Oxford Campus
Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-0001
Fax: 513-529-0003
Incoming first year students who need to submit their final high school transcript have this hold placed on their record by the Admission Office. Contact the Admission Office on the campus to which you were admitted. Oxford: 513-529-2531 or admission@MiamiOH.edu; Hamilton: 513-785-3111 or MURAdmission@MiamiOH.edu; Middletown: 513-727-3216 or MURAdmission@MiamiOH.edu.
Hold placed on transfer students or graduate students who do not submit transcripts from prior institution(s). Contact the Admission Office on the campus to which you were admitted. Middletown: 513-727 3216, MURAdmission@MiamiOH.edu; Hamilton: 513-785-3111, MURAdmission@MiamiOH.edu; Oxford undergraduate admission: 513-529-2543, admission@MiamiOH.edu; Oxford graduate admission: 513-529-3734, gradschool@MiamiOH.edu.
Contact the American English and Cultural Program at 513-529-1206 or olauseca @MiamiOH.edu.
The AM Hold is placed by the Coordinator for Academic Integrity when a student’s deadline to complete an educational sanction has passed. The hold is also placed when a student leaves the institution with incomplete sanctions or an unresolved case. If the student wants to return to Miami, the hold will prevent registration until the case is fully resolved. Contact Brenda Quaye, Academic Integrity Coordinator, 513-529-2284 or academicintegrity@MiamiOH.edu.
Student has a prior balance but is currently due a financial aid refund. Miami is not permitted to use the financial aid refund to clear prior balances. The student will receive an email notification regarding the refund and the prior account balance. This hold stops registration as well as transcript and diploma release. The hold is cleared when the student pays the account balance. If you need assistance, please call 513-529-7777.
This hold indicates that you have an outstanding balance. Contact the One Stop on your campus with questions.
Unpaid account has been referred for collections. Stops registration, transcripts, and diplomas. Hold is cleared when balance is paid in full. Contact the Collections Department at 513-529-7777 or collections@MiamiOH.edu.
Student with Perkins and/or Institutional loans needs to complete the online Exit Interview with ECSI (Educational Computer Systems, Inc.). This hold stops registration. The University is notified as soon as the student completes the interview, and the hold is removed immediately. Contact the One Stop on your campus with questions.
This holds does not restrict your account; no additional actions are needed at this time. Questions? Contact Collections at 513-529-7777 or collections@MiamiOH.edu.
Hold is placed when the student is past due on a Perkins Loan and/or University loan. Stops registration, and diplomas. Removed when Office of the Bursar determines that the account is no longer past due. Contact the Collections Department at 513-529-7777 or collections@MiamiOH.edu.
Student’s account has an unpaid balance. This hold is applied before registration opens; this hold stops registration, transcripts, and diplomas. Hold is removed when balance is paid. Contact the One Stop on your campus with questions.
Student’s account has an unpaid balance. This hold is applied before registration opens; this hold stops registration, transcripts, and diplomas. Hold is removed when balance is paid. Contact the One Stop on your campus with questions.
Student’s account had a previously unpaid balance that is now paid. Student is required to obtain a cosigner/guarantor in order to register. Contact the Collections Department at 513-529-7777 or collections@MiamiOH.edu.
You have not completed AlcoholEdu for College. Please contact wellnessmodule@MiamiOH.edu or the Help Line at 513-529-7893 with questions.
This hold is applied for a variety of reasons, including the following: the student has not attended a required meeting with an international student advisor; there is an academic concern related to academic warning/academic probation; the staff wants the student to be aware of ramifications of probation status, the causes of suspension/dismissal, and consequences related to their visa status; and visa compliance circumstances (rare). Contact International Student & Scholar Services at 513-529-8600 or international@MiamiOH.edu.
The IM hold is placed on student records when they have not completed Miami’s required immunization process by the published deadline. The hold is lifted once the student completes the process, which might include inputting their immunization documentation, seeking a medical or non-medical exemption, or a combination of the two. For more information, and for the required forms, visit Student Health Service’s Immunizations page. Email immunizations@MiamiOH.edu with any questions.
The Office of Community Standards places this hold due to incomplete fulfillment of judicial sanctions and during periods of suspension (no less than one semester) and dismissal due to a judicial sanction. Only this staff can release the hold. Contact the Office of Community Standards at 513-529-1417 or communitystandards@MiamiOH.edu.
This hold is applied to a graduating senior who has not completed sanctions and a standardized transcript notation is placed indicating that a disciplinary sanction was not fulfilled. Contact the Office of Community Standards at 513-529-1417 or communitystandards@MiamiOH.edu.
This hold is placed when a student leaves the institution due to a Medical Withdrawal (medical or psychological situation). The procedure for re-enrolling at Miami after a Medical Withdrawal has two distinct processes: removal of the Medical Hold and Re-enrollment at the University.
1. Removal of the Medical Hold: When students wish to re-enroll at Miami, they need to submit to the Dean of Students a completed Provider Return from Medical Withdrawal Form. If the medical hold has not been approved and lifted by the posted re-enrollment deadline, all future registrations will be automatically canceled.
2. Re-enrollment at Miami: Students must complete the online re-enrollment application by the posted deadline. The medical hold does not prevent a re-enrollment application from being processed, however re-enrollment does not imply the student is eligible to register. Failure to re-enroll and resolve the medical hold by the posted re-enrollment deadline will result in registration cancellation.
This hold is placed on the student record when the student accepts the Pathways offer, with the intent of preventing students from dropping the cohort classes and to make sure they maintain enrollment at 16 credit hours in order to be eligible to relocate to Oxford in the spring semester. Contact the Office of Exploratory Studies at 513-529-2139 or exploratorystudies@MiamiOH.edu.
Placed by Registrar staff at the request of other administrative offices, usually at the request of the General Counsel or Dean of Students. Contact the Registrar's Office on your campus. Oxford: 513-529-8703 or registrar@MiamiOH.edu; Hamilton: 513-785-1820 or muhrecreg@MiamiOH.edu; Middletown: 513-727-3217 or midrecreg@MiamiOH.edu.
Unofficially withdrawn from Miami University. Contact divisional advising.
Placed on all undergraduate students through an admissions trigger to force advising prior to initial registration. Ended through an automated process for Oxford orientation sessions or manually by divisional/regional professional advisors after the initial advising meeting. Oxford student: hold is ended the day of your Orientation advising. New regional student: hold is ended the day of your SOAR session. Regional transfer student: hold is ended when you meet with an advisor.
Identical to RA hold in use and application. Contact the Registrar's Office on your campus. Oxford: 513-529-8703 or registrar@MiamiOH.edu; Hamilton: 513-785-1820 or muhrecreg@MiamiOH.edu; Middletown: 513-727-3217 or midrecreg@MiamiOH.edu.
Placed by the Rinella Learning Center staff for students new to academic probation. Contact the Academic Advising Office for your major’s division.
Placed on Miami undergraduate students who when completing a re-enrollment application indicate they have attended another college or university during an absence from Miami. These students are required to submit transcripts from any institutions attended during an absence from Miami. Contact the One Stop on your campus.
You have not completed Sexual Assault Prevention Module. Contact wellnessmodule@MiamiOH.edu or 513-529-7893 with questions.
Placed on Oxford undergraduate students by the Rinella Learning Assistance Center as part of the First Year Intervention program. The hold prevents registration changes until the student completes the Canvas module or contacts the Rinella Learning Center at 513-529-5528 or RLC@MiamiOH.edu.
Placed on undergraduate students who must meet with an advisor in their divisional advising office. Prevents add/drops to the schedule.
The One Stop assists Miami students and authorized family members with billing and payment, financial aid, registration, and student records.
Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-0001
Fax: 513-529-0003
102 Mosler Hall
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 513-217-4111
Fax: 513-785-1807
114 Johnston Hall
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone: 513-217-4111
Fax: 513-727-3427