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Career Fair Prep and Expectations

Career Fair Prep Resources

Career Fair can be overwhelming for anyone. The best way to reduce career fair anxiety is to prepare before the fair.

Interview for Success Workshop

Learn interviewing techniques such as the C.A.R. method. How do you get the most out of this method of interviewing? Discover on-campus interviewing, remote interviewing, and Big Interview. Learn important dates and career-oriented programs.

Elevator Pitch (Google Doc)

Our elevator pitch worksheet is designed to help you craft a compelling 30-60 second introduction of yourself.

Company Research

Please don’t spend your 1:1 time with a recruiter asking what they do. Review the employers attending the Career Fair. Research who they are and the positions they have available. Follow employers you are uninterested in for updates and notifications.

Mental Prep 

  • Complete the Career Fair Prep Plan to help research employers and create a game plan for the day.
  • If this is your first career fair, allow time to adjust to the environment. Do a couple of laps around to get a feel for the layout and plan what employers you want to speak to first. 
  • Try speaking to companies you aren’t interested in first as practice.
  • Stop by the First Time Friendly Career Fair Table to get acclimated to the event.
  • FSB Career Advisors are also at the fair to talk through any questions.

First impressions are Important!

You want to dress for who you want to be. When meeting with an employer, dress professionally. 

  • Professional attire includes suits, button-down shirts, blazers, cardigans, dress pants, blouses, ties, dress shirts, business skirts, closed-toed dress shoes, and kitten or low-heeled pumps. 
  • Avoid distractions like busy prints, loud colors, and excessive jewelry.
  • Professional Attire Grant - The Career Center provides monetary funding of up to $350 to selected students to purchase professional attire for upcoming interviews, job searches, internships, or leadership opportunities.

2023 Career Fair

aerial view of career fair in millett hall student with company representative at career fair
student with company representative at career fair

Farmer School of Business - Career Development Office

1038E Farmer School of Business
800 East High Street
Oxford, OH 45056