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Adolescent and Young Adult Education

Meet Graeme

Meet Graeme, a Social Studies Education major from Bedford, New York (Fox Lane High School), and learn about his experience at Miami University.

Adolescent and Young Adult Education

Meet Graeme

Favorite Space on Campus:


Why Miami?

The tight knit community, the strength of the education program, the beautiful campus.

What advice you would give to your first-year self?

Be involved

Tell us something about your major:

The best thing about my major and program is that they get you into the classroom as soon as possible. I would want to tell any education major to keep with it -- it is the best field and one in which they are going to shape the next generation.

Student Organizations/Activities:

  • EHS Ambassador
  • MUSF (in process)

Who has been your favorite professor and why?

All of them

Anything else you’d like to share:

I transferred to Miami and couldn't be more happy with the love and friendliness everyone in EHS has shown me.