standing.

Oxford Campus

ISSS offers drop-in advising to Oxford students Monday - Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. during fall and spring semesters in the International Student Center located in MacMillan 017 (bottom floor, enter from the parking lot center door entrance).

Regional Campuses

ISSS offers drop-in advising in-person to Hamilton students on Monday 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Rentschler Hall room 215, and Middletown students on Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Johnston Hall room 001E.


ISSS offers online drop-in advising via Zoom to all students Monday - Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. during fall and spring semesters.

Join a virtual advising session (Zoom)

English Language Learner Writing Center

ELLWC Appointments

The English Language Learner Writing Center (ELLWC) provides one-on-one consulting to undergraduate and graduate multilingual student writers. Through collaborative peer interaction, supportive and well-trained consultants help students, whose first language is not English, become more confident users of English academic language and effective, autonomous writers across genres and disciplines.

International Students and Scholars

ISSS Requests

International students and scholars can submit a variety of requests to ISSS via InterLink. 

Access InterLink

Campus Community

Campus Community allows to students to find each other based shared country, interests, or other information, ask questions or share info in the forums, learn about upcoming events, and more! 

Access Campus Community

Sign-Up for Email Updates

International students and scholars will automatically receive communications from ISSS. Others are welcome to sign up to receive emails and communications from our office. 

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