1.0 Mission:
The mission of the Farmer School of Business (FSB) is:
"We are here to support our students' success. We do this by engaging all of our stakeholders in an ecosystem that connects teaching, research and practice, and provides extraordinary experiences for all."
1.1 The Faculty: The Faculty of the FSB assembled in the FSB Meeting and constituted as provided below is the ultimate deliberative and legislative body of the FSB. The Faculty considers and adopts academic policies and procedures that implement the mission of the FSB as an academic division of Miami University as set forth in Section 1.0, subject to such limitations on its prerogatives and authority as may be defined by the University Senate and the Board of Trustees of Miami University. Therefore, in case of procedure, it is imperative that the University Policy Library also be consulted.
1.11 The Dean, the chief academic officer of the FSB, or his/her designee, presides over the FSB Meeting.
1.12 The FSB Meeting
1.121 Sessions of the FSB Meeting shall ordinarily be convened at least twice each regular semester of the academic year, and the dates of such sessions shall be announced to the Faculty at least four working days prior to the session, together with an agenda and appropriate explanatory materials.
1.122 The Dean may call special sessions of the FSB Meeting upon advance notice to the Faculty at least four working days prior to the session.
1.123 A special session of the FSB Meeting shall be called by the Dean upon written petition signed by no fewer than twenty-five (25) voting members of the FSB Meeting. The petition shall specify the topic or topics for consideration and any actions proposed in the form of motions. The agenda shall be limited to discussion and motions pertaining to the topic or topics of the petition. Notice of the special session shall be given by the Dean to the Faculty at least four working days prior to the session, and the special session shall be convened within eight working days of the Dean's receipt of the petition.
1.124 The Dean shall take care that minutes of the FSB Meeting are kept and published in a timely manner.
1.125 Each passed action taken at a FSB Meeting resulting in a change in policy and/or procedure shall be recorded in the FSB GOVERNANCE DOCUMENT within 30 days of the date of action.
1.13 Voting eligibility in the FSB Meeting shall extend to all FSB faculty who are members of Faculty Assembly.
1.14 A quorum must be present in order for the FSB Meeting to conduct business. A quorum shall be twenty-five (25) percent of the FSB faculty who are members of Faculty Assembly. This number shall be determined by the Office of the Provost and announced at the first FSB meeting of each year. The quorum for all committees of the FSB shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the committee.
1.15 The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED, wherever they are applicable, shall govern the FSB Meeting in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with this document or with any special rules of order the FSB Meeting may adopt. The Dean shall appoint a parliamentarian to assist in the interpretation of Rules of Order.
1.16 The Customary Business of the FSB Meeting is: serve as a forum for the discussion of University affairs as they may relate to or affect the FSB and its mission, programs, faculty, staff, and students.
b. to deliberate and adopt academic policies and procedures for the FSB, including:
1. approving curricula and new degree programs;
2. establishing, reviewing, and changing degree program requirements;
3. establishing and interpreting faculty tenure and promotion criteria and standards;
4. developing and interpreting faculty and program evaluation policy.
c. to deliberate and adopt resolutions on matters deemed by the Dean and the membership to be of importance or concern.
1.17 Committees
1.171 The FSB Meeting shall approve the creation of divisional committees, including "standing" committees and "ad hoc" committees, as are necessary to the orderly conduct of its business. The FSB Meeting shall dissolve committees deemed no longer necessary to the orderly conduct of its business.
1.172 The FSB Executive Committee shall be a permanent standing committee. Membership on the committee shall include all FSB department chairs, assistant and associate deans, and the Dean, who shall chair the committee and call meetings as necessary. Other members may be added to the committee at the pleasure of the Dean.
1.173 Ordinarily, appointments to all committees except the Executive Committee shall be made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. These committees shall report to the Dean matters for inclusion on the agenda of the FSB Meeting.
1.174 The Executive Committee shall ascertain Faculty interest in serving on the several committees of the FSB, and it shall recommend to the Dean appropriate Faculty members to fill specific committee vacancies as they occur.
1.18 Amendment
This Section One of the FSB GOVERNANCE DOCUMENT may be amended at any session of the FSB Meeting by two-thirds of those present and voting, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at least four working days prior to the meeting. Amendments to other sections require a simple majority according to Roberts Rules.
1.19 For the convenience of the Faculty, the following sections of the GOVERNANCE DOCUMENT OF THE FSB serves as a record of policies and procedures and shall be kept current by the Office of the Dean and posted on the web.
2.0 The Role of the Dean
2.1 Academic Affairs: The Dean is the chief academic officer of the FSB and as such is responsible for leadership in the setting and implementation of academic policies and regulations that will ensure the qualitative and developmental goals of the Academic Division. The Dean is responsible to the Provost and to the Faculty for the proper functioning and management of the FSB.
2.2 Department Affairs: The Dean has major responsibility in the recruitment and selection of department chairs and must coordinate and direct the efforts of the departments to meet FSB and University objectives.
2.3 Faculty Affairs: Through the departments and chairs, the Dean is instrumental in recruiting and retaining a quality Faculty for the FSB and provides leadership in interpreting and setting standards for promotion, retention, tenure, and merit salary increments. The role of the Dean involves both protecting the rights and enforcing the responsibilities of the Faculty. The Dean must ensure that specific policies are known to the Faculty and that their application is fair.
2.4 Student Affairs: The Dean ensures that appropriate advising, counseling, and record keeping are provided through the FSB Advising Office and staff, the chairs, the chief departmental advisers, and the Faculty. The Dean enforces academic policy and regulations as they relate to students and ensures that grievances and complaints are heard in accordance with established University policy.
2.5 Budget: The Dean ensures that the FSB budget is prepared and allocates resources to ensure the viability and quality of the services and programs offered by the FSB.
2.6 Communication: The Dean is the chief representative of the FSB in the internal decision- making process of the University and must also represent the mission, services, and accomplishments of the FSB to external agencies, professional associations, the business community, and the public-at-large. He/She must also communicate effectively with the Faculty and attempt to anticipate long-range and immediate problems/goals.
2.7 Management: The Dean, or the Dean's designee, is responsible for the appointment, hiring, supervising, and evaluating of the Dean’s staff and office personnel. The Dean must ensure the proper security, maintenance, and safety of all buildings and equipment assigned to the FSB. Additionally, the Dean ensures the coordination of schedules, reports, requests, and personnel as appropriate for the efficient and timely operation of the FSB.
3.0 Committees
3.1 Standing Committees: provide coordination, implementation, and advice on policy development in the FSB. Except for members of the Executive Committee, and the Faculty Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators, Dean's Faculty, Advisory Committee, and Dean's Staff Advisory Committee all standing committee members are appointed by the Dean in consultation with the Executive Committee. At the end of each academic year, the chair of each committee shall submit to the Dean an annual report of committee activities and actions if a report is requested by the Dean. The basic charge for standing committees is established below. Other duties may be assigned to each of the committees as needed.
a. The Executive Committee: will consist of the Dean, all FSB department chairs, assistant and associate deans, and other members added at the Dean’s discretion. Its charge includes advising the dean, providing perspective on divisional resource allocation issues, providing a communication link to the faculty, and determining faculty interest in serving on various committees and recommending to the Dean the names of individuals to fill specific committee vacancies as they occur.
b. The Undergraduate Studies Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representative of the various departments of the FSB. If none of those faculty members are affiliated with the FYIC, the department chair and Director of the FYIC have the option to jointly request adding a committee member from the FYIC. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member. The committee reviews all significant changes and/or new undergraduate course and degree/non-degree program proposals submitted by the Faculty and makes recommendations for approval to the FSB Faculty.
c. The Committee of Advisers: will consist of the seven chief departmental advisers. A member of the Dean’s staff chairs the committee and represents the FSB as a member of the Interdivisional Committee of Advisers of the University. The committee reviews all petitions submitted by students regarding exceptions to academic regulations and requirements of the FSB and recommends action to the Interdivisional Committee of Advisers on petitions dealing with University academic requirements and regulations. Actions of the Committee of Advisers may be appealed to the Dean.
d. The Divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee: will consist of seven appointed faculty members representative of the departments of the FSB. Members serve rotating three-year terms. The committee advises the Dean on recommendations for promotion, tenure, and retention.
e.The Academic Appeals Committee: will consist of seven faculty members and six faculty alternates representing the departments of the FSB. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as a non-voting ex-officio member. The committee considers academic grievances as outlined in the Student Handbook.
f. The Research Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of the FSB. The committee in compliance with University Policy Library reviews faculty development grants related to research and recommends allocations of the annual FSB research fund. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
g. The Teaching Effectiveness Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of the FSB. If none of those faculty members are affiliated with the FYIC, the department chair and Director of the FYIC have the option to jointly request adding a committee member from the FYIC. The committee in compliance with the University Policy Library reviews faculty development grant proposals related to teaching and determines the FSB teaching effectiveness award winner(s). A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
h. The Technology Policies Committee: will consist of the Senior Director of Information Technology and at least four members of the FSB faculty selected by the Dean. The committee makes recommendations on the use of technology in the classroom as well as for research and administrative purposes. Informs faculty, staff and students of new developments in information technology and change to university resources and policy. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
i. The Graduate Studies Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representative of the departments of the FSB and the graduate programs of the FSB. One member of the Dean's staff will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member. The committee will review and make recommendations on significant and/or new graduate course and curriculum change proposals and consider graduate student petitions.
j. The International Studies Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of the FSB. The Director of Global Business Initiatives, the Director of Global Business Programs and another member of the Dean's staff will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member. The committee will review electives for the International Business minor, review policies for all international programs, review course proposals for FSB International Programs, review evaluations of FSB International Programs, and maintain liaison with the University's International programs and the Luxembourg Committee.
k. The Faculty Committee for Evaluation of Administrators (FCEA): Department chairs, and associate and assistant deans seeking continuation or reappointment will be reviewed in years three (3) and five (5), respectively, of a five-year administrative appointment; and in year three of a three-year appointment. Directors of school-wide academic programs seeking reappointment will be reviewed in year three (3) of their administrative appointment at the discretion of the Dean or the FCEA. Other administrators may be reviewed at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.
Committee reports are intended to serve two functions: a) to guide the professional development of the individuals, and b) to record part of the evidence upon which future personnel decisions may be based.
The FCEA will consist of one member per department of the tenured, tenure-track or teaching, clinical professors and lecturers/clinical lecturers (TCPL) faculty from the FSB. Unless departmental governance indicates otherwise, the departmental representative will be elected by the tenured, tenure-track and TCPL faculty of the relevant department (excluding department chairs). The Committee shall elect one of its members to serve as chair. Members of the Committee who are on probationary status (i.e., non-tenured or who do not hold continuing contract status) are not eligible to serve as chair of the Committee. Each member will serve a three-year term beginning July 31.
i. The Evaluation Process
Each spring semester, the Committee will prepare a questionnaire for the evaluation of each administrator it is scheduled to evaluate during the next academic year. The questionnaire will include a common core of questions appropriate for each class of administrators it is responsible for reviewing. For example, the committee will develop a common core of questions for all department chairs. When developing these questions, the Committee shall consult with the class of administrators to be reviewed and with their supervisor. All administrators being reviewed will be given the opportunity to include a statement describing their duties and/or their most significant contributions since their most recent evaluation. The final decision on the composition of the questionnaire rests with the committee.
Early in the fall of the evaluation year, the Committee will distribute the questionnaire to all members of the Faculty Assembly in the relevant unit (i.e. departmental faculty for department chairs; divisional faculty for associate and assistant deans and program directors).
ii. Committee Reports
The Committee will submit its final evaluation report to the supervisor and the administrator being reviewed by February 1. Before then, the Committee shall submit a draft of the report to the administrator’s supervisor. The supervisor and the Committee (or a representative) shall meet to discuss the draft report and make any modifications deemed appropriate by the Committee. The supervisor may attach a letter to the Committee Report. This letter becomes part of the final report.
The Committee’s final report will be promptly shared with the administrator being evaluated. If the administrator is continuing in his or her position for at least one more year, this report will then be submitted to the faculty within the relevant unit.
The Committee's final reports will include, at a minimum, the following information: the number of surveys sent and response rate; the mean, median and distribution of responses; a brief, balanced overview of the overall response to each question or set of questions, not quotations of the respondents’ actual words; and any statistical analysis that the committee deems relevant.
The Faculty Committee's final report shall include the Faculty Committee’s recommendation concerning whether the administrator should be reappointed for another term.
iii. Election Procedures
In the spring semester prior to the expiration of a committee members' term, the relevant department will elect a replacement according to their own governance procedures.
l. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of FSB and the Director of Student Organizations and Diversity. If none of those faculty members are affiliated with the FYIC, the department chair and Director of the FYIC have the option to jointly request adding a committee member from the FYIC. Its charge includes reviewing and updating the courses that fulfill the FSB diversity requirement, considering undergraduate petitions related to the requirement, and fostering and nurturing a community that is welcoming to, and inclusive of students, faculty and staff with different backgrounds talents, and skills. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
m. Business Honors and Scholars Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of the FSB, Director of Student Organizations & Diversity and academic ad. Its charge includes providing oversight and guidance of the Business Honors Program and the FSB Scholars Program and assist the Honors Director in managing the FSB Honors Program. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
n. The Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee: will consist of seven faculty members representing the departments of the FSB and the Howe Professor. If none of those faculty members are affiliated with the FYIC, the department chair and Director of the FYIC have the option to jointly request adding a committee member from the FYIC. Its charge includes monitoring the FSB’s assurance of learning (AoL) processes, and helping ensure our assessment efforts can lead to meaningful program improvements. A member of the Dean’s staff serves as ex-officio non-voting member.
o. Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee: will consist of three faculty groups: a. Five tenured faculty members, elected from all tenured faculty in FSB. There shall be at least two full professors, and two associate professors in this group, b. Three tenure-eligible faculty
members, elected from all tenure-eligible faculty in FSB. c. Three TCPL faculty members, elected from all TCPL faculty in FSB. Committee Chair shall be elected by members of
the DFAC committee from among its members, and shall be a tenured faculty member. Committee of the whole will meet with the Dean a minimum of once per semester to advise on initiatives, policies and practices, and to discuss issues of concern broadly
applicable to all faculty. Each faculty group will meet with the Dean a minimum of once per semester to advise on initiatives, policies and practices, and to discuss issues of concern particular to its faculty classification.
p. Dean’s Staff Advisory Committee: will serve as an advisory body to the FSB Dean on issues of concern to FSB staff, will be composed of representatives from Advising, Global
Programs, Career Services, Classified Staff, and Unclassified Staff elected from their appropriate professional areas for a three-year term. Committee Chair shall be elected by members of the DSAC committee. Committee will meet with the Dean a minimum of
once per semester.
q. The TCPL Promotion Committee: will consist of seven appointed faculty members representing the departments of the FSB. If none of those faculty members are affiliated with the FYIC, the department chair and Director of the FYIC have the option to jointly request adding a committee member from the FYIC. Members serve rotating three-year terms. The committee advises the Dean on recommendations for promotion of TCPL faculty.
3.2 Ad Hoc Committees: are appointed by the Dean or the Dean's staff to accomplish specific tasks. All ad hoc committees will be disbanded at the conclusion of their task. The number of members is variable. The FSB Meeting may also create Ad Hoc committees by majority vote.
4.0 Academic Departments
Academic departments are the basic structural and administrative units of the FSB. They include the following:
4.1 Departments of the FSB:
Information Systems and Analytics
4.2 Department Chairs
The Chair must manage the affairs of the department and provide leadership in long-term planning to maintain and improve the undergraduate, graduate, and research programs of the department. The Chair’s authority in all matters is subject to review by the Dean.
4.3 Department Chair Responsibilities
4.31 The Chair makes teaching assignments, authorizes faculty loads, implements a goal-setting process, makes annual faculty evaluations, and makes recommendations regarding salary improvements to the Dean.
4.32 The Chair also represents the departmental faculty and staff and serves as a communication link and advocate for their needs to the Dean and Administration. Included in these responsibilities are budget, curriculum, the hiring and supervision of faculty and staff, and recommendations for tenure, promotion, and retention.
4.33 Departmental governance documents may prescribe procedures for the execution of Chair responsibilities to the faculty and staff. Governance documents and departmental agreements may not limit the right of the Chair to offer an independent or differing opinion or recommendation to the Dean. The Chair is obliged to transmit the majority view (e.g. on promotion and tenure decisions) and must notify the faculty or committee involved if his/her opinion differs from the majority view.
4.34 With the concurrence of the Board of Trustees, Chairs are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Provost and Dean, normally for a term of five years. In all cases, the nominee and the length of term for Chair must be acceptable to both the Department and the Dean. If Chairs wish to continue for a second five-year term, they will be evaluated in their fifth year by the Department and the Dean, with the results shared with the Chair, Department, and the Provost. Reappointment of an incumbent Chair is also subject to the provisions in 4.35
4.35 At the beginning of the final year of a Chair’s term, the Dean will attempt to identify those individuals who wish to stand for Chair by notifying all faculty in the affected Department and requesting nominations or applications for Chair from the Department members. People identified as potential candidates will become part of the applicant pool upon affirming in writing their desire to be considered for the position. The current Chair may choose to become an applicant as well. Where the Dean authorizes an external search, the names of those who apply for the Chair position from outside the University will become a part of the pool as well.
4.36 In the case of a negative evaluation or the resignation of the Chair, search procedures for the Chair’s replacement will follow the procedures specified in section 4.35. These procedures must also be followed when an incumbent Chair leaves the Chair position prior to the full completion of the Chair’s term. In such cases, the Dean may appoint an acting Chair for up to one year. In case the search fails, the Dean may reappoint an acting Chair for a subsequent year.
4.37 Assistant and Associate Deans
For Assistant and Associate Dean positions, the Dean will attempt to identify those individuals who wish to stand for the position by notifying all members of the FSB of the vacancy and requesting nominations and applications from the FSB membership. People identified as potential candidates will become part of the applicant pool upon affirming in writing their desire to be considered for the position. When an external search is authorized, the names of those who apply from outside the University will become a part of the pool as well. An Assistant or Associate Dean will serve at the pleasure of the Dean, with the understanding that the appointment will normally be for a term of five years.
4.4 Evaluation of Teaching
4.41 It is the responsibility of the Dean of the FSB and of the Teaching Effectiveness Committee to ensure the expectations and guidelines stated in the University Policy Library (A Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching) are met by departments in the FSB.
4.42 Every department in the FSB is responsible for developing a plan for the evaluation of teaching.
5.0 Promotion and Tenure
Department Chairs, Department Promotion and Tenure Committees, and Faculty of the FSB must refer to and follow the details of the regulations on Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure in the University Policy Library.
5.1 Candidates for tenure must choose whether to be reviewed according to the procedures and criteria agreed to at the time they were appointed to a tenure-track position or those in effect at the time of consideration for tenure, if they differ.
5.2 Route
The process involves the individual faculty member, the department Chair and Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Dean, the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (which consists of the Provost, the Deans of the Academic Divisions, the Executive Directors of the Regional Campuses and three appointed faculty members), the President, and the Board of Trustees.
5.3 Eligibility
Eligibility for promotion and tenure is defined in the University Policy Library. The University Board of Trustees regulations regarding promotion preclude the possibility of promoting a faculty member automatically upon completion of the doctorate, unless this promotion is indicated in the original contract letter. The recommendation for such a promotion must be advanced by the department, the Dean, the Provost, and the President.
5.4 Criteria and Weightings
The criteria and weightings for tenure and promotion are defined in the University Policy Library. Departmental elaborations on the criteria are permissible to the extent that they are in conformity with the University Policy Library and the FSB Values Statement.
5.5 External Review of Scholarship
5.51 It is the policy of the FSB that the scholarship of candidates for promotion and tenure be reviewed by four reviewers from outside Miami University. External reviews are to be used by the departmental promotion and tenure committee in evaluating a candidate’s scholarly achievement. Letters are to be forwarded from the department to the FSB Promotion & Tenure Committee to the Dean and to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Scholarship shall consist of published articles, reports, and books; work accepted for publication but not yet published; conference papers and presentations; or whatever a department deems appropriate to its discipline in this category. Reviewers must be respected scholars in the candidate’s field. After agreeing to offer evaluations, reviewers shall be sent appropriate materials for consideration, including all or selected reprints of scholarly publications and/or other evidence of scholarly activity. External reviewers shall be asked to render a professional judgment on the quality of a candidate’s scholarship or creative endeavor, its originality and importance, and the reputation of the journals and presses that have published the work. Where promotion is being considered, reviewers will also be asked for their judgment of the candidate’s standing in the community of scholars in the discipline.
5.52 Individual departments may specify procedures in departmental governance documents. Normally, letters of evaluation will be solicited by the department chair in the spring of the academic year prior to the one in which a faculty member is likely to be considered for promotion and/or tenure (see model letter to external reviewers). A list of no fewer than five potential reviewers will be compiled by the candidate in consultation with the Chair and the departmental promotion and tenure committee (according to departmental governance) and will be composed of scholars who can serve without favoritism or hostility to the candidate. The Chair and the departmental promotion and tenure committee will select the reviewers from this list. Where one of the would-be reviewers declines the request, another nominee will be selected from the list.
5.6 The Process
5.61 Promotion and/or tenure decisions are made on the basis of a faculty member’s total professional experience. Although all experience is relevant, the faculty member’s experience at Miami will be weighted more heavily. Each candidate for an instructional position in the FSB will, therefore, be informed by the Dean and the department Chair of the responsibilities entailed in the position and the criteria and considerations governing tenure and promotion decisions.
5.62 Individuals who are eligible may request that the department consider their candidacy for promotion or tenure or both.
5.63 The candidate should submit the evidence required to demonstrate a record of success in meeting established criteria in the categories of teaching, scholarship, and service. The more objective the evidence, the stronger the case. For example, average student evaluation scores over several years are more meaningful when put in the context of the number of students in the class, the type or level of the course, the grade point average, and the relationship between the candidate’s scores and the departmental average for comparable courses; and when supplemented by peer or Chair review of instructional materials and classroom presentation. Self-selected evaluations, references, etc., carry to some extent the stigma of being less objective and place a correspondingly heavier burden on the faculty member to interpret the evidence in a broader context. Similarly, the candidate’s record of scholarship is more meaningful when the list of contributions is accompanied by the published reviews and citations to the work involved, the awards it has received, and the standing of the journals in which it has been published.
5.64 The relevant departmental promotion and tenure committee will carefully review each candidate’s record in the categories of teaching, scholarship, professional service, and collegiality in cases of tenure, and compare this record against the criteria and considerations noted in Section 5.41 above. Each candidate will be judged individually, not relative to other candidates. After departmental review, the Chair and the promotion and tenure committee will submit separate or joint recommendations to the Dean and the FSB Promotion and Tenure Committee. If the Chair’s recommendation differs from that of the departmental promotion and tenure committee, the nature of the difference must be explained in the documents in accordance with the University Policy Library.
5.65 The Dean and the FSB Promotion and Tenure Committee read and evaluate all submissions independently. The FSB Promotion and Tenure Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Dean. Candidates for both promotion and tenure are presented to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee by the Dean unranked in alphabetical order.
5.66 If the Dean disagrees with the Chair’s and/or the departmental promotion and tenure committee’s recommendations, the parties involved shall make every effort to resolve the differences through discussion. If, after discussion, the differences remain unresolved, the Dean will state in writing to the Chair, the committee, and the candidate the reasons for not supporting the recommendations made at the departmental level.
5.67 The final FSB list is submitted to the University Secretary who duplicates the material and distributes copies to all members of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee for review.
5.68 Candidates are to be informed if their credentials for promotion and/or tenure are to be forwarded without a positive recommendation by the Dean to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. A candidate who is not recommended by the Dean has the right to withdraw his/her credentials or may, in conjunction with his/her department, request reconsideration by filing an appeal with the Dean within ten (10) working days following notification by the Dean. Within ten (10) working days after receipt of the appeal, the Dean, after consultation with the FSB Promotion and Tenure Committee, will notify the candidate whether his/her appeal has been accepted or rejected.
5.69 Department governance documents are to include procedures for appeals at the department level. The Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities is available to any member of the Faculty Assembly who wishes to discuss aspects of faculty rights and responsibilities in general or as related to his/her personal situation, or who wishes to report alleged infractions, or who wishes to file a complaint or appeal. See the University Policy Library.
5.7 Timetable
a. April-May, Dean supplies to each department a list of faculty eligible for tenure. Chairs maintain records on eligibility for promotion. Potential candidates are notified.
b. Mid-May/June, external reviewers solicited by department Chair and candidate’s materials sent to reviewers.
c. Mid-September, Chair reports to the Dean the maximum number of individuals to be recommended for promotion and tenure.
d. Mid-September, external reviews due.
e. Before October 1, candidates submit proper evidence to the Chair and departmental promotion and tenure committee.
f. Mid-October, Chairs submit detailed recommendations to the Dean.
g. Early December, the Dean submits promotion and tenure materials to the University Secretary.
h. Early January, University Promotion and Tenure Committee meets.
i. Early February, Board of Trustees meets.
6.0 Evaluation of the Faculty
6.1 Probationary Faculty
The Chair and the departmental promotion and tenure committee will evaluate probationary faculty annually in order to guide their professional development and to record part of the evidence upon which future personnel decisions will be based. Typically, the committee’s evaluation will occur during the examination of the candidate for retention. A written evaluation, which includes a summary of the probationer’s strengths and weaknesses as well as specific recommendations for improvement, will be shared with the probationer and the Chair. If, at this time, the Chair’s evaluation differs from the committee’s, it also shall be shared with the probationer. In conducting the evaluation, the Chair and the committee will assess the probationer’s record in the categories of teaching, scholarship, and service and will compare this record against the departmental, divisional, and university-wide criteria for tenure. For faculty from the regional campuses, the department will seek similar evaluations from the Regional Campuses Dean and area coordinator for inclusion in the departmental deliberations.
The evaluation written by the Chair late in the academic year will reflect the promotion and tenure committee’s evaluation and the comments from the regional campus administrators where applicable. (The Regional Campuses Dean and area coordinator should be invited to update their earlier comments after faculty service reports are received.) The evaluation letters by the chair and by the committee will be shared with the probationer and subsequently sent to the Dean. During the first two years of a probationer’s term, the chair’s evaluation of the probationer will be reviewed by the Dean, and it will be returned to the probationer with the Dean’s signature and comments. Subsequent chair and committee evaluations of the probationer will be reviewed by both the Dean and the Provost. The Dean and the Provost will add their comments to the evaluation of the probationer, and their comments and signoffs are to be returned, along with the original evaluations, to the faculty member being evaluated. Whenever the Provost’s or the Dean’s evaluation differs from what has already been recorded, this judgment, with reasons, will be reported in writing to the faculty member through the evaluation chain. A copy of the complete document, with appended comments, will be shared with the probationer and, together with that person’s response and/or a response from the department, will be inserted into his/her personnel file. For regional campus faculty, copies also will be sent to the area coordinator and the Regional campus dean.
6.2 Tenured Faculty
Chairs are encouraged to engage in annual goal setting with tenured members of the instructional staff and to provide a year-end evaluation of progress toward meeting goals. The purposes and procedures for preparing, reviewing, and sharing letters of evaluation are identical to those stated in section 6.1 above except that evaluations of tenured members of the instructional staff do not require review by the Provost.
6.3 Endowed Professors
1. All appointments and renewals to an endowed professorship must be recommended by the FSB Dean and approved in writing by the Provost.
2. Appointment to and renewals of endowed or named positions must be for a defined term not to exceed five academic years unless expressly provided for by the terms of the endowment.
3. Holding an endowed chair does not preclude the faculty member from serving as a department and/or program chair or associate dean or any other such administrative position unless prohibited by the terms of the memorandum of understanding.
4. Endowed/Named Professors and Chairs are expected to be innovative leaders within the Farmer School of Business. The responsibilities for each Professorship will be stated in a position description and/or appointment letter, or as subsequently agreed to in writing by the Endowed/Named Professor/Chair and Dean, consistent with the memorandum of understanding signed by the donor and university.
5. Unless specified in the letter of appointment/reappointment or the memorandum of understanding with the donor, all Endowed/Named Professors/Chairs must provide leadership in all of the following areas:
a. Contribute to excellence in scholarship by publishing in major scholarly journals or other appropriate outlets, by participating in professional meetings, and by making public presentations in their areas of specialty.
b. Serve as mentors to faculty colleagues, especially in scholarship and research
c. Effectively teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in their areas of
specialty, providing leadership in curriculum development, and providing leadership and direction for faculty pedagogy
6. In addition, the Endowed/Named Professors can improve their case for reappointment by contributing in other ways such as:
a. working with students, faculty, and the business community to develop co-curricular activities and conferences that enhance student and/or faculty learning and interest in their areas of specialty
b. working with the Dean and university development officers to cultivate business and community support for programs in their area of specialty and others within the division
c. working with professional organizations to perform functions such as organizing conferences or seminars, serving on editorial boards, and serving on executive committees or boards of directors at regional, national, or international levels.
7. Annual reviews, conducted as specified by the home department governance, and shared with the Dean, will be conducted as usual and may serve as an input to the three and five-year review processes.
8. In addition to the fifth-year review to determine reappointment, a third-year review will be conducted to provide an indication of progress toward reappointment.
9. The initial review for reappointment of endowed/named professors and chairs will be conducted by the FSB divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee with recommendation to the FSB Dean.
10. The third and fifth year review must include measures of teaching effectiveness as well as indicators of the quality of scholarship, and may include external reviews of scholarship and professional service, at the request of the Endowed/Named Professor or the review committee.
11. Possible outcomes to the review process are the following:
a. an increase in the chair stipend
b. a continuation of the designation of chaired professor without an increase in the stipend
c. A probationary one-year continuance with reappointment conditional on terms set forth by the FSB dean
d. the removal of the Professorship from the person’s title along with attendant stipend and benefits associated with the Professorship
e. A change in the emphasis or goals of the Endowed/Named Professor/Chair.
For purposes of this document, there is no distinction among the terms endowed professor, named professor, chaired professor, or professorship. This governance does not apply to those who hold Endowed Professorships at the rank of Assistant Professor.
7.0 Annual Activities Report
All faculty are required to submit an Annual Report of Professional Activities
7.1 The information supplied in the reports is used
a. for the annual salary recommendations and faculty evaluations by Chairs and the Dean, b. for accreditation purposes, and
c. for updating the online faculty directory.
7.2 The report normally covers the period from January 1 through December 31. The reporting forms are sent to faculty in January and the reports (excluding the Chairs’ evaluations) are normally due in the Dean’s Office via the Chairs by March 1.
8.0 Faculty Loads See the University Policy Library.
8.1 Teaching Loads
Faculty teaching assignments are determined by the department chair with approval from the dean. Teaching loads will vary among members of the faculty to reflect considerations such as differences in class size, number of course preparations, research productivity, and commitment to service.
8.2 Overload Teaching
Assignment to overload teaching on one of the regional campuses carries with it additional compensation that is standard by rank throughout the university. Such assignments are subject to regulations set forth in the University Policy Library.
Priority for overload teaching assignments, beyond normal teaching assignments, will be given to faculty who meet the FSB’s Faculty Qualifications for AACSB accreditation purposes as outlined below. This policy applies to overload teaching in all FSB Graduate Programs, Study Abroad and Study Away Programs, Winter-Term and Summer-Term offerings, PRIME and Executive Education.
AACSB Faculty Qualifications by Faculty Rank
Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Scholarly Academic (SA)
TCPL Faculty
Scholarly Academic (SA)
Scholarly Practitioners (SP)
Instructional Practitioners (IP)
Practice Academics (PA)
8.3 Summer and Winter Teaching Assignments
The Dean approves and forwards the final roster of summer and winter offerings and assigned instructors. The Chair is responsible for submitting a proposed roster of summer offerings and instructors that meets three criteria:
1. The courses being offered are those that students most need or desire to take during the summer and winter terms.
2. All courses are taught by faculty with the capability to teach them at a quality level comparable to that during the regular semester. This criterion typically implies previous teaching experience in that course or a closely related one.
3. The overall roster of offerings and faculty stays within budgetary guidelines established by the University and the division.
Departments may create governance provisions for summer teaching assignments. However, all such governance provisions must conform to University policy and be consistent with the responsibilities of the Dean and Chair, as indicated above.
Faculty receive a percentage of their base annual salary for each credit hour they are assigned up to a maximum of eight credit hours. In practice, six credit hours is the usual maximum assigned to any individual.
Subject to the approval of the Dean and a majority of the voting faculty in a department, departments may elect alternative reimbursement. No faculty, however, may be paid in excess of the authorized percentage of base annual salary per credit hour for instruction.
In consultation with the relevant department chairs, the Director of International Programs and the Director of the MBA program will decide which faculty teach the summer courses in their respective areas. Departmental governance with respect to summer teaching priority will not determine which faculty are eligible to teach in the MBA or international programs.
8.4 Teaching Assignments in the MBA and International Programs
In consultation with the relevant department chairs, the FSB Graduate Programs Director, the Director of Global Programs, the International Programs, and other relevant parties, the FSB Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs & Personnel and Associate Dean for Curriculum and Graduate Programs will decide which faculty members teach the courses in their respective areas. Departmental governance with respect to teaching priority will not determine which faculty members are eligible to teach in the MBA or International Programs.
9.0 Assigned Research Appointment, Faculty Improvement Leaves, and Personal Leave
(See the University Policy Library.)
Applicants should notify their department Chair of their intention to apply as early as possible. The deadline for receipt of applications by the Dean is published annually and typically occurs in early November. Where applicable, a detailed proposal of preliminary preparations and planned activities should accompany the application. Additionally, all requests for Faculty Improvement Leaves and Personal Leaves should carefully detail all conditions and expectations of the applicant relative to fringe benefits, retirement contributions, and promotion and tenure credit.
9.1 Assigned Research Appointment
All faculty of Assistant Professor rank or higher are eligible. The application must be approved by the Chair, Regional Campuses Dean where applicable, the Dean, Provost, and the President.
9.2 Faculty Improvement Leaves
A minimum of seven years of full-time service is required preceding each leave. The application must be approved by the Chair, Regional Campuses Dean where applicable, the Dean,
Provost, the President, and the Board of Trustees.
The University will match the individual’s retirement contribution if the individual opts for two semesters leave at two thirds salary. For one semester, the faculty member receives the full university retirement contribution. Other remuneration is restricted. The faculty member must agree to spend one year following the leave in the employ of the university. A final report is due to the department Chair and the Dean within 30 days of return to duty.
9.3 Personal Leave
Any full-time member of the faculty may apply for personal leave. The application requires the same approval path through the Board of Trustees as other leaves. The term of the leave may be up to one year with possible renewal for a second year and carries promotion and tenure credit unless alternate arrangements are made. There are no post-appointment obligations, no salary, and no restrictions on other remuneration or employment. Benefits require individual negotiation and accrue only by action of the Board of Trustees or through individual contributions. No retirement contributions are made unless the Board of Trustees approves and then only upon the individual’s return to the university. Employment of a replacement for the faculty member on leave is open to negotiation.
10.0 Vacation, Sick Leave, and Absence from Class
See the University Policy Library. In essence, timely notice to the Chair, supervisor, or Dean is required. The instructional staff must ensure that classes are covered. In the case of emergency absence, the faculty members should notify their Chair as soon as possible.
11.0 Recruitment, Selection and Appointment
Every FSB department will establish a procedure for the recruitment, selection, and appointment of faculty, consistent with the University Policy Library.
12.0 Curriculum
12.1 Capstone Courses
12.11 Criteria and Process for Approving FSB Capstone Courses Criteria:
1. All FSB capstone courses must be senior level
2. All FSB capstone courses must be horizontally integrative
3. All FSB capstone courses must provide for the development of multiple skill sets and the class size will be small enough to facilitate the planned skill development
4. Ordinarily, all FSB core courses should be taken prior to the capstone course
5. All FSB capstone courses will adhere to a policy of no registration priority based on major within the FSB
6. All FSB Capstone courses must also be Liberal Education capstone courses
Process for Approval:
New or existing FSB courses seeking approval as FSB Capstone Courses will submit a “Capstone proposal” to the FSB Undergraduate Studies Committee that documents how the course meets each of the criteria described above. If approved by the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the “Capstone proposal” will then be made available to the FSB faculty prior to the divisional vote on FSB Capstone status.
12.12 Requirements for Reviewing and Renewing Approval of FSB Capstone Courses When There Has Been No Change in the FSB Capstone Course Criteria
1. The FSB undergraduate studies committee will review each FSB capstone course every five years to determine whether it meets the prevailing FSB capstone course criteria.
2. A course deemed to be in compliance with the FSB capstone course criteria will continue to be designated an FSB capstone course.
3. A course deemed not in compliance with the FSB capstone course criteria, based on the above review, will be granted one year to be brought into compliance.
4. If after one year the FSB undergraduate studies committee deems the course no longer to be in compliance with the FSB capstone criteria, the committee will recommend that the FSB faculty remove the course’s FSB capstone course designation.
12.13 Requirements for Reviewing and Renewing Approval of FSB Capstone Courses When There Has Been a Change in the FSB Capstone Course Criteria
1. The FSB undergraduate studies committee will review each FSB capstone course within one year following a change to the FSB capstone course criteria to determine whether it meets the prevailing FSB capstone course criteria.
2. A course deemed to be in compliance with the FSB capstone course criteria will continue to be designated an FSB capstone course.
3. A course deemed not in compliance with the FSB capstone course criteria, based on the review described above, will be granted one year to be brought into compliance.
4. If after one year, the FSB undergraduate studies committee deems the course no longer to be in compliance with the FSB capstone criteria, the committee will recommend that the FSB faculty remove the course’s FSB capstone course designation.
12.2 Independent Study
a. Students who wish to enroll in an independent study course must prepare an independent study/research proposal that includes an outline of the proposed study with a time-line, a statement of the project deliverables, the basis for grading, and the underlying rationale for the independent study. Approval of the proposal will be the responsibility of the supervising faculty member and the department chair.
b. The grade awarded for the independent study will be determined by the supervising faculty solely on the basis of how well the student carries out the course of study/research as described in the proposal. Unless restricted by departmental policy, an independent study may be taken for a letter grade or ‘credit/no credit.’
c. A faculty member may supervise no more than 5 students for independent study projects per academic term without the explicit approval of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies.
13.0 Faculty Procedures
13.1 Course Outlines/Syllabi
Faculty must inform students in writing about the following:
a. Your name, office, office phone number and your office hours.
b. Title of the course and textbooks used in the course.
c. A thorough explanation of how the student will be evaluated in the course, including course requirements, e.g., readings, oral participation, papers and/or examinations and, if appropriate, an outline of reading assignments with an indication of when major quizzes and examinations will be given.
13.2 Final Examinations
Final examinations are required in every course except where substitute procedures are approved by the department Chair or the Dean. Changes in the examination date and time may only be authorized by the Dean upon the recommendation of the department Chair. No major quizzes or hourly examinations are permitted in the last week of classes prior to the official examination period.
13.3 Evaluations of Faculty Teaching (Refer to the University Policy Library.)
Divisional policies require that:
1. All classes are evaluated.
2. Faculty member will remind students of the importance of the evaluation.
3. Evaluations will take place during the last two weeks of the semester as certified by the Registrar, or equivalent time proportional to length of course.
4. Evaluation will take place online. If a faculty member sets aside class time for the students to complete the evaluations in class, the faculty member will not be present during the evaluation process.
1. The Dean’s office will send an e-mail to all undergraduate FSB students just prior to the last two weeks of Fall and Spring semester informing them of the reasons for the upcoming course evaluation and the process to be followed (points a-f below).
a. Results of these evaluations will not be seen by the instructor until after semester grades have been filed with the university. Faculty should stress that the evaluations are done on an anonymous basis.
b. These evaluations play a vital role in FSB efforts to improve teaching and learning.
c. These evaluations are used in yearly performance reviews of faculty and impact both salary adjustments as well as promotion and tenure decisions.
d. Please take time to answer all questions in an honest and professional manner.
e. If a faculty member sets aside class time for the students to complete the evaluations in class, the faculty member will not be present during any part of this evaluation and you will be given adequate time to respond to the questions.
f. Refrain from all discussion with your peers until the evaluation process is completed.
2. The email from the Dean’s office will direct the students to their MyMiami webpage. This page will include directions and a link to complete the evaluation of the relevant faculty.
3. After the students receive the e-mail from the Dean’s office, the faculty will remind the students of the evaluation process and stress the importance of their input. Additionally, faculty are encouraged to set aside class time during the evaluation period for the students to complete the evaluations in class. The faculty should indicate that date in advance and request that the students bring laptops.
13.4 Peer Evaluations
As a means of presenting multiple measures of teaching effectiveness, all untenured, tenure track faculty must have their teaching evaluated by other members of the University faculty. While the specifics of the process are to be established and codified at the department level, the following constitute the divisional requirements for peer evaluations.
A. There must be at least two different evaluators, each approved by the respective department, and each providing a summative teaching evaluation.
B. At least one evaluator must be deemed capable of evaluating content for currency and relevancy.
C. All summative letters from the peer evaluation process must be included in candidate P&T dossiers up to and including the divisional P&T decision.
This policy applies to tenure-track who will be reviewed for Promotion and Tenure during the 2011-2012 academic year or later.
All departments must have a policy in place by May 2007.
14.0 Bulletin Copy
The Miami Bulletin is available online and published annually. The document is maintained by the Office of the Registrar; coordination and submission of FSB revisions is managed by the Assistant Dean/Director of Divisional Advising.
15.0 Academic Advising
The Assistant Dean/Director of Divisional Advising coordinates the advising support for undergraduate students of the FSB. Details of the FSB curriculum and a summary of services available is provided at the Advising website. Advising for graduate students is coordinated by the respective graduate program director.
15.1 Faculty Role
It is the contractual obligation of all faculty to share in the academic and career advising of students. Each department designates a Chief Departmental Adviser who coordinates advising procedures for the department. The chief departmental adviser also serves on the School’s Committee of Advisers.
15.2 Petitions and Change of Major
Students may declare their majors in the Student Services Office, 1022 FSB. In addition, petitions for exceptions to academic policy are initiated in this office, as well.
15.3 Change of Grade
Appropriate forms are available in departmental offices or the Dean’s Office. Change of grade forms are initiated by the faculty member and require the signature of the department chair and the Dean of Dean’s designate. They are processed and handled only by University staff and are not to be distributed to students.
16.0 Guidelines for Travel to Conferences
The Department Chair determines allocation of departmental funds for faculty travel.
While the judgment of the chair in advancing the goals of the department is the primary determinant of how funds are allocated, the following are some general guidelines for department chairs to follow when allocating funds for requests for faculty travel.
A. Travel to conferences and workshops that have the greatest impact on individual faculty development and increased visibility for the individual, department, or school will receive the highest priority.
B. Involvement at conferences or workshops that attract and provide the opportunity for interaction with leading scholars in one's field will receive priority over involvement in events that do not provide such a high-quality interaction.
C. Paper presentations, invited panel participation, or keynote addresses at a particular meeting are considered more worthy of funding than other types of participation at that same meeting, e.g. session chair, discussant, program committee membership, etc.
D. When possible, faculty should make requests to chairs at the beginning of each academic year.
adopted 10/23/1998, revised 6/14/23