Faculty and Staff Resources
The Graduate School works with Graduate Council and other groups to set strategic priorities and policies for graduate education. Together, minimum standards for admission, retention, and graduation of students are established as well as standards for graduate faculty qualifications. The resources below are designed to assist graduate faculty and staff in supporting graduate education at Miami University aligned with established standards and best practices.
Guidelines, Policies, and Resources
If you have questions or need help interpreting policies, please contact the Graduate School at gradschool@miamioh.edu or 513-529-3734.
Graduate Dates and Deadlines
Fall and Winter graduation
Prior to April 30
Spring graduation
Prior to October 31
The Graduate School
The Graduate School is committed to advocating and supporting graduate programs dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge and best teaching practices that promote diverse, globally aware graduate students and faculty.
Contact Us
105 Laws Hall
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Graduate Admission
Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056