Learn more about Miami's healthcare coverage.
Miami and Medicare Basics
Medicare is federal health insurance for people age 65 and older, under age 65 with certain disabilities and any age with end-stage renal disease.
Open Enrollment
Make changes to your benefit selections for the plan year beginning January 1.
Travel Abroad Policy
When faculty and staff at the Oxford Campus have international assignments, they can get recommended vaccinations at the Health Services Center.
Privacy Practices
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.
Compliance Notices
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires specific notices be posted at all times.
Human Resources
Miami University
Roudebush Hall, Room 15
501 E. High St., Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-4223 (fax)
Our Mission
Working alongside the various departments and units within Miami University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.