University Physician Instructions
Employee Disposition
Before proceeding with any post-exposure evaluation or follow-up procedure, please verify that our employee has signed all of the appropriate disposition forms which indicate their consent or declination for each process or action. If a Miami University employee declines a post-exposure evaluation and follow-up procedures: Indicate their decision on the second page of the BBP Post-Exposure Medical Form & Incident Report, and forward to the Director of Miami University Student Health Service, Medical Records Section, 421 Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056. Please verify that the employee has signed the form. If a Miami University employee consents to post-exposure evaluation and follow-up procedures: Have the employee read and sign the appropriate consent forms described below. The employee should have completed the Employee Information, Incident Details, Incident Description, and the Witnesses sections on the BBP Post-Exposure Medical Form & Incident Report. Proceed with completing the BBP Post-Exposure Medical Form & Incident Report and with your post-exposure evaluation. Schedule follow-up procedures as necessary.
Forms and Information
The following is a list of forms and information included in this packet and a brief explanation for each:
BBP Post-Exposure Medical Form & Incident Report (PDF 150KB)
This form is designed to document details related to the incident and generalized decisions regarding the evaluation, testing of the exposed employee and, if applicable, testing of the source.
Consent/Declination for Medical Evaluation and Follow-up (PDF 48KB)
A written consent (or declination) to medical procedures conducted by a licensed healthcare professional including prophylaxis, counseling, and evaluation of reported illnesses.
Hepatitis B Virus and Vaccine Information Sheet
Consent/Declination for Blood Testing (PDF 56KB)
A written consent (or declination) to baseline blood sampling conducted by a licensed healthcare professional for any or all of the following identified on the form: Hepatitis B (HBV); Hepatitis C (HCV); and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Hepatitis B Vaccination Program Consent/Declination Form (PDF 86KB)
If the treating physician determines that an employee should begin the Hepatitis B vaccination series, the employee must first read and sign this consent form. The employee has the option to decline the vaccination series as provided on the form.
HIV and AIDS Fact Sheet
Ohio Department of Health Informed Consent to HIV Antibody Test (PDF 59KB)
Similar to the Consent/Declination for Blood Testing form, a written consent must be provided prior to testing for HIV.
Notice of Confidentiality (PDF 45KB)
Source Individual’s Medical Information. An employee involved in an exposure incident may receive medical information about the source individual. This form serves as an agreement by the employee to keep that information confidential.
Consent for Blood Collection and Testing of Source Individual (PDF 56KB)
A written consent by the source individual for blood collection to test for Hepatitis B (HBV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Medical Release and Authorization (PDF 150KB)
Permits authorized Miami University staff access to information related to the exposure incident for investigative or recordkeeping purposes relative to regulatory compliance.
Physician’s Written Opinion to Miami University (PDF 194KB)
A sample opinion letter.
Sharps Injury Form: Needlestick Report
The nursing supervisor or designee is responsible for completing this form when an employee experiences an occupational exposure incident involving a sharp. Send completed form to EHSO for reporting to the Public Employment Risk Reduction Program. This is the ONLY form to be sent to EHSO.
Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
Upon Completion of the Evaluation and Follow-up
When completed, forward the appropriate forms to Student Health Service Medical Records where they must be maintained for thirty (30) years beyond the employee’s last day of employment.