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Adolescent and Young Adult Education

Meet Lexi

Meet Lexi, an Integrated Social Studies Education major from Milford, Ohio (Milford High School), and learn about her experience at Miami University.

Adolescent and Young Adult Education

Meet Lexi

Favorite space on campus:

King Library

Why Miami?

Miami felt like home from the moment I step foot on campus, especially within the College of Education, Health, and Society. Every professor, student, and staff member I met was so kind, inclusive, and encouraging.

What advice you would give to your first-year self?

Take it all in. You will have life-changing experiences throughout college, and they go by in a flash. Don't blink, you might miss them!

Tell us something about your major:

I am pushed each and every day to be the best version of myself, both personally and professionally. I am able to push the boundaries and think outside of the box because of the program I have chosen to pursue. Coming in, I had no idea just how amazing my professors would be. I thought most of my track would consist of history and content, but I have been absolutely blown away by the strategies, tools, and lessons I have acquired throughout my time at Miami. I have also found a family within my major, which I did not expect at all.

Student organizations/activities:

  • Miami Hope (President/Founder)
  • EHS Ambassadors
  • SOUL (2021)

Study abroad experience:

I studied abroad in Glasgow, Scotland, from January 2022 to June 2022. My life completely changed while studying abroad. I learned not only how to live on my own in a foreign country, but about the world as a whole. There is so much more to life than we could ever imagine, and my experience abroad certainly opened my eyes to that realization.

Internship/field experiences:

Yes, I have done two field experiences so far. One at a high school and the other in a middle school - both drastically different. I have been able to see what I would love to implement in my classroom and what I would choose to stay away from. Both are equally important. Most important, however, was learning how to build relationships as an educator. That has been such an amazing thing to watch and learn.

Who has been your favorite professor and why?

Without a doubt, Dr. Misco. Walking into methods last semester, I had no idea what I was in for. Not only does Dr. Misco root for all of us and our successes, but he equips us with the tools to be the best educators possible. He understands the reality of teaching and helps us navigate the ins and outs of social studies education. His class has truly changed my outlook on education and instruction as a whole.