Meet Our Students
Elizabeth Aaron
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Kiel
Sarah Adut
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Magee
Pankhuri Aggarwal
Advisor: Dr. Vaishali Raval
Grants and Awards
- 2021-2022 Majorie Post Farrington Scholarship
- 2021 Dissertation Scholar Award
- 2021 Research Grant, Mental Research Institute
- 2020 Presidential Proclamation and Medallion - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce
- 2020 Patrick J. Capretta Memorial Scholarship
- 2019-2020 Marian K. Hume Named Scholar Award, Philanthropic Educational Organization
- 2019, 2020 Philanthropic Educational Organization International Peace Scholarship
- 2019 Letter of Commendation
- 2019 American Psychological Association International Travel Grant
- 2018 Graduate School's Achievement Award
Scholarly Work
- Aggarwal, P., Raval, V. V., Sathiyaseelan, A., Trevethan, M., & Luebbe, A. M. (In press). Task-orientation, affect maintenance, or control: Scripts about happiness among urban, middle-class families in India. Journal of Happiness Studies.
- Aggarwal, P., Velkoff, L., Ortiz, S., Jain, A., George, T., Smith, A., & Raval, V. V. (2021). Examining psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire among college students in India. Journal of Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. Advance online publication.
- Wickline, V., Wiese, D. L., & Aggarwal, P. (2021). Increasing intercultural competence among college students through experiential activities with international student partners. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Aggarwal, P., Wiese, D., & Bhuptani, P. (2021). Relational ecological model of identity: A tool for providing culturally competent clinical care in India. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. Advance online publication.
- Aggarwal, P., Raval, V. V., Chari, U., Raman, V., Kadnur Sreenivas, K., Krishnamurthy, S., & Viswesweriah, A. M. (2021). Clinicians’ perspectives of diagnostic markers for depression among adolescents in India: An embedded mixed-methods study. Culture, Medicine, & Psychiatry, 45(2), 163-192.
- Jain, A., & Aggarwal, P. (2020). What would be most helpful for us to talk about? Trainee perspectives on culturally effective supervision in the USA and India. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(1), 84-92.
Ella Amaral Lavoie
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Kiel
Research Interest - My research interests include etiology and maintenance factors of childhood anxiety, as well as predictors of treatment-seeking and how to make treatment more accessible to families. Specifically, I am interested in how different parental traits (i.e. family accommodation and parental anxiety sensitivity) potentially interact with treatment-seeking on behalf of their children.
Nicole Baumgartner
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Kiel
Research Interest - I am broadly interested in how parenting relates to early childhood temperament and anxiety development. Currently, I am focusing on the way in which fathers' parenting behaviors relate to their children's inhibition levels over the course of infancy and toddlerhood. I am also interested in how maternal accuracy about children's inhibition levels informs how mothers behave around and respond to their children.
Madi Beedon
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Luebbe
Sanjana Conroy
Advisor: Dr. Terri Messman
Akanksha Das
Advisor: Dr. Elise Clerkin
Hannah Dinnen
Advisor: Dr. Paul Flaspohler
McKenna Freeman
Advisor: Dr. Vaishali Raval
Research Interests - My research and clinical interests are focused on children, adolescents, and families from racially/ethnically marginalized groups, with particular interest in Latinx populations. Broadly, I am interested in the impact of culture on psychopathology within these groups. More specifically, I am interested in ethnic/racial socialization, emotion socialization, and the impact of stressors such as discrimination.
Rachel Geyer
Advisor: Dr. Rose Marie Ward
Research Interest - My current research interests and projects include examining transdiagnostic factors influencing both anxiety and substance use (e.g., anxiety sensitivity; distress tolerance), exploring motives for substance use, and examining alcohol use patterns and problems (e.g., blackouts) across undergraduate and graduate students.
Scholarly Works
- McHugh, R.K., Geyer, R.B., Chase, A.R., Griffin, M.L., Bogunovic, O., & Weiss, R.D. (2021). Sex Differences in denzodiazepine misuse among adults with substance use disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 112, 106608.
- Votaw, V.R., Geyer, R.B., Rieslbach, M.M., & McHugh, R.K. (2019) The epidemiology of benzodiazepine misuse: a systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 200, 950114.
- Tomlinson, J.M., Hughes, E.K., Lewandowski Jr, G.W., Aron, A., & Geyer, R. (2019). Do shared self-expanding activities have to be physically arousing? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, 2781-2801.
- Cooley, E., Brown-Iannuzzi, J.L. Agboh, D., Enjaian, B., Geyer, R., Lue, N., & Wu, S. (2018). The fluid perception of racial identity: The role of friendship groups. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9, 32-39.
- McHugh, R.K., Geyer, R., Karakula, S., Griffin, M.L., & Weiss, R.D. (2018). Nonmedical benzodiazepine use in adults with alcohol use disorder: The role of anxiety sensitivity and polysubstance use. THe American Journal on Addictions, 27, 485-490.
Annika Goldman
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Magee
Research Interests - I am interested in how anxiety and unwanted intrusive thinking impact older adults subjective and objective experiences of cognitive decline.
- Student Paper Award APA Division 12-2, Clinical Geropsychology (2021)
- 3 Minute Thesis Finalist, Miami Graduate School, Oxford OH (2019)
Adrianna Jones
Advisor: Dr. Paul Flaspohler
Lauren Jones
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Kiel
Amy Kerr
Advisor: Dr. Paul Flaspohler
Research Interests - My primary interest is in prevention programming that promotes mental health and wellness for children and adolescents, such as universal social and emotional learning programs, parent programs, and integrated pediatric primary care. Within this, I am interested in the implementation and evaluation of such programs - how can they be successfully integrated into a wide variety of contexts, and how can we ensure that they provide the desired outcomes? Importantly, I believe this work must include consideration of the identities of the youth, parents, and providers involved in this program, and the social and historical contexts in which they exist.
Shruti Kinkel Ram
Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Hunger
Nicole LaPlena
Advisor: Dr. Terri Messman
Noelle Marousis
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Luebbe
Research Interests - My research interests include investigating child characteristics that impact the effect of parent emotion socialization on child emotion regulation, and how this relationship then relates to etiology and maintenance of anxiety and depression. I hope to examine these factors within an early adolescent population and include participation of multiple caregivers and family members in the home.
Amanda Meyer
Advisor: Dr. Paul Flaspohler
Feven Ogbaselase
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Luebbe
Research Interests - My research interests include the socialization of emotion regulation and emotion dynamic processes (i.e. emotional inertia) within families and their contribution to adolescent depression. I am also interested in using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to find out what might be occurring in the prefrontal cortex to account for the relations among socialization behaviors within the family, emotion regulation strategies, and adolescent depression.
Scholarly Work
- Hunt, Q. A., Krauthamer Ewing, E. S., Weiler, L. M., Ogbaselase, F. A., Mendenhall, T., McGuire, J. K., Monet, M., Kobak, R., & Diamond, G. S. (2021). Family relationships and the interpersonal theory of suicide in a clinically suicidal sample of adolescents. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Advance online publication.
- Ogbaselase, F. A., Mancini, K., & Luebbe, A. M. (2020). Indirect effect of family climate on adolescent depression through emotion regulatory processes. Emotion.
- Luebbe, A. M., & Ogbaselase, F. A. (2018). Constriction of the educational pipeline for students of color at the point of entry to doctoral work in psychology: Commentary on Callahan and colleagues (2018). Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12, 291-294.
- Winley, D. M., Ogbaselase, F., Kodish, T., Okunrounmu, E. & Krauthamer Ewing, E. S. (2016), Attachment-based family therapy for teen suicidality complicated by a history of sexual trauma. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37, 177–189.
- Graduate Students' Achievement Award, Miami University, 2021
- Patrick J. Capretta Memorial Scholarship for Research Achievement, 2021
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2018-2022
- Letter of Commendation from Miami University Psychology Department, 2018
- Graduate School Scholar Assistantship Award, 2016
Shelby Ortiz
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Magee
Research Interest - Shelby is a fifth-year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at Miami University. Her research interests include exploring the factors affecting the development and maintenance of eating disorders and studying the effectiveness of treatments. Originally from the Virginia Beach area, Shelby received her B.A. in both Psychology and Biology from Wake Forest University in 2014. She then spent a year writing curriculum and working as a group facilitator for a non-profit organization before moving to Philadelphia to work as the research coordinator for The Renfrew Center. Her two years there were spent studying eating disorder pathology and related comorbidities and she is thrilled to continue this type of research at Miami.
Natalie Perkins
Advisor: Dr. Elise Clerkin
Natalee Price
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Kiel
Research Interest - Guided by a developmental psychopathology framework, my research elucidates child emotional development as relevant to child psychopathology risk. I am particularly interested in how caregivers’ and peers’ emotion-related characteristics (e.g., emotion regulation) and behaviors (e.g., emotion socialization practices) influence children’s own ways of managing and responding to emotions. I utilize longitudinal study designs, with growing emphasis on person- and growth-centered approaches, neurobiological mechanisms (e.g., brain hemodynamics), and contextual factors (e.g., type of emotion, sociocultural context).
Scholarly Works
- Price, N., & Kiel, E. (2022). Maternal worry socialization and toddler inhibited temperament: Transactional associations and stability across time. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-022-00938-w
- Price, N.*, Scelsa, V.*, Luebbe, A., & Zeman, J. (2022). Profiles of adolescents’ sadness, anger, and worry regulation: Characterization and relations with psychopathology. Emotion. Advance online publication.https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0001084 Note: * = co-first author.
- Price, N., & Kiel, E. (2022). Longitudinal links among mother and child emotion regulation, maternal emotion socialization, and child anxiety. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-021-00804-1
- Kiel, E., Price, N., & Buss, K. (2020). Maternal anxiety and toddler inhibited temperament predict maternal socialization of worry. Social Development, 30(1), 258- https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12476
- Kiel, E., Price, N., & Premo, J. (2020). Maternal comforting behavior, toddlers’ dysregulated fear, and toddlers’ emotion regulatory behaviors. Emotion, 20(5), 793- https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000600
- Zeman, J., Cameron, M., & Price, N. (2019). Sadness in youth: Socialization, regulation, and adjustment. In V. Lobue, K. Perez-Edgar, & K. Buss (Eds.), Handbook of Emotional Development (pp. 227-256). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17332-6_10
- Parr, N., Zeman, J., Braunstein, K., & Price, N. (2016). Peer emotion socialization and somatic complaints in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 50, 22-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.04.004
- Patrick J. Capretta Memorial Scholarship (2022)
- Graduate Students’ Achievement Award, Miami University (2021)
- Letter of Commendation, Miami University Department of Psychology (2020)
- MU Presidential Proclamation, Ohio Senatorial Citation, and Office of the Mayor Proclamation, as recognition of work on DEI Task Force (2020)
- Midwestern Psychological Association Graduate Student Paper Award (2018)
Selime Salim
Advisor: Dr. Terri Messman
Valerie Scelsa
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Luebbe
Nikhil Singh
Advisor: Dr. Vaishali Raval
Isabella Tomei
Advisor: Dr. Vaishali Raval
Research Interests - My research interests broadly pertain to how racial and ethnic identity shapes mental health within the realms of culture and community. More specifically, I aim to research the psychological wellbeing, internalized perceptions, and intersectionality of Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African (MENA) individuals in domestic and international settings. I am also interested in understanding intergenerational trauma, resilience, and coping mechanisms in such communities. Clinically, I aspire to provide culturally sensitive and accessible treatment that will adequately serve historically underserved populations.
Kelechi Uzoegwu
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Magee, Dr. Vaishali Raval
Twitter: @KelechiUzoegwu
Research Interstes - My research is centered around the role of unwanted intrusive thoughts in the etiology and maintenance of psychopathology. Broadly, I research cognitive processes that predict or influence misappraisals (i.e. faulty interpretations) and strategies that support reappraisals of unwanted intrusive thoughts in the context of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. I am also interested in evaluating the efficacy of existing mobile health (mhealth) interventions for intrusive thinking as well as developing accessible mhealth interventions for historically underserved populations.
Katelyn Wargel
Advisor: Dr. Paul Flaspohler
Samantha Wick
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Luebbe
Research Interests - My primary research interest includes parental socialization of positive emotion and parent characteristics that impact parent choices about socialization (e.g., goals for their adolescent's happiness, beliefs about positive emotions). I am especially interested in how parental positive emotion socialization impacts adolescent depressive symptoms within and across cultural contexts.
Seth Wilensky
Advisor: Dr. Terri Messman
Trauma and Emotion Regulation Lab
Twitter: @SethWilensky513
Research Interests - Seth is a second year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at Miami University. Seth joined the program after receiving his B.A. in Psychological and Brain Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis in 2020. He is interested in male survivors of sexual abuse and assault. His research investigates the impact of masculine norm adherence as well as emotion dysregulation on men's negative mental and physical health outcomes post-sexual victimization.