Graduate Nursing Program Resources
Graduate Program Information
Master of Science in Nursing Program Outcomes
- Translate and integrate knowledge to inform the practice of nursing, including expert judgment in practice.
- Synthesize understanding of effective organizational and systems leadership and interprofessional collaboration in complex systems of practice.
- Apply principles and methods of quality and safety science, nursing science, and evidence-based practice as an integral aspect of nursing.
- Use informatics and emerging technologies to manage and improve nursing practice, advocating for system level improvement in health and healthcare.
- Collaborate with interprofessional partners including team members, patients, and communities to optimize care, enhance the experience for stakeholders, improve outcomes, and reduce costs
- Synthesize understanding of equitable population health outcomes.
- Analyze components of person-centered care for individuals, families and communities including individual to systems interventions targeting positive health outcomes.
- Synthesize ethics and values of the profession, a commitment to self-development, and the professional leadership expertise into the development of an individual professional nursing identity.
Master of Science in Nursing Tracks
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Nurse Executive Leadership
MSN Track Outcomes
- Manage the care of patients in the primary care setting by utilizing principles of assessment, diagnosis, planning and evaluation.
- Diagnose pathologies and perform procedures in the primary care setting.
- Partner with patients to provide and advocate for person-centered, culturally relevant care.
- Develop and engage in interprofessional collaboration and community partnerships to meet the needs of a diverse patient population.
- Apply leadership and professionalism in the role of advanced nursing practice.
- Synthesize understanding of the healthcare delivery system to promote safe, cost-effective care.
- Apply principles of population health, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice to primary care practice.
The Nursing Leadership MSN Graduate will be able to:
- Synthesize and apply effective communication skills with diverse individuals to promote community, academic and interprofessional relationships.
- Model leadership in health systems, including reflective practice and visionary thinking.
- Synthesize understanding of systems and leadership skills to effectively manage change, lead health systems and plan for succession.
- Synthesize and apply ethics and professional accountability, including advocacy for the health care team, for patients/families and for the community.
- Advocate for the advancement of the profession and create a professional career plan for nurse executive leadership.
- Synthesize financial and strategic management, human resource management, and information management skills necessary to lead health systems.
MSN Required Courses
View the MSN required courses.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Outcomes
- Develop and evaluate new approaches for quality improvement based on scientific theories and principles.
- Employ principles of business, finance, economics, and health policy to develop and implement system-wide initiatives to improve outcomes.
- Design, direct and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient and equitable outcomes.
- Provide leadership in the evaluation and resolution of ethical and legal issues within a complex organization.
- Synthesize leadership in the development and implementation of institutional, local, state, federal, and/or international health policy.
- Employ consultative and leadership skills in intraprofessional and interprofessional teams to facilitate quality initiatives to improve health care and/or organizational outcomes.
- Evaluate delivery models and/or strategies using socioeconomic cultural, organizational and community concepts
- Synthesize advanced levels of systems thinking, decision making and accountability in designing, delivering and evaluating and evidence-based project to improve outcomes in a complex organization
Doctor of Nursing Practice Required Courses
Nursing Faculty and Staff
Miami Nursing Department faculty and staff
Graduate Program Contacts:
- Stephanie Nicely, EdD, MSN, RN, Interim Chair, Department of Nursing and Associate Professor
- Jennifer Rode, PhD, FNP, Associate Professor, Director Graduate Nursing Programs
- Dr. Tricia Neu, DNP, FNP, Assistant Professor and Director of Family Nurse Practitioner Program
- Raquel Campbell, MSN, Graduate Clinical Placement Coordinator,
- Linda Helling, Senior Program Assistant Graduate Programs,
Summer Workshop Information
Summer workshops provide an opportunity to develop hands-on skills, network with peers, and build student-faculty relationships. Each MSN track has one unique workshop built into the respective curriculum. Workshops are delivered to all MSN tracks on the same weekend to allow for networking opportunities. Future workshop dates:
- May 30-31, 2025
Graduate Program Foundations and Accreditation
- The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the national voice for academic nursing. AACN works to establish quality standards for nursing education; assists schools in implementing those standards; influences the nursing profession to improve health care; and promotes public support for professional nursing education, research, and practice. Miami University’s graduate nursing program was developed to align with AACN essentials.
- The master's degree program in nursing (MSN) at Miami University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
- The Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Miami University is pursuing initial accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee that accreditation will be granted.
Graduate Nursing Student Handbook
Graduate Nursing Committees
The Department of Nursing has three Graduate Nursing Committees:
- Graduate Curriculum Committee is responsible for oversight of all graduate curriculum, ensuring alignment to professional standards and assessing programmatic outcomes to evaluate curriculum effectiveness.
- Graduate Systematic Program Evaluation (SPEC) is responsible for the comprehensive evaluation of all components of the graduate program, including assessment and achievement of program learning outcomes.
- Graduate Admission, Progression & Graduation (AP&G) is responsible for reviewing and revising the admission and progression policies and procedures for the graduate nursing program.
Two of these committees, Graduate Curriculum and Graduate AP&G, provide a formal channel for student input to programmatic discussions, allowing students to be involved in the policy- and decision-making of the graduate nursing program. Student liaisons from the graduate program will be elected by their peers each year to serve on both committees. When students identify issues or have feedback to present formally, they may request through their representative that an item be placed on the committee’s agenda for discussion. Students may also contact the graduate program administration directly via the Graduate Nursing Program Director.
Graduate Nursing Forms
- Graduate Nursing Consent to Testing and Information Sharing [PDF]
- Graduate Nursing FERPA [PDF]
- Graduate Nursing Clinical Placement Policy [PDF]
- Graduate Nursing Badges and Miami University IDs [PDF]
- Graduate Student Physical Form [PDF]
- Graduate Nursing Student Checklist [PDF]
- DNP Mentor Information Packet [PDF]
- DNP Practicum Hours Plan 722 [PDF]
- DNP Practicum Hours Plan 724 [PDF]
- DNP Practicum Hours Plan 726 [PDF]
- DNP Practicum Site Approval Form [PDF]
- DNP Program MSN Hours Verification and Additional Hours Calculation Form [PDF]
- FNP Track Transfer Request [PDF]
- G-AP&G-Petition for Special Consideration [PDF]
- NEL Track Transfer Request [PDF]
Nursing Library Resources
View the Nursing Library Resources.
Graduate Degree Requirements
View the graduate degree requirements.
National Certification
Certification eligibility is pending MSN accreditation.
Upon graduation, Family Nurse Practitioner students will be eligible to test for Family Nurse Practitioner certification exams from two organizations:
Upon graduation, Nurse Executive Leadership students will meet the education eligibility requirements to test for certification from two organizations:
- The Executive Nursing Practice Certification from the American Organization for Nursing Leadership
- The Nurse Executive Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center
University Resources
Graduate Student Policies
Review the Graduate Student Policies to find information such as Academic Regulations, Graduate Degree Requirements, Graduate Council Policies, and Health and Safety information.
How to Access Canvas
Students can access Canvas through:
- My Miami
- The Canvas website
- Take the time to look around the portal page paying particular attention to the training and resources available
- The Canvas app
Bookmark all relevant pages for future use. Review the Canvas guide titled " What are the browser and computer requirements for Canvas?” to confirm you have the correct requirements for Canvas to work properly.
Canvas and Online Student Resources
Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) used to facilitate delivery of courses at all Miami University campuses. The Canvas Student Guides are intended to introduce you to the most commonly used features of Canvas.
Technology Support, Setup, and Best Practices
Technology Support
Your course instructor will likely be unable to assist you with things like troubleshooting logging into Canvas, resetting your password(s), etc. You should only be contacting your course instructor with course content questions (due dates, assignment questions, etc.). Your first step in troubleshooting any tech problems is to try and figure out the problem yourself. If you're unable to do so, please contact the Regional Technology Services.
Technology Services has regionalized their contact information, so no matter where you are, you only have to remember one point of contact.
- Phone: (513) 217-4000 or 7-4000 (from on-campus phones)
- Email:
- Regional Campuses - Technology Issue or Support Request
- IT Portal
Technology Setup
In order to ensure some minimum technology requirements are tested and addressed before you dive into your courses, take time to test your webcam, sound, and microphone. Click on the following links to perform the tests and also find some helpful troubleshooting tips.
Technology Best Practices
In order to facilitate a positive online experience and avoid unnecessary stress throughout the course, it is VERY important to have and use a technology plan for success in the online learning environment.
- Review the Canvas guide for browser and computer system requirements for using Canvas.
- Locate a microphone and webcam if needed for your course.
- Utilize an updated computer/laptop with high-speed internet access.
- Identify a second computer to be used in case your primary computer has a functionality issue such as software, hardware, Internet access, etc. Campus computer labs, libraries, and local libraries are a great resource for free computer and internet access.
- Contact the Technology Services Departments at Miami University Regionals if you have technical questions or need assistance.
- Install and maintain an antivirus software application and regular computer updates to protect the functionality of your workstation.
- Confirm technical and software requirements for all courses at the beginning of the term, well before they are needed for coursework.
- Make sure to give yourself adequate time to complete assignments and tests. It is important when working with time-sensitive online activities to set aside extra time to allow for upload, download, or submission prior to assignment deadlines.
- Set a location where you store your coursework, as well as a secondary backup location (ie, flash drive, Google Drive, etc). Remember to save your digital work frequently.
- Visit Infobase Learning Cloud for on-demand training resources related to common software such as Google Apps, Microsoft Office, Adobe, and workshops such as resume writing, interviewing, completing the FAFSA, plagiarism, and how to be successful in online courses.
Academic Support
The Rinella Learning Center (RLC) focuses on helping students be their most successful in and out of the classroom by offering tutoring, various workshops and test-taking alternatives.
The mission of the Howe Writing Center (HWC) is to ensure that both undergraduate and graduate student writers at Miami receive helpful feedback and support on their writing projects from well-trained peer-consultants, and are assisted in developing as effective writers in varied contexts and genres.
As one of 15 departments in the Division of Student Life, the Miller Center for Student Disability Services (SDS) coordinates accommodations, auxiliary aids, support services and resources for over 1500 students on Miami's Oxford and Regional campuses. SDS supports Miami’s commitment to diversity & inclusion and promotes student access to an equitable college experience. Services are coordinated in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act. Contact information for more information regarding Student Disability Services can be found here, Contact Your Campus.
One Stop
For information about Paying for College, Registration, and Academic Records, visit one of these menu items found at the top of the Miami One Stop website.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Academic Integrity is at the heart of the mission and values of the university and is an expectation of all students. Maintaining academic integrity is both a reflection of your character and a means to ensure that you are achieving the outcomes of this course and that your grades accurately reflect your learning and understanding of the course material.
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or work and presenting it as your own. Sometimes it’s deliberate and sometimes it’s accidental. Please refer to the links below for helpful resources to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity. You will need to log in with your Miami credentials to view the videos.
- View this Video on Academic Integrity
- View this Video on Academic Plagiarism
- Academic Integrity
Academic Calendar
View the Miami University Academic Calendar for important dates, including first and last days of classes, add and drop dates, holidays and breaks, registration deadlines, and more.
Time Zones
Course activity due dates by default are set to display in Eastern Time (EST/EDT). To avoid time zone confusion, set Canvas to display your local time zone. Displaying dates in your local time may help you stay up to date on assignments and due dates, especially if your course time zone differs significantly from where you reside.
For more information about time zones and which time zone you are located in, please visit the Time and Date website.
Email and Communication Guidelines
Email Policy
A Miami University-provided email address is an official means of communication. Review Miami's Student Email policy .
Network etiquette or “Netiquette” includes the rules of acceptable behavior for online communication. In other words, it's all about how you present yourself in an online environment. Netiquette extends to email, chat, and discussion boards.
- Use only proper, respectful, and appropriate language. Even common slang may come across poorly or be misunderstood.
- Avoid all caps.
- Be cautious when using humor and sarcasm.
- Avoid using social media text types, such as emojis and abbreviations.
- When offering constructive criticism, remember to say it in a positive and encouraging manner.
- Understand that you may disagree with your classmates or your instructor, but that exposure to alternative perspectives and insights is an important part of the learning experience.
- Avoid generalizations. Explain your ideas, offer details, and strengthen your arguments with facts and reliable citations.
- Ask for clarification, so as to avoid misinterpretation.
- Review what you’ve written. Consider multiple perspectives before you post. Remember… you are communicating with real people on the other side of the screen; people with feelings and struggles and efforts to do their best, too, just like you.
Student Counseling Services
The Miami Regionals Counseling Centers provide students with confidential counseling services free of charge. Counseling is offered in the following areas: suicide awareness and prevention, personal concerns, relationship issues, and mental health, and support services for student veterans.
For emergencies outside of business hours, consider using the resources and third-party numbers listed on the SCS website .
Diversity and Inclusion
Miami University Regionals E-Campus is dedicated to providing a supportive atmosphere for students, faculty, staff, and local community members about diverse issues as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability level, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, and more. Through valuing our own diversity and the diversity of others, we seek to learn from one another, foster a sense of shared experience, and commit to making the University the intellectual home for us all. Read the University Statement Asserting Respect for Human Diversity and visit the Miami University Regionals Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to learn more about the programs offered by this office.
Title IX Mandatory Reporting
As of July 1, 2017 nearly all employees of Miami University have a Duty to Report Harassment and Discrimination. We are deeply committed to finding ways to effectively prevent, reduce and respond to discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence. This change is intended to create a more aware, responsive, and safer community. By asking all employees to report, we will be able to respond more effectively when a member of our community experiences such misconduct. Visit the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity to learn more about Title IX or to make a report online.
Review Miami's Sexual Misconduct Protocol for Students policy
View Miami's FERPA Policy
Course Privacy
All course activities are designed to be educational experiences. If you have concerns about your privacy with any activity, please contact your course instructor for guidance. In general, be careful to not reveal personal information, data, or schedules online, and be mindful of items that are published for public viewing. Please make sure to use your Miami Google account instead of your personal Google accounts to protect your privacy.
Miami University Publications and Policies
Please familiarize yourself with the Miami University Student Policy Library as well as Miami University Publications and Policies. A few commonly referred to policies include:

Hamilton Campus
University Hall1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011 513-785-7752
Oxford Campus
Clinical Health Sciences & Wellness Building421 S. Campus Ave
Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-0298