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Need a Hand?

General FAQ

How do I reach the College of Arts and Science Advising Office?

Visit our office in 146 Upham Hall

By phone: 513-529-3031

By email:

How can I contact my advisor?

Unless they have instructed you otherwise, we recommend sending them an email. University student/faculty/staff emails can be found in the directory or by using the "Search" box in the top, right corner of any Miami University webpage, including this one.  If you don’t receive a response, you can also try calling them at the number listed in the directory.

My advisor has not responded to my emails and I need help. What should I do?

We would be happy to help. Call our office at 513-529-3031 or email us at

I just have a quick question. Can I call the CAS Advising Office?

Yes, please call 513-529-3031 during normal business hours (8am-5pm, M-F), and we will do our best to connect you with an academic advisor as soon as we can. Please note, if the advisor determines that more extensive discussion is necessary, he or she may ask you to schedule an appointment.

I have an advising hold. How do I get that removed?

It depends on the type of hold. BannerWeb should list a contact number for questions.

If it is a hold that requires meeting with an academic advisor, please call our office at 513) 529-3031 and ask to schedule an appointment with an advisor to address an advising hold.

I have a form that needs a signature, or I need a letter from a Dean or academic advisor.

Please email the advising office (

The email must include the following information and must come from your Miami email account:

  • a scanned PDF of the application with the applicant portion completed (if applicable)
  • a detailed list of what information we need to provide
  • Authorization for release of information must include:
    • this release statement: I hereby authorize the release of information relating to my academic and/or disciplinary record by the College of Arts and Science of Miami University.
    • Miami Unique ID
    • mailing address of applicant
    • phone number of applicant
    • reason for the release (e.g., transferring courses from another college/university, submitting Common Application)
  • instructions on where and how to send the completed form/letter (e.g., email or mailing address)

Who is my advisor?

To find your advisor's name and contact information:

  1. Log in to myMiami
  2. Search “who is my academic advisor”
  3. In the search results, you’ll see the following:
  4. Click the heart icon to add this to your Favorites
  5. Click this option to find information about your assigned academic advisor.  If you have difficulty, please call us at 513-529-3031.

What if I am interested in talking to someone in a different division other than the college?

You may contact the divisional office at the numbers below:

Other Miami Divisions and Phone Numbers
College or School Phone Number
Farmer School of Business (513) 529-1712
College of Education, Health, & Society (513) 529-3133
College of Engineering & Computing (513) 529-0700
College of Creative Arts (513) 529-2209

What if I am changing my major from another division to the College of Arts and Science?

You should meet with a CAS divisional advisor during drop-in hours. Please contact the office to be added to the drop-in advising queue (513-529-3031).

How can I find my Degree Audit?

Your degree audit can be accessed online via BannerWeb.

Can I become a part of the Honors College?

You should contact the Honors College to find out if you are eligible.

When should I see an academic advisor?

You should see your assigned academic advisor in preparation for each semester's registration, as well as any other times when you have questions or would like to talk about your academic pursuits.

Majors, Minors, Thematic Sequences, and Capstones FAQ

How do I declare a major(s), minor(s), and thematic sequence in CAS?

To change or add a new major/minor/thematic sequence, contact the department which houses your new major/minor/thematic sequence.

Note: Only students entering Miami prior to fall 2023 need to meet the Thematic Sequence requirement

What if I am changing my major from another division to the College of Arts and Science?

You should meet with a CAS divisional advisor during drop-in hours. Please contact the office to be added to the drop-in advising queue (513-529-3031).

Is there a pre-law major?

There is no one major for students considering law school. See the Sue J. Henry Center for Pre-Law Education website for more information regarding majors and preparing for law school admission.

Is there a pre-med major?

There is no one major for students considering medical school, but there are minimum requirements needed to apply to medical schools. We do offer a Premedical and Pre-Health Studies co-major that can be completed with any major at Miami. See the Mallory-Wilson Center for Healthcare Education web page for more information regarding majors and preparing for medical school admission.

How do I keep my options open if I don't know what I want to major in?

Ask your advisor for help. With careful advising, you can often construct a schedule that allows you to pursue multiple directions simultaneously. For example, you can usually take courses that meet the Miami Plan in any of the undergraduate divisions or majors.

How do I pick a major if I don't have any idea of what I want to do when I graduate?

You don't have to know what you want to do for a career before choosing a major. Make decisions about your major based on your interests and strengths, rather than on future predictions of what the job market will look like. What is "hot" as a job today may not be when you graduate.

What if I know what I want to do when I graduate, but I don't know which major will help me get there?

Your divisional advisor and advisors in Center for Career Exploration and Success can help you determine major(s) that might be best for you to consider.

How long can I remain undeclared?

You should decide on a major by the end of the first semester sophomore year. However, some majors are more sequential (i.e., prerequisite driven) than others and may take longer to complete.

Do I need to be in the Farmer School of Business to declare a business minor?

You do not need to be accepted in to the FSB in order to declare a minor in business. However, many minors in business have limited enrollment and you should contact the department directly to find out when and how you can declare the minor. Also, courses within the minor will often require a prerequisite(s).

Can I take my thematic sequence courses out of order?

It depends on the sequence and whether the earlier courses are prerequisites for the later courses. You should contact the listed department for the sequence.

Note: Only students entering Miami prior to fall 2023 need to meet the Thematic Sequence requirement.

Do I have to take my thematic sequence outside of the College of Arts and Science?

As a College of Arts and Science student, you may select a thematic sequence in any academic division. However, you may not complete a thematic sequence in the same department as your major. If you have questions please talk with your advisor.

Note: Only students entering Miami prior to fall 2023 need to meet the Thematic Sequence requirement.

Do I need to declare a Miami Plan Capstone?

No, you do not need to declare a capstone.

How do I know which courses are Miami Plan Capstones?

To complete the Miami Plan capstone requirement, you must select a course that is specifically designated as a Miami Plan capstone course. These are identified in the course descriptions by the abbreviation MPC. Your major may already prescribe a MPC, if not please visit Liberal Education's website for the up-to-date list of capstones.

Foreign Language FAQ

Do I have to take the foreign language placement test?

If you are starting a foreign language for the first time, you do not need to take the foreign language placement test. The exception to this is for French and Spanish, where all students planning on studying these languages must have a placement score on record.

If you have taken a foreign language in high school and plan on continuing that language, you will need to take the placement test. The placement test gives you a score that helps you register for the appropriate level of a foreign language; the placement test does not waive the foreign language requirement, nor does it award academic credit.

The foreign language placement test can be taken at any point online.

Can I "get out of" taking foreign language?

A foreign language substitution is only approved for students who have a documented disability that impacts their language learning.

How do I find my scores if I took the placement test a while ago?

Log back into the language placement testing database with your UniqueID and password. Scroll down and you will see any past tests taken with your raw score and suggested placement.

I have a disability and have previously received accommodations for foreign language requirements. Will I be exempt from completing this requirement?

The Miller Center for Student Disability Services coordinates foreign language course substitution requirements for eligible students with disabilities when reasonable and appropriate. Students should affiliate themselves with the Miller Center to request accommodation. Contact the Miller Center at with questions.

Can I skip to a higher or lower level than my placement put me into?

A student must start with their placement. If the course proves to be too difficult or too easy, speak with your course instructor early in the semester about moving to a more appropriate course. The usual course sequence (101→ 102 → 201 → 202 or 111 → 201 → 202) may not be interrupted until completion of 202. Courses in the sequence may not be skipped. Only ‘real’ beginners may start with 101.

Transfer and AP Credit FAQ

How can I find out if courses I take from another school will transfer to Miami?

Visit Transferology to determine whether there are courses equivalent to Miami's courses. This will help you predict how the courses will apply to your requirements. If the school is not listed on Transferology, or if you are unsure of the equivalency, consult your divisional academic advisor.

What credit will I receive from my AP scores?

Please consult the General Bulletin that corresponds with the year you began attending Miami.

Registration FAQ

How do I know when to register for classes?

  1. Login to BannerWeb.
  2. Click on Student Services.
  3. Click on Registration.
  4. Click on Check your registration status and your registration dates and times.

Since I register based on my earned hours, how do I know how many earned hours I have?

You can find your earned credit hours by looking at the Undergraduate Summary to Date section on the last page of your degree audit.

What is credit/no-credit?

For undergraduate courses: If you take a course as credit/no-credit, a standard letter grade is not posted to your transcript. Effective Fall 2022, credit will show as a “CR1” if a grade of “C” or higher has been earned in the course and “CR2” if a grade of “D-“ through “C-“ has been earned.” No credit will show as "NCR" as an indication that credit was not awarded due to a failing grade of “F”. None of these grade symbols have an impact on your GPA.

Things to take note of:

  1. You must be in good academic standing to take a course credit/no-credit
  2. No more than 10 percent of the total credit hours earned at Miami University may be taken as credit/no-credit; courses offered only as credit/no-credit are not factored in.
  3. Courses in your major, major-related hours, or minor cannot be taken as credit/no-credit.
  4. Registration in a course on a credit/no-credit basis requires the permission of the instructor and cannot be made via BannerWeb, except in Miami Plan courses.
  5. Students with freshman standing (anyone with less than 30 earned hours): During the fall or spring semester, you may register for a course on a credit/no-credit basis providing you are concurrently enrolled in 12 hours for standard letter grades; during the summer term, you may take courses on a credit/no-credit basis providing you are concurrently enrolled for 4 semester hours for a standard letter grade. If at any time, you drop below the 12 or 4 hours of graded courses, the credit/no-credit status will be changed back to standard letter grade and an email will be sent to you from the Registrar’s Office informing you of this action.

Additional information, including how to change from standard letter grade to credit/no-credit, can be found on the One Stop webpage

For the full Credit/No-credit policy, please read the Credit/No-Credit Courses section of the Registration (Undergraduate) page (Miami University Policy Library).

How do I drop a course?

If you stop attending a class, it is not the same as dropping it. You must take action to drop the course. Before dropping a course, we recommend that you consult the instructor and your academic advisor to discuss the implications. There are very specific deadlines that dictate the consequences of dropping a course. Dates and deadlines vary between full-semester and sprint courses.

Note: Please consult the academic calendar for official withdraw deadlines.

To officially drop a course you must ask your instructor to delete you from the electronic roster.

How can I register for more than 20 hours?

You need to get permission for excess academic hours from an advisor in the College of Arts and Science. However, there are specific criteria under which a student would qualify for excess hour permission. Please be aware that excess hour permission is not always granted.

What happens if I repeat a course?

Please read the Undergraduate Course Repeat Policy section of the Undergraduate|Registration page (Miami University Policy Library).

Can I get a grade removed from my transcript?

Once a grade is posted on your transcript, it cannot be removed. 

How many credit hours do I need to be considered a full-time student?

You must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours to be considered a full-time student.

How many hours do I need to be a sophomore, junior, or senior?

You are considered a full-time student when you are registered for 12 or more semester hours.

If your degree program requires 128 hours for graduation:

> 0-29 = Freshman

> 30-63 = Sophomore

> 64-95 = Junior

> 96 and above = Senior


If your degree program requires 124 hours for graduation:

> 0-29 = Freshman

> 30-61 = Sophomore

> 62-92 = Junior

> 93 and above = Senior

See  Classification of Students for additional information.

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

Official copies of your transcript (One Stop) are generated by the Office of the Registrar.

How can I find my Degree Audit?

Your degree audit can be printed online using BannerWeb.

Internships and Careers FAQ

Where do I find information about internships?

The Center for Career Exploration and Success is an excellent place to learn about internships. Also talk with your major department; they often have a list of available internships/jobs.

What if I know what I want to do when I graduate, but I don't know which major will help me get there?

Your divisional advisor and advisors in Center for Career Exploration and Success can help you determine major(s) that might be best for you to consider.

Contact CAS Advising

Academic Advising in the College of Arts and Science, Miami University, Oxford, OH, helps students make decisions about majors, minors, and thematic sequences; monitors student academic progress; and provides assistance with course planning.