Student Organizations
Below are a selection of student organizations led by CEC students. To discover more Miami University student organizations across campus, explore The Hub.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIAA is the hub of all things aerospace at Miami, including design projects and competitions, workshops, professional events, tours, and Aerospace-related social events. We design, build, and fly radio-controlled aircraft and model rockets in the names of fun and learning. Anyone with the slightest interest in airplanes, rockets, or space travel can explore more at: The Hub - AIAA
Advisor: Zhijiang (Justin) Ye, Ph.D. (zye@MiamiOH.edu)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIChE is the Miami student chapter of the National American Institute of Chemical Engineers professional organization.
Advisor: Andrew Paluch, Ph.D. (paluchas@MiamiOH.edu)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a group designed to promote the interaction of students in engineering through design projects, tutoring, and assistance with career advancement.
Advisor: Andrew Sommers, Ph.D. (sommerad@MiamiOH.edu)
Association for Computing Machinery
An organization for technology-oriented majors and minors. We promote student development in software and computer science skills. We also encourage involvement in the CSE department.
Advisor: Norm Krumpe (krumpenj@MiamiOH.edu)
Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W)
Our mission is to inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. It is our vision to reach gender parity in computing and technology sectors. We accept people of all genders and gender identities as members and officers. We accept people of all majors with an interest in technology.
Advisor: Karen Davis, Ph.D. (davisk4@MiamiOH.edu).
CSE Student Advisory Council
The Student Advisory Council consists of students that meet on a regular basis with the head of our department. This group provides advice and leadership when it comes to hiring new professors, forming student organizations such as B1TS, and sponsoring social events for our students, such as Paintball and game nights.
The Hub - CSE Student Advisory Council
Advisor: Eric Bachmann, Ph.D. (bachmaer@MiamiOH.edu)
ECE Student Advisory Council
ECESAC is a departmental, student-run group that provides a voice for the students of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. The members of the SAC are active in the development and cultivation of department projects, programs, curriculum, and other changes. It's a great opportunity to have an impact on the department now and into the future. If you're interested in learning more and possibly becoming a member, ask your academic advisor for more information.
Advisor: Chi-Hao Cheng, Ph.D. (chengc@MiamiOH.edu)
Engineers Without Borders
Engineers without Borders is a non-profit organization that collaborates with developing communities to design and implement sustainable engineering that address basic needs.
The Hub - Engineers without Borders
Advisor: Cathy Almquist, Ph.D. (almquic@MiamiOH.edu)
Engineering & Computing Student Council
As a group, our goal is to promote communication amongst the engineering community by encouraging unity, professionalism, and collaboration. When necessary projects and events with engineering groups will be coordinated.
Advisor: Colleen Bush (bushc4@MiamiOH.edu)
Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code is a student organization where Miami volunteers teach 5th - 12th grade girls and boys about computer science, while emphasizing the importance of a community that supports women in technology. Our focus is primarily on web development, but also introduce more advanced topics such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Our goal is to close the gender gap in technology by inspiring, educating, and equipping our students with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.
Advisor: Daniela Inclezan, Ph.D. (nclezd@MiamiOH.edu)
Humanitarian Youth Preparation for Electronics Education (HYPE)
Please contact Dylan Fall, (falldc@MiamiOH.edu) with any questions.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Miami's IEEE Chapter is a student organization that helps facilitate students' education by providing opportunities to explore and learn outside of the classroom in a hands-on environment. It is in your best interest to join IEEE early in your career and begin taking advantage of the many opportunities it provides.
Advisor: Peter Jamieson, Ph.D. (jamiespa@MiamiOH.edu)
Lilly Leadership Institute
Working together with seasoned leaders from business and government, we engage engineering and computer science students in a unique and transformative learning experience that embraces interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork, self-knowledge, innovation, change management, emotional intelligence, cultural diversity and business acumen.
Advisor: Louise Mormon (mormanlm@MiamiOH.edu)
Miami University Cyber Security Club
The MUCSC discusses Ethical Hacking methods and strategies as well as how to prepare, defend, and mitigate against cyber threats. Each member gains valuable insight through workshops, practical application, and knowledgeable guest speakers. The MUCSC thoroughly discusses and analyzes the world of cyber security as well as the tools and techniques used in this field. Hacking tools are used in a controlled manner to gain a greater understanding of how they work and how to defend against them.
The Hub - M.U. Cybersecurity Club
Advisor: Suman Bhunia, Ph.D. (bhunias@MiamiOH.edu)
Miami University Robotics and Automation Club
The Hub - M.U. Robotics and Automation Club
Please contact Dave Hartup, Ph.D. (hartupd@MiamiOH.edu) for any questions.
Miami University Women in Cyber Security
Please contact Suman Bhunia, Ph.D. (bhunias@MiamiOH.edu) if you have any questions.
MME Student Leadership Council
SLC represents the broader spectrum of the Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering Management student body. The purpose of the council is to provide a mechanism for students to give constructive feedback on their educational experience. This partnership helps the department to communicate closely with the students, to learn first hand about the students' needs and concerns and to gain invaluable insight into their perception of the program. SAC is the group responsible for planning Engineering Week activities as well as other social activities for MME majors.
Advisor: Kumar Singh, Ph.D. (singhkv@MiamiOH.edu)
National Society of Black Engineers
NSBE's mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers and scientists who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
The Hub - National Society of Black Engineers
Advisor: Keisha Norris, (norrisk6@MiamiOH.edu)
oSTEM@Miami University is a student-led organization which supports LGBTQ+ students at Miami University interested in STEM fields. We aim to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ students in STEM and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community within STEM. We are a part of the national oSTEM Incorporated organization which seeks to create a dynamic student-professional network in industry and academia, and to promote inclusion and equity of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM-related fields though student service and support. We welcome all students regardless of major, minor, or identity.
Advisor: Brian Kirkmeyer, Ph.D. (kirkmebp@MiamiOH.edu)
Redhawk Racing - Baja
Miami University Baja fulfills the senior capstone requirement for engineering students. Each year seniors, with the assistance of several underclassmen, design and construct a rugged, off-road vehicle to compete in an international competition through the Society of Automotive Engineers. The competition features various dynamic events - traction, maneuverability, and suspension - as well as a four-hour endurance race. Miami enters the competition each year with the goal of achieving a top ten finish!
Advisor: Karl Reiff (reiffkr@MiamiOH.edu)
Redhawk Racing - Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
The Formula SAE team works to custom design and fabricate a race car. The group is divided into four cohesive groups that work together to bring the car to completion. The four groups are Suspension, Chassis, Drive Chain, and Business.
Advisor: Karl Reiff (reiffkr@MiamiOH.edu)
Society for Biological Engineering
The Miami student chapter of the Society for Biological Engineering’s purpose is to give students the opportunity to learn about the bioengineering, biochemical, biomedical, and biomechanical fields and meet fellow students who share the similar interests. SBE strives to accomplish these goals through hosting different events throughout the year. Examples of past events include: Hands-on training with 3D printing and 3D model design, a prosthetic modeling design competition, resume workshops, discussions on how to get involved in undergraduate research, hosting speakers from the biomedical industry, and social events.
Advisor: Andrew Jones, Ph.D. (jonesj28@MiamiOH.edu)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers' (SHPE) goal is to support Hispanic and Latinx CEC students. SHPE members participate in both professional and social activities and builds a supportive community for the CEC members.
The Hub - Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Advisor: Colleen Bush (bushc4@MiamiOH.edu)
Society of Women Engineers
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit education and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders. At Miami, our SWE chapter provides members with opportunities and resources to serve our sisterhood of women engineers. We hold academic, career-oriented, service, and social events for our members.
The Hub - Society of Women Engineers
Advisor: Colleen Bush (bushc4@MiamiOH.edu)
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society for select students ranking in the top 1/8 of juniors and 1/5 of seniors in accredited majors.
Advisor: Doug Coffin, Ph.D. (coffindw@MiamiOH.edu)
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
TAPPI's purpose is to provide individuals with an interest in the paper, pulp and allied industries with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the paper and related industries while strengthening social ties between students and industry professional through networking and social events.
Advisor: Steve Keller, Ph.D. (kellerds@MiamiOH.edu)
Theta Tau
Theta Tau is a chapter of the nation's largest professional engineering fraternity. The organization is centered around its three pillars of brotherhood, professional development and service. Typical events during a semester will include an industry visit, networking opportunities near career fair, service with Habitat for Humanity, and social events.
Please contact thetatau@MiamiOH.edu with any questions.
Zeta Rho
Please contact Katherine Ehlert, Ph.D (ehlerk@MiamiOH.edu) for any questions.
Don’t see your CEC student organization on this list?
The College of Engineering and Computing