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Online Courses at Miami

Online courses give you the opportunity to speed up earning your degree, catch up on credits if you've fallen a little behind, or explore a topic you didn't have time for during the busy fall and spring semesters. Miami offers plenty of online courses for current students or transfer and non-degree-seeking students to choose from.

Summer Online Courses at Miami

Speed up your degree, catch up on credits, or explore a new topic — this summer, take Miami courses online at home, on campus, or abroad! This sample of online course offerings highlights courses that can meet Miami Plan Foundation, Thematic Sequence, or Advanced Writing requirements. Miami's Online Ohio Student Tuition Plan provides Ohio residents a 20% reduction in the per credit hour fee for online summer courses.

Summer 2023 Online Course Offerings

Sample of Summer 2023 Online Course Offerings
Course number Course title Credit hours
ACC 211 Accounting for the Non-Business Major 3
ACC 221 Introduction to Financial Accounting (MPT) 3
ACC 222 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (MPT) 3
AMS 205 Introduction to American Cultures (MPF) 3
ART 187 History of Western Art: Prehistoric - Gothic (MPF) 3
ART 188 History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern (MPF) 3
ATH/ENG/GER 219 Introduction to Linguistics (MTH)
ATH/CLS/HST/POL/REL/RUS 254 Introduction to Russian and Eurasian Studies (ADVW) 3
ATH 327 Pokemon and J-Pop in Global and Local Contexts (MPF) 3
BIO 203 Introduction to Cell Biology (MPT) 3
BUS/ENG 284 Professional Communication for Business (ADVW)
CHM 111 Chemistry in Modern Society (MPF) 3
CLS 121 Classical Mythology (MPF, MPT) 3
CPB/MME 314 Engineering Thermodynamics 3
CPB/MME 341 Engineering Economics 3
CRE 151 Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (MPF, MPT) 3
CSE 148 Business Computing 3
CSE 201 Introduction to Software Engineering 3
CSE 212 Software Engineering for UI/UX Design 3
CSE 262 Technology, Ethics, and Global Society (MPF) 3
CYB 236 Data Security 3
DST/EDP/SOC 272 Introduction to Disability Studies (MPF, MPT) 3
DST/EDP/SOC/WGS 375 (Dis)Ability Allies: To be or not to be? Developing Identity and Pride from Practice (MPF) 3
ECO 131 Economic Perspectives on Inequality in America (MPF) 3
ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics (MPF, MPT) 3
ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (MPF, MPT) 3
EDL 203 Introduction to Critical Youth Studies (MPF) 3
EDL 204 Sociocultural Studies in Education (MPF, MPT) 3
EDP 101 Psychology of the Learner (MPF) 3
EDP 256 Psychology of the Exceptional Learner (MPF, MPT) 3
EDP 324 Research and Applied Writing Across the Disciplines (ADVW) 3
EDT 205 Race, Cultural Diversity, and Equity in Education (MPF) 3
EDT 284 Writing for Educators (ADVW) 3
ENG 111 Composition and Rhetoric (MPF) 3
ENG/FST 220 Literature and Film (MPF, MPT) 3
ENG/IMS 224 Professional Communication and Digital Rhetoric (MPT, ADVW) 3
ENG 225 Advanced Composition (ADVW) 3
ENG 226 Introduction to Creative Writing (ADVW) 3
ENG 251 Introduction to European Literature (MPF) 3
ENG 313 Technical Writing (ADVW) 3
FIN 211 Financial Capital 3
FIN 301 Introduction to Business Finance 3
FRE 202 Critical Analysis of French Culture (MPF) 3
FST 201 Film History and Analysis (MPF, MPT) 3
FST 206 Diversity and Culture in American Film (MPF) 3
FSW/SOC/WGS 221 Sexualities 3
GEO 101 Global Forces: Local Diversity (MPF, MPT) 3
GEO 122 Geographic Perspectives on the Environment (MPF, MPT) 3
GEO 201 Geography of Urban Environments (MPF, MPT) 3
GER 231 Enchanted Worlds: Folk and Literary Fairy Tales (MPF) 3
GLG 111 The Dynamic Earth (MPF, MPT) 3
GLG 121 Environmental Geology (MPF, MPT) 3
GLG 141 Geology of U.S. National Parks (MPF, MPT) 3
GLG 335 Ice Age Earth (MPT) 3
HST 197 World History to 1500 (MPF) 3
IMS 211 Introduction to Game Studies (MPF) 3
IMS 222 Introduction to Interaction Design and Development (MPF) 3
IMS/MKT 392 Content Marketing 3
IMS/MKT 419 Digital Branding (MPT) 3
ISA 235 Information Technology and the Intelligent Enterprise (MPT) 3
ITS 201 Introduction to International Studies (MPF, MPT) 3
KNH 101 Personal Nutrition 3
KNH 188 Physical Activity and Health (MPF, MPT) 3
KNH 214 Global Well-Being (MPF) 3
MAC 202 The Smartphone and Society (MPF) 3
MBI 131 Community Health Perspectives (MPF) 3
MGT 111 Introduction to Business (MPF) 3
MGT 291 Introduction to Management and Leadership (MPT) 3
MJF 105 Introduction to Media and Culture (MPF, MPT) 3
MKT 291 Principles of Marketing 3
MME 201 Modeling and Design in Engineering 3
MME 211 Static Modeling of Mechanical Systems 3
MTH 151 Calculus I (MPF, MPT) 3
MTH 222 Introduction to Linear Algebra (MPT) 3
MUS 185 The Diverse Worlds of Music (MPF) 3
PHL 103 Society and the Individual (MPF) 3
PHL 265 Confronting Death (MPT) 3
PHY 141 Physics in Sports (MPF) 3
PHL 273 Formal Logic (MPF, MPT) 3
POL 221W Comparative Politics (ADVW) 3
POL 241 American Political System (MPF, MPT) 3
POL 343 American Presidency (MPT) 3
POL 382 International Law (MPT) 3
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology (MPF) 3
PSY 210 Psychology Across Cultures (MPF) 3
REL 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion (MPF, MPT) 3
RUS 137 Magic and Power in Russian Folklore (MPF, MPT) 3
SJS/SOC 165 Introduction to Social Justice Studies (MPF) 3
SLM 195 Stress Management and Performance Psychology in Sport 3
SLM 273 Sport Communication and Media 3
SLM 275 Introduction to Sport Analytics 3
SLM 276 Current Issues in Leisure and Sport (MPF) 3
SOC 153 Sociology in a Global Context (MPF) 3
SOC 201 Social Problems (MPT) 3
SPA 127 Introduction to Communication Disorders (MPF, MPT) 3
SPA 223 Theories of Language Development (MPF) 3
SPN 202 Second Year Spanish 3
SPN 315 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures (MPF, MPT) 3
STA 301 Applied Statistics (MPT) 3
STC 135 Principles of Public Speaking 3
STC 236 Intercultural Communication 3
STC 331 Branding in Politics 3
WGS 201 Introduction to Women's Studies (MPF, MPT) 3
WGS 202 Introduction to LGBT Studies (MPF) 3


  • MPF = Global Miami Plan Foundation courses
  • MPT = Thematic Sequence courses
  • ADVW = Advanced Writing courses

For a complete list of online courses available this summer, view the course list.

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