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Academic Journey

Miami University's Regional College of Liberal Arts and Applied Sciences (CLAAS) offers a variety of bachelor and associate degrees that can be earned entirely at the Hamilton and/or Middletown campus, or online via Miami Online (formerly E-Campus). Students are also welcome to begin their education at the Regional locations and then change their campus to Oxford to finish degrees housed there.

Majors, Minors, and Degrees

Here are a variety of tools to help you discover the major that works best for you:

New incoming students discuss their degree options when they meet with an advisor at Orientation. Continuing students are welcome to schedule an appointment with a Regional academic advisor to discuss the many degree options at Miami University.  

Student taking notes during class.

Online Courses and Degrees

Explore accredited degrees that are 100% online and more than 200 courses.
3 students standing in front of a fountain in Paris

Participating in a study abroad program gives you the opportunity to experience a new culture through first-hand experience. Study abroad can help you gain new perspectives and help you push your comfort zone. Miami University Global Initiatives helps students find and complete study abroad experiences. There are so many opportunities for Regional students to study abroad, and there are scholarship opportunities, as well. 

Contact the Global Initiatives office at or at 513-529-8600 to make an appointment. Some topics you might cover during your study abroad advising appointment:

  • Choosing a study abroad program
  • Exploring opportunities at Miami's Luxembourg program
  • Aligning a study abroad program with y our academic or career plans
  • Opportunities for study abroad scholarships
  • Completing the study abroad application 
Student contributing to group discussion during her class.

The CLAAS Divisional Honors Program gives select students the opportunity to enhance their general education requirements by engaging in a variety of additional learning experiences. If you are accepted as a Regional Honors student, you'd be expected to complete seven total seminars and experiences over the course of your undergraduate studies that extend your learning beyond the classroom. 

Regional students with a high school or college GPA over 3.0 are invited to apply to the CLAAS Divisional Honors Program. Admission is both competitive and comprehensive. All applications are reviewed by the Director and members of the Honors Advisory Council. If you have questions, please contact the Director of Honors at Miami Regionals, Dr. John Cinnamon, at or 513-785-3270. 

Student completing work on her laptop with a coffee on the table

Miami Regionals students can complete a variety of certificates and microcredentials that help them gain practical skills quickly to further careers and interests. Microcredentials, offered through Miami Online, focus on specialized outcomes, skills or experiences that make someone better qualified to do a particular job. They can open up opportunities for promotion or a career change. You can apply now to a microcredential program. 

Regional students also can complete many certificates in all Divisions of Miami University. Some popular undergraduate certificates include:

For more information on certificate programs or microcredentials, please contact our Academic Advising Office. 

2 students using a remote to control a robot arm.

Regional campus students are eligible for a variety of scholarships. The Regional Office of Financial Aid automatically makes award determinations by reviewing a student's GPA and the eligibility criteria required for each scholarship. Miami Regionals offers automatic Merit Scholarships to students who meet the requirements and deadlines. Departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Sciences (CLAAS) also offer scholarships, such as in Nursing, Engineering Technology and Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies

Regionals Academic Advising

Hamilton Campus, Rentschler Hall 2nd Floor
Middletown Campus, Johnston Hall 001