CAEP Key Assessments
The Miami University School Psychology Program is approved through the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and our accreditor, Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
CAEP is one of our profession’s mechanisms by which to establish and ensure the high-quality preparation of school psychologists. These systematic evaluation and accountability procedures are also used to improve the program.
To help in the process, the School Psychology program collects data about student progress throughout the program and an indication of each student’s outcomes via use of data from the below list of key assessments, which are embedded in the following courses.
MU School Psychology Program: CAEP/Key Assessment Breakdown
Assessment Key
- Content Knowledge—Licensure (Praxis School Psychology Exam via ETS)
- Content Knowledge—Course Grades
- Practica (660, 654 rubrics/scales)
- Internship (795 and 796 rubrics/scales)
- Comprehensive, Performance-Based Internship Assessment (796 portfolio)
- Effects on Student Learning Environments/Learning (796 intervention outcomes)
Benchmark 1: Entrance
- GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Successful undergraduate completion
- Acceptable written essay
- Three appropriate letters of recommendation
- Personal interview and associated ratings
Benchmark 2: First Year Foundations
- 0 GPA cumulative
- Assessment 2: Course Grades [successfully complete (B or higher) all first year courses]
- Complete Master’s of Science
Benchmark 3: Second Year Pre-Internship Foundations
- Assessment 2: Course Grades
- Assessment 3A: EDP 654 Counseling Practicum Evaluation
- Assessment 3B: EDP 654 NASP Professional Work Characteristics I
- Assessment 3C: EDP 654 Mental Health Case Study Rubric
- Assessment 3D: EDP 660 Academic Practicum Case Study Rubric
- Assessment 3E: EDP 660 NASP Professional Work Characteristics II
- Assessment 3F: EDP 660 Practicum Progress Monitoring Scale
Benchmark 4: Internship/Exit
- Assessment 1: PRAXIS School Psychology Content Knowledge Test
- Assessment 4A: EDP 795 Internship Competency Evaluation 1
- Assessment 4B: EDP 796 Internship Competency Evaluation 2
- Assessment 4C: EDP 796 Internship Competency Evaluation 3
- Assessment 4D: EDP 795 NASP Professional Work Characteristics 3
- Assessment 4E: EDP 796 NASP Professional Work Characteristics 4
- Assessment 4F: EDP 796 NASP Professional Work Characteristics 5
- Assessment 5: EDP 796 Internship Portfolio
- Assessment 6: Internship Outcome Evaluation Data