Instructor: John Richter • • HUG308 • 513-529-2596 (cell 513-300-5724)
Course: MME448 & 449 Senior Design Capstone
Introduction: Miami University's MME department is looking to develop business partnerships to conduct design or manufacturing improvement projects that will benefit the business and provide valuable educational experience to the students involved. These projects are selected by the business and then executed by a team of engineering students who are assigned by the course instructor to the project. The business would then assign a point of contact within the business to assist the student project team with project goals, requirements, and other necessary information. The project duration is 9 months (2 semesters), culminating with a working design prototype, design drawing package, and manufacturing plan.
The gates for MME448/449 will follow the design process.
MME448 (1st Semester)
Gate 1: Problem Definition/Objectives
Gate 2: Conceptual Ideas and Design Specifications
Gate 3: Proposal of Final Design Idea
Gate 4: Detailed Design Review of Final Design
MME449 (2nd Semester)
Gate 5: Corrective Action from Design Review/Product Realization Plan
Gate 6: Development of Product/Testing Procedure Plan
Gate 7: Testing Results
Gate 8: Implementation of Product for Final Review
501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
West Chester, OH 45069
Chateau de Differdange
1, Impasse du Chateau, L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA