Information for Transient Students
Transient students (also known as visiting) are students who take classes at Miami University Regionals for one semester, with the intention of transferring that credit back to your home institution.
Transient Advising
If you are a Transient student, our advising process is a little different because you are being advised for your degree program at your home institution. For example, we don't require you complete our orientation process, and we waive pre-req requirements, allowing you to take classes "at your own risk." Please consult with an academic advisor at your home institution to make sure credits taken while a Transient student at Miami Regionals will work with your intended degree program.

The Office of Academic Advising has compiled a FAQ for students who are visiting Miami for a semester.
We have a series of 'registration tips' videos to help you with this process.
The course I would like to register for has a pre-requisite, a co-requisite, or an error, what do I do?
Contact the Office of Academic Advising at Please provide the course name and number, the course registration number (CRN), and a description of the error (a screenshot works really well here). We will force-add you into the class -- remember, you are taking the class "at your own risk;" work with an academic advisor at your home institution to make sure you are prepared to take the class and that it will work in your degree program.
Should you need to drop a class, you may do so on BannerWeb for the first two days of the summer term. After that you must email the instructor directly, using your Miami email, to request a drop
Some schools use and students can see how a course will transfer. You can create a free account.
Students can only be a transient student for one semester. If you are interested in transferring to Miami University Regionals you can apply here.
Once specific criteria are met, Miami Regionals students can elect to take some or all of their courses at the Miami University-Oxford campus. Learn more about the Change of Campus process.