University Services
Physical Facilities Department
On-campus events that require trucking and electrical services, tables and chairs, tent permit, and event set-ups must submit a service request to the Physical Facilities Department (PFD) for service. A link to PFD is available when submitting an event request on the Hub. It is the responsibility of the student organization to make specific arrangements with PFD for their services.
Student organizations can request Physical Facilities services online. NOTE: There may be physical facilities charges associated with some of the requested services/locations.
Be sure to provide detailed information regarding requests, particularly as it relates to delivery/service location and time. You need to enter one request for each service you are requesting. Give a contact number that you can be reached at in case further information is needed. You must include an account number with each service request.
Tables and Chairs
Tables and chairs are available at no charge when they are delivered and picked up during normal business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). If they must be delivered or picked up after hours or on a weekend, there will be a charge. There will also be a charge for lost or damaged furniture.
If you request early delivery for an outdoor event, you must specify and arrange access for an indoor location to secure the furniture prior to the event starting. If the event ends after normal business hours the furniture must be returned to the secure indoor location until it is picked up.
Make sure your service request is detailed. For large outdoor spaces (Cook Field, Central Quad, etc.), be sure to specify where you want equipment dropped off.
After submitting a work order, if you have any questions, here are some useful contacts:
- Trucking Services (tables, chairs, flatbed truck, portable toilet, sign standards): Clarence Blevins at 513-529-7035
- Electrical Services (transformer, equipment, generator set-up, tent permit): Brad Clark at 513-529-8012
- Buildings and Grounds: 513-529-7005
The primary contact for questions regarding larger, complex student organization events with multiple PFD service requests is Brad Clark (513-529-8012,
Printing Services
The Oxford Copy Shop is open 7 days of week for printing services. Visit Printing at Miami for additional printing information.