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Scholarly Media and Recognition

December 2024:

Zafer Ozmedir had his co-authored paper “A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Adoption of Patient-Generated Health Data,” accepted for publication in  the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research

Haim Kassa had his co-authored article "Expected Idiosyncratic Volatility" accepted at the Journal of Financial Economics.

Lee Biggerstaff, Brad Goldie, and Haim Kassa had their article "Beta Estimation Precision and Corporate Investment Efficiency" accepted at the Journal of Corporate Finance.

Chelsea Green and Karen Meyers along with other coauthors, had their paper "Why Study Ethics?" accepted and published at the Southern Journal of Business Ethics.

November 2024:

John Bowblis had his coauthored paper "Loss Of Public Health Emergency Funds Challenges The Financial Viability Of Nursing Homes, Especially Not-For-Profit Facilities" published in Health Affairs.

Oct. 30, 2024: Lisa Ellram, professor of management, had her coauthored paper “Using Circular Economy and Circular Supply Chain Principles in Packaging” published in Caps Research

Oct. 17, 2024: David Lindequist, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper “Global spillovers of US climate policy risk: Evidence from EU carbon emissions futures” published in Energy Economics

Oct. 15, 2024: Tim Holcomb, professor and chair of the Department of Entrepreneurship and director of the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper “Exploring the Effects of Institutional Logics on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluations in Emerging Economies," accepted for publication in the Journal of Small Business Management

Oct. 15, 2024: Kylie Heales, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had one of her papers, “Hybridizing Sustainability Metric Applications with Local Stakeholder Inputs: A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with Co-Design Demonstration,” accepted for publication in Organization Studies

September 17, 2024

Hao Wang, assistant professor of marketing, had his coauthored paper "Sell On, Sell To, or Sell Through: The Sales Performance Implications of Brand-Platform Selling Arrangements" accepted for publication in the Journal of Retailing.

August 26, 2024

July 30, 2024

Accountancy faculty Mark Ross and James Zhang had their co-authored publication, "ChatGPT is Ready for the Profession—But is the Profession Ready for ChatGPT?" accepted for publication in Accounting Horizons.

July 22, 2024

Vic Clesceri, assistant visiting professor of marketing, published his new book “Organizational Behavior Essentials.”

July 15, 2024

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, had her co-authored research in "Investments in hospital infrastructure reduced mortality in the US South" published in VoxEU.

June 28, 2024

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, had her coauthored paper "The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality" published by the American Economic Association.

June 27, 2024

Lisa Ellram, professor of managment, and Tom Boulton, professor of finance, had their co-authored paper "The Intersection of Supply Chain Operations and Finance: Logistics Uncertainty and International IPO Underpricing" accepted by Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

June 24, 2024

Jon Pyzoha, assocate professor of accountancy, coauthored two comment letters that were published in Current Issues in Auditing for the PCAOB's two latest proposals - Rulemaking Docket 41: Firm and Engagement Metrics and Rulemaking Docket 55: Firm Reporting.

June 20, 2024

Jeff Merhout, associate professor of information systems and analytics, and Ally Britton-Heitz, a Miami student minoring in ISA, had their co-authored paper "Human Roles in Implementation and Oversight of Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Governance Framework" presented at the 2024 Midwest Association of Information Systems conference and published in its proceedings.

June 18, 2024

John Bowblis, professor of economics, had his coauthored paper "Private Equity Investment In Assisted Living: Distinct Impacts And Policy Considerations" published in Health Affairs

May 14, 2024

Entrepreneurship faculty Chris Sutter and Michael Conger had their co-authored paper entitled, “Knowledge-related resourcefulness for growth in weak entrepreneurial ecosystems," published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 

Jon Grenier, professor of accountancy, had his coauthored research study, "PCAOB Inspections and Auditor Liability" accepted for Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory.

April 8, 2024

Jon Pyzoha, associate professor of accountancy, had a coauthored comment letter accepted for publication in Current Issues in Auditing, "Additional Comments of the American Accounting Association Auditing Section Auditing Standards Committee on the PCAOB’s Amendments to PCAOB Auditing Standards Related to a Company’s Noncompliance with Laws and Regulations and Other Related Amendments."

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her co-authored paper “The Effect of Vaccine Mandates on Disease Spread” accepted for publication in The Journal of Human Resources

March 5, 2024

Xi Liu, associate professor of finance, had his co-authored paper "Is There Information in Corporate Acquisition Plans?" featured in the March 2024 issue of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

February 23, 2024

Accountancy professor Tim Eaton and EY Student Scholar Bridget Schaber had their coauthored paper, “Accountants Driving Sustainable Change: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?” accepted in Strategic Finance. 

February 15, 2024

Sydney Shu, assistant professor of accountancy, received the 2024 AAA International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award for her co-authored manuscript titled, “The Effect of Expected Shareholder Litigation on Corporate ESG Reporting: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment”

February 14, 2024

John Bowblis, professor of economics, had his co-authored paper "Nursing Homes Increasingly Rely On Staffing Agencies For Direct Care Nursing" published in Health Affairs

February 8, 2024

Jing Li, professor of economics, and Bryanna Renuart, 2022 graduate, had their co-authored paper, "Environmental impact of 2011 Germany’s nuclear shutdown: a synthetic control study" published in Applied Economics

January 31, 2024

Greg Fisher, associate professor of marketing, had his coauthored paper "The Timing of Diverse External Stakeholder Involvement during Interfirm Open Innovation: The Effects on New Product Speed to Market and Product Lifespan,” accepted for publication in Industrial Marketing Management

January 25, 2024

Joseph Nwankpa, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Remote work, employee productivity and innovation: the moderating roles of knowledge sharing and digital business intensity" published in Journal of Knowledge Management

January 14, 2024

Joel Ederington, professor of economics, had his coauthored paper "Equity-efficiency tradeoffs in international bargaining" published in Economic Inquiry

January 9, 2024

Economics faculty members Peter Nencka and Melissa Thomasson's co-authored study "School Closures during the 1918 Flu Pandemic" was published in The Review of Economics and Statistics

January 3, 2024

A 2022 research study by accountancy professors Anne Farrell and Michele Frank, published in the Journal of Management Accounting Research, "It's Complicated: How a Subordinate's Gender Influences Supervisors' Use of Past Performance Information When Appraising Potential," has been selected for inclusion as continuing professional education (CPE) by CalCPA (the California Society of CPAs) because of its relevance to the profession and its societal impact.

January 2, 2024

Billy Brink, associate professor of accountancy, had his co-authored paper "Academic Fraud and Remote Evaluation of Accounting Students: An Application of the Fraud Triangle" accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Ethics 

November 29, 2023

Anna-Katharina Lenz, White Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, had her co-authored paper, "Beyond the Paradigm of Literacy: Developing a Research Agenda in Entrepreneurship," accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

November 20, 2023

Mani Sharifi, visiting assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his coauthored paper, "Development of a Non-Radial Model for Resource Reallocation Using Network Data Envelopment Analysis" published in the Journal of Engineering Research

November 14, 2023

Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, had two of his co-authored papers accepted for publication in a Special Issue on "Religion and Entrepreneurship" in Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal -- "Specifying the Role of Religion in Entrepreneurial Action: A Cognitive Perspective," and "Does Religion Matter to Angels? Exploring the Influence of Religion in Entrepreneurial Investor Decision Making."

October 31, 2023

Zhiyong Yang, professor and chair of marketing, had his co-authored paper "The bellwether of community: The influence of lead users' characteristics on ordinary users' participation in online brand communities," published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior.

June 19, 2023

Zhe Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper “Does Accelerated Digitization Widen Racial Digital Divide in Healthcare? Longitudinal Observational Study of Patient Portal Usage During COVID-19” accepted for publication in The Journal of Medical Internet Research.

June 16, 2023

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, and Allison Jones-Farmer, chair of ISA, had their co-authored paper "How generative AI models such as ChatGPT can be (mis)used in SPC practice, education, and research? An exploratory study" published in Quality Engineering

May 30, 2023

ISA faculty Chad Anderson, Jeff Merhout, and Arthur Carvalho, had their co-authored paper "Blockchain Innovation for Consent Self-Management in Health Information Exchanges" accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems

May 22, 2023

Peter Nguyen, assistant professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper, "The influence of non-physicality of goods on disparities in seller-buyer valuations: A meta-analysis," accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Psychology

May 15, 2023

Kylie Heales, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had one of her co-authored papers, "How institutional logics influence growth: A field experiment with Tunisian women entrepreneurs," named winner of the 2023 Best Entrepreneurship Paper Award from the Organization & Management Theory (OMT) Division of the Academy of Management.

April 20, 2023

Joseph Nwankpa, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper Remote Vigilance: The Roles of Cyber Awareness and Cybersecurity Policies Among Remote Workers accepted for publication in Computers & Security

April 18, 2023

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her research cited in this article in Future Ed.

March 6, 2023

Chad Anderson, assistant professor of information system and analytics, had his manuscript on factors that impact the success of health information exchange (HIE) platforms accepted by Information and Organization

February 16, 2023

Anna-Katharina Lenz, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had her co-authored paper “Do political preferences affect policy learning and uptake? Evidence from a field experiment with informal entrepreneurs” published in Journal of Politics

February 8, 2023

Riley Action, assistant professor of economics, had her coauthored paper "Returns to School Spending in Rural America: Evidence from Wisconsin’s Sparsity Aid Program" published in Annenberg Working Papers

February 7, 2023

Brett Smith, Chris Sutter, and Anna Katharina-Lenz, entrepreneurship faculty members, were accepted into the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) RRBM Honor Roll, which recognizes scholarly articles, monographs, policy papersand/or books "...that meet RRBM principles for contributing to a better society."

February 6, 2023

Chad Anderson, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his coauthored paper “Managing Compliance with Privacy Regulations through Translation Guardrails: A Health Information Exchange Case Study”, accepted for publication in Information and Organization

January 25, 2023

Hannah Lee, associate professor of marketing, had her coauthored paper "Understanding the Relationship Between the Use of Social Media and the Prevalence of Anxiety at the Country Level: A Multi-country Examination," accepted for publication in International Business Review

January 11, 2023

Scott Friend, associate professor of marketing, had his coauthored paper, “How and Should Firms Motivate Salesperson Effort Across a Multi-Brand Portfolio?” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Research

January 2, 2023

Chris Sutter, associate professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored article “Social Entrepreneurship and Intersectionality: Mitigating extreme exclusion" accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing

December 16, 2022

Feifei Wang, assistant professor of finance, had her co-authored paper "Do Fund Managers Time Momentum? Evidence from Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund Returns" published in European Financial Management.

November 30, 2022

J. Marcus Jobe, professor emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics Department was invited to present to the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, Department of Mathematical Sciences Artificial Intelligence Community of Practice, University of Texas, El Paso. His presentation was titled, "Univariate Fast Initial Response Statistical Process Control with Taut Strings." The invited presentation was fully funded by the University of Texas at El Paso and a National Science Foundation Research Grant.

November 20, 2022

Melissa Thomasson, Associate Dean for Faculty Excellence & professor of economics, and Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, had their co-authored paper "Do Pandemics Change Healthcare? Evidence from the Great Influenza" published in the National Bureau of Economic Research

November 14, 2022

Jenny Darroch, Farmer School dean, and Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, coauthored a column in AACSB about "Supporting DEI Through Cultural Intelligence"

November 9, 2022

Kerri Cissna and Greg Dern, visiting assistant professors of Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the First Year Integrated Core (FYIC), had their co-authored paper, “A Servant Leader’s Guide to Maximizing the Potential of Diverse Teams: A Model for Leadership Development,” published as an edited book chapter in The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership.

November 8, 2022

Maciej Rysz, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his book, "Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Applications," accepted for publication.

November 7, 2022

Accountancy faculty members Michele Frank, Jon Grenier, Jon Pyzoha, and 2019 graduate Natalie Zielinski had their paper, “Implications of enhanced cybersecurity risk management reporting and independent assurance,”  accepted at Current Issues in Auditing.

October 4, 2022

Monique Murfield and Lisa Ellram, professors of management, had their co-authored paper "Leveraging sustainable supply chain information to alter last-mile delivery consumption: A social exchange perspective" accepted for publication in Science Direct

August 30, 2022

Zhiyong Yang, professor and chair of marketing, had his co-authored paper “Misperception of Multiple Risks in Medical Decision–Making” accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Research.

August 16, 2022

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed about his recent paper "Leapfrogging Healthcare Service Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Utility-Trust Rationale of Mobile Payment Platforms' by Research in Practice in General Medicine.

August 11, 2022

Greg Fisher, associate professor of marketing, had his paper “How will Self-Manufacture and the Maker Movement Reshape Consumer Preferences? An Exploratory Study from the 3D Printing Industry,” accepted for publication in Research Technology Management.

July 29, 2022

Hannah Lee, associate professor of marketing, had her co-authored paper, "Understanding the relationship between advertising spending and happiness at the country level," accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business Studies.

July 7, 2022

J. Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics Department was selected and funded as an Academic Consultant on the recently awarded ($120,000), three year National Science Foundation (NSF) research proposal titled "Nonparametric Total Variation Regression for Multivariate Process Data". P.I. Dr. Michael Pokojovy.

June 27, 2022

Maria Weese, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had her paper entitled “Response surface models: To reduce or not to reduce?” selected as the winner of the 2022 Lloyd S. Nelson Award that recognizes the paper appearing in the Journal of Quality Technology's 2021 volume with the “greatest immediate impact to practitioners.”

May 9, 2022

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics, had his co-authored paper "A Robust Deterministic Affine-Equivariant Algorithm for Multivariate Location and Scatter" accepted for publication in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 172, number 107475, pp. 1-24

May 5, 2022

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had two co-authored papers accepted for publication: "A data analytic end-to-end framework for the automated quantification of ergonomic risk factors across multiple tasks using a single wearable sensor" in Applied Ergonomics and "Classifying tasks performed by electrical line workers using a wrist-worn sensor: A data analytic approach." in PLOS One

April 28, 2022

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, and Allison Jones-Farmer, professor of information systems and analytics, had their co-authored paper "A Two Stage Time Series Clustering Framework for Explaining the Varying Patterns of COVID-19 Deaths across the U.S." accepted for publication in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance

April 25, 2022

Maciej Rysz, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "SAR Data Applications in Earth Observation: an Overview," acceoted for publication in Expert Systems With Applications

April 15, 2022

Xi Liu, associate professor of finance, had his co-authored paper, "Are Analyst Short-Term Trade Ideas Valuable?" accepted for publication in the Journal of Finance

April 14, 2022

Monique Murfield and Lisa Ellram, supply chain and operations professors, had their co-authored paper "Moving purchasing & supply management beyond a cost-focused identity” named best paper of 2021 by Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

March 17, 2022

Kerri Cissna, visiting assistant professor of creativity and entrepreneurship in the First Year Integrated Core, had her co-authored paper, “Supporting Leadership Success in Times of Global Disruption: Best Practices for Transformational Executive Coaching,” published as an edited book chapter in Leadership after COVID-19

March 16, 2022

Molly Holinger, visiting assistant professor in creativity and entrepreneurship in the First Year Integrated Core, had her co-authored paper, “Creativity is Our Gig: Focusing on the Positive and Practical,” accepted for publication in Translational Issues in Psychological Science. She also had a co-authored paper, “Everyday Creativity as a Pathway to Meaning and Well-Being,” published as an edited book chapter in the Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotion

March 6, 2022

Alireza Fallahtafti, visiting assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Forecasting ATM Cash Demand Before and During the COVID‑19 Pandemic Using an Extensive Evaluation of Statistical and Machine Learning Models" published in SN Computer Science

February 22, 2022

Arthur Carvalho, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Deriving and Validating Emotional Dimensions from Textual Data," accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications

February 15, 2022

Alireza Fallahtafti, visiting assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Forecasting ATM Cash Demand Before and During the COVID‑19 Pandemic Using an Extensive Evaluation of Statistical and Machine Learning Models" published in SN Computer Science

Molly Holinger, visiting assistant professor in creativity and entrepreneurship in the First Year Integrated Core had one of her co-authored papers, “Alex F. Osborn: Applied Creativity Pioneer,” accepted for publication as an edited book chapter in “2021 Celebrating Giants and Trailblazers: A-Z of Who’s Who in Creativity Research and Related Fields.” 

January 31, 2022

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, had her co-authored article "A legitimacy theory perspective on Scope 3 freight transportation emissions" published in Journal of Business Logistics

January 28, 2022

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "A Data-Driven Approach to Managing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Parking Lots," accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Maciej Rysz, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Diversity in news recommendations using contextual bandits," accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications

January 22, 2022

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs & Personnel & professor of economics Melissa Thomasson had their co-authored paper "School Closures during the 1918 Flu Pandemic" accepted by The Review of Economics and Statistics

January 18, 2022

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her co-authored paper "The Influence of Peer Institutions on Colleges’ Decisions: Evidence from Fall 2020 Reopening Plans" accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

January 12, 2022

Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper "Variation in Option Implied Volatility Spread and Future Stock Returns" accepted for publication at the The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

January 1, 2022

Tim Eaton and James Zhang, professors of accountancy and Abby Larson, accountancy student, had their co-authored article "Building a Bot" published in Strategic Finance

December 18, 2021

Anne Farrell and Michele Frank, professors of accountancy, had their co-authored paper “It’s Complicated: How a Subordinate’s Gender Influences Supervisors’ Use of Past Performance Information When Appraising Potential,” accepted to the Journal of Management Accounting.

December 16, 2021

Chris Sutter, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had a cross-disciplinary grant proposal, “Finding Recovery: Research and Development to Match People with Substance Use Disorders with Placements in Real Time,” accepted by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

December 5, 2021

Kerri Cissna, visiting assistant professor of creativity and entrepreneurship, had her co-authored paper “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Strategic Plans for Start-Ups,” accepted for publication in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance

November 29, 2021

Chris Sutter, assocate professor of entrepreneurship had his co-authored paper, "What makes resource provision an effective means of poverty alleviation? A resourcing perspective," accepted for publication in Organization Science

November 18, 2021

John Bowblis, professor of economics, had his co-authored paper, "Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes: The Role of Serious Mental Illness," accepted for publication in The Gerontologist.

November 9, 2021

Robert Dahlstrom, professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper "Systematic Review of Gender Differences and Similarities in Online Consumers’ Shopping Behavior" accepted for publication in Journal of Consumer Marketing.

November 1, 2021

Jay Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Predicting shareholder litigation on insider trading from financial text: An interpretable deep learning approach" chosen to receive the Bright Idea Award sponsored by the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall.

Jessie Wang, assistant professor of marketing, had her co-authored paper “Men Exaggerate and Women Impression Manage: Gender Differences in Types of Socially Desirable Responding," accepted for publication.

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Integrating ethics and inclusion: How and when upper-level managerial leadership impact supervisory inclusiveness," accepted for publication in Current Psychology.

October 28, 2021

Robert Dahlstrom, professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper "Measuring Environmental Performance in Business to Business Relationships: A Bibliometric Review" accepted for publication in Marketing Intelligence and Planning.

October 17, 2021

Maria Weese, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had a co-authored paper, "Self-Validated Ensemble Models for Design of Experiments" accepted for publication by Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems

October 16, 2021

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had a co-authored invited column, "The class imbalance problem" published in Nature Methods and a co-authored research paper, "Investigation of Heterogeneity Sources for Occupational Task Recognition via Transfer Learning" published in Sensors

October 4, 2021

Chris Sutter, associate professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper, “Venture Distress and Problemistic Search among Entrepreneurs in Brazilian Favelas,” accepted for publication in Journal of Business Venturing.

October 1, 2021

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper, "Did the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Help Counties Most Affected by the Great Recession?" published in Review of Economic Dynamics.

September 27, 2021

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "A Social Exchange Examination of Upper-Level Management and Supervisor Organizational Embodiment: The Roles of Supervisor Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Conscientiousness," accepted for publication in Journal of Social Psychology.

September 21, 2021

David Yin, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper,"Does Modern Information Technology Attenuate Managerial Information Hoarding? Evidence from EDGAR Implementation," accepted by the Journal of Corporate Finance.

September 15, 2021

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his paper  "Aligning the Interests of Prosumers and Utilities Through a Two-Step Demand-Response Approach" accepted for publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production. 

September 12, 2021

Jeff Merhout, John Benamati, and T.M. Rajkumar, professors of information systems and analytics, had their co-authored paper “The Influence of Career Panels on Student Perceptions, Attitudes, and Intentions toward Studying to Become Part of the Information Systems Profession,” accepted for publication by the Decisions Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.

September 1, 2021

Michael Conger, associate professor of entrepreneurship had a co-authored paper, "Green to Gone? Regional Institutional Logics and Firm Survival in Moral Markets” accepted for publication by Organization Science.

Scott Friend, associate professor of marketing, had his coauthored paper "Sales enablement: conceptualizing and developing a dynamic capability," accepted for publication in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He also had the coauthored paper "Marketing Strategy Implementation Impediments and Remedies: A Multi-Level Theoretical Framework within the Sales-Marketing Interface" accepted in International Journal of Research in Marketing

August 20, 2021

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, has had three of their co-authored papers accepted for publication:

  • "Predicting unsafe driving risk among commercial truck drivers using machine learning: lessons learned from the surveillance of 20 million driving miles" in Accident Analysis & Prevention
  • "Hierarchical point process models for recurring safety-critical events involving commercial truck drivers: A reliability framework for human performance modeling" in Journal of Quality Technology
  • "Smart Wearable and Collaborative Technologies for the Operator 4.0 in the Present and Post-COVID Digital Manufacturing Worlds" in Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

August 17, 2021

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Leapfrogging Healthcare Service Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Utility-Trust Rationale of Mobile Payment Platforms" accepted for publication in the European Journal of Information Systems.

August 16, 2021

Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had her co-authored paper titled “Unravelling the Relationship between High-Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Mediation Analysis” accepted for publication in Human Resource Management.

August 13, 2021

James Coyle and Younghwa Lee, professors of marketing, had their co-authored paper "Improving intention to back projects with effective designs of progress presentation in crowdfunding campaign sites," published in Decision Support Systems

August 12, 2021

Molly Holinger, visiting assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had her co-authored paper “Creative productive eminence in talented women: beliefs, motivation, and drive to create,” accepted for publication in Gifted and Talented International

August 11, 2021

Information systems and analytics professors Maria Weese, Allison Jones-Farmer and Waldyn Martinez and graduate student Lina Li had their paper “Robustness of the One-Class Peeling method to the Gaussian Kernel Bandwidth” accepted for publication in Quality and Reliability Engineering International.

  • Sina Esteky, professor of marketing, had two co-authored papers published:

     “Chirping Birds and Barking Dogs: The Interactive Effect of Ambient Sensory Cue Source and Valence on Consumers’ Choice of Natural Products”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

    "The educational placebo effect: branding higher education benefits student learning," Journal of Marketing for Higher Education

August 10, 2021

Information systems and analytics professors Allison Jones-Farmer and Fadel Megahed have had three of their co-authored papers accepted for publication

  • "Modeling the differences in the time-series profiles of new COVID-19 daily confirmed cases in 3,108 contiguous U.S. counties: A retrospective analysis." will appear in PLOS ONE
  • "Explaining Predictive Models: An Experimental Study of Data Preparation and Model Choice on Predictive Performance" will appear in Big Data. (with FSB assistant teaching professor Bob Leonard)
  • "A personalized and Nonparametric Framework for Detecting Changes in Gait Cycles" will appear in IEEE Sensors.

August 5, 2021

Peng Wang & Scott Dust, associate professors of management, had their co-authored paper titled "Leader gender and employee power distance orientation as boundary conditions of the relationship between leader humility and leader-member exchange” accepted for publication in Human Performance.

July 28, 2021

Bill Moser, associate professor of accountancy, had his co-authored paper Terrorism and Corporate Tax Avoidance” accepted for publication in Abacus.

Jing Li, associate professor of economics, had his paper "On Estimating Risk Premium With Flexible Fourier Form" published by the Economics Bulletin.

Brett Smith,  professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper “When the Beacon Goes Dark: Legitimacy Repair Work by Subsequent Entrants in an Emerging Market Category” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.

July 24, 2021

Eric Stenstrom, associate professor of marketing, had a co-authored paper, “The association between testosterone and unethical behaviors, and the moderating role of intrasexual competition” accepted for publication by the British Journal of Psychology.

He also had these co-authored publications accepted for publication

  • "Consumption on steroids: The effect of testosterone on preferences for conspicuous consumption and the moderating role of intrasexual competition" inJournal of Behavioral Decision-Making
  • "Baseline testosterone moderates the effect of money exposure on charitable giving intent" in Psychology & Marketing
  • "Prenatal hormones (2D:4D), intrasexual competition, and materialism in women" in Psychology & Marketing

Hannah Lee, associate professor of marketing, had her co-authored paper "Reward Strategy Spillover Effects on Observer Cooperation in Business Networks." accepted for publication in Marketing Letters

July 20, 2021

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Do the Right Thing: The Imprinting of Deonance at the Upper Echelons," accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics.

July 16, 2021

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Process Innovation in the Digital Age of Business: The Role of Digital Business Intensity and Knowledge Management" accepted for publication in the Journal of Knowledge Management.

July 13, 2021

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics, had his co-authored paper "Detecting selected non-random patterns with individuals control charts" accepted for publication at the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation.

July 12, 2021

Feifei Wang, assistant professor of finance,  had her co-authored paper "Downside risk and the performance of volatility-managed portfolios," accepted at the Journal of Banking and Finance

Corey Shank, assistant clinical professor of finance, had his co-authored paper “The Effect of Extreme Weather on Suppliers' Earnings Transparency: The Need for Greater Disclosure” named the Best Paper at the Global Finance Conference last month.

Xi Liu, assistant professor of finance, had his co-authored paper "Are Analyst Short-Term Trade Ideas Valuable?" accepted at the Journal of Finance.  
July 5, 2021
Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored study “Toward a Theological Turn in Entrepreneurship: How Religion Could Enable Transformative Research in Our Field,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.
June 30, 2021
Robert Dahlstrom, professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper "The Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Personality: A Systematic Review" accepted for publication in EuroMed Journal of Business.
June 25, 2021
Peter Salzarulo, professor of management, had his co-authored paper "Appreciating how your bread is buttered: Improving online order allocation for cross-channel retailers" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Research.
June 19, 2021
Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her co-authored paper "Do Health Insurance Mandates Spillover to Education? Evidence from Michigan's Autism Insurance Mandate" accepted for publication in the Journal of Health Economics
June 15, 2021
Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Aligning the Interests of Newsvendors and Forecasters Through Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts and Proper Scoring Rules" accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems

June 4, 2021

Laurens Steed, assistant professor of management, had her co-authored paper "Applicant initial preferences: The relationship with job choices accepted for publication" accepted in Personnel Psychology

May 31, 2021

Xi Liu, assistant professor of finance, had his co-authored paper "Do Firms with Specialized M&A Staff Make Better Acquisitions?" accepted at the National Bureau of Economic Research.  

May 4, 2021

Chris Sutter, associate professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper, “Breaking The Cycle Of Crime: Promoting The Positive Social Spillover Potential Of Entrepreneurship,” accepted for publication in Journal of Business Venturing Insights.

April 30, 2021

Gabe Lee, professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Improving Intention to Back Projects with Effective Designs of Progress Presentation in Crowdfunding Campaign Sites," accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems

Hannah Lee, associate professor of marketing, had her co-authored paper "The Roles of Workplace Friendship and Supervisory Interactional Justice in the Relationship between Workplace Envy and Service Outcomes," accepted by Services Marketing Quarterly 

April 27, 2021

Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, and Feifei Wang, Assistant Professor of Finance, had their co-authored paper "Expected Stock Returns and Volatility: Three Decades Later" accepted for publication at Critical Finance Review.

David Gempesaw, Assistant Professor of Finance, and Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, had their co-authored paper "Does Idiosyncratic Volatility Proxy for a Missing Risk Factor? Evidence from Using Portfolios as Test Assets" accepted for publication at European Financial Management.

April 26, 2021

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics, had his co-authored paper "Univariate fast initial response statistical process control with taut strings" accepted for publication at the Journal of Applied Statistics.

April 1, 2021

Dale Stoel, associate professor of accountancy, and Douglas Havelka, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had their co-authored paper, “Evaluation of factors that impact IT auditing,” published in the spring edition of Journal of Information Systems.

March 31, 2021

Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper "Is Idiosyncratic Volatility Related to Returns? Evidence from a Subset of Firms with Quality Idiosyncratic Volatility Estimates" accepted for publication at the Journal of Banking and Finance.

March 29, 2021

Sanjay Puligadda, associate professor of marketing, James Coyle, associate professor of marketing, and John Ni, assistant professor of management, had their co-authored paper, "Are You Engaged? The Influence of Brand Schematicity on Online Brand Engagement and Brand Purchase," accepted for publication in the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing

March 24, 2021

Monique Murfield, associate professor of management, and Lisa Ellram, professor of management, had their co-authored paper "Moving Purchasing & Supply Management Beyond a Cost-Focused Identity" accepted to the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

March 17, 2021

Bill Moser, associate professor of accountancy, had his co-authored paper, "Too big to fail: Market dominance, growing aspirations, and fraud-risk among US public firms, 2005-2013," accepted for publication in Justice Quarterly.

March 16, 2021

Jing Li, associate professor of economics, had his co-authored paper, "Assessing economic impact of sovereignty transfer of Hong Kong; a synthetic control approach," published in Applied Economics.

March 15, 2021

Harshini Siriwardane, visiting assistant professor of FYIC, had her co-authored paper, "Budgeting at MHL Company: More Heat than Light Shed at Performance Review Meetings," published by IMA Educational Case Journal.

Harshini Siriwardane, visiting assistant professor of FYIC, had her co-authored paper, "Duralock: Budgeting for Decision-Making" published by IMA Educational Case Journal.

March 10, 2021

Senior ISA student Janie Moore and information systems and analytics professors Arthur Carvalho and Fadel Megahed had their co-authored paper "Seat Assignments With Physical Distancing in Single-Destination Public Transit Settings" published in IEEE Sensors.

March 4, 2021

Gregory Fisher, professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper "The Effects of Inbound Open Innovation, Outbound Open Innovation, and Team Role Diversity on Open Source Software Project Performance,” accepted for publication in Industrial Marketing Management.

March 1, 2021

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper,""Housing Wealth Reallocation between Subprime and Prime Borrowers During Recessions," published in Macroeconomics Dynamics.

Nam Vu and Kimberly Berg, assistant professors of economics, had their co-authored paper "Asymmetric Effects of Sectoral Shifts under Low and High Uncertainty," published in Economic Inquiry.

February 19, 2021

Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper "Hazard Stocks and Expected Returns" accepted for publication at the Journal of Banking and Finance.

David Yin, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper "Does the Executive Labor Market Discipline? Labor Market Incentives and Earnings Management" accepted by the Journal of Empirical Finance 

February 2, 2021

Tim Holcomb, professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper "College Football Referee Bias and Sports Betting Impact" published in Eastern Economic Journal.

February 1, 2021

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper "Electrification, Telecommunications, and the Finance-growth Nexus: Evidence from Firm-level Data," published in Energy Economics.

January 28, 2021

Chris Sutter, associate professor of entrepreneurship, had two co-authored papers accepted for publication: “Economic Inequality – Is Entrepreneurship the Cause or the Solution? A Review and Research Agenda for Emerging Economies” in the Journal of Business Venturing, and “Venture acceleration and entrepreneurial growth in Central America” in the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had two co-authored papers accepted for publication: "A Perfect Storm: Psychological and AI (Technological) Antecedents to Information Bias Anchoring (IBA) in Social Media News" in Digital Threats: Research and Practice, and "Digital Transformation and Pandemic Crisis Continuity Planning during COVID-19" in the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases

Waldyn Martinez, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his paper, "Ensemble Pruning via Quadratic Margin Maximization'', accepted for publication at IEEE Access

January 20, 2021

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his paper "Bringing Transparency and Trustworthiness to Loot Boxes with Blockchain and Smart Contracts" accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems

January 18, 2021

Anne Farrell, professor of accountancy, had her co-authored article "Is Neuroaccounting Taking a Place on the Stage? A Review of the Influence of Neuroscience on Accounting Research," published in European Accounting Review

January 5, 2021

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Supervisor Emotional Exhaustion and Goal-Focused Leader Behavior: The Roles of Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality and Conscientiousness," accepted for publication in Current Psychology.

December 14, 2020

Anne Farrell, professor of accountancy, had her co-authored paper, “Is Neuroaccounting Taking a Place on the Stage? A Review of the Influence of Neuroscience on Accounting Research,” accepted for publication at European Accounting Review

December 9, 2020

Maciej Rysz, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Synthetic Aperture Radar Image based Positioning in GPS-denied Environments using Deep Cosine Similarity Neural Networks," accepted in Inverse Problems and Imaging.

Xi Liu, assistant professor of finance, had his co-authored paper, "Who Benefits from Analyst “Top Picks”? featured at Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance 

November 29, 2020

Henry Jin, associate professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Environmental Uncertainty and Cross-Buying in Logistics Outsourcing Arrangements: A Resource Dependence Perspective," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.

November 23, 2020

Jeff Merhout, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had a paper coauthored with FSB graduates Sarah Wolanske and Ben Witt, “A COBIT 2019 Expansion: I&T Governance Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Marketing” accepted by ISACA Journal

November 9, 2020

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her paper "Community College Program Choices in the Wake of Local Job Losses," accepted for publication in the Journal of Labor Economics.

Maria Weese, associate professor of information systems, had her co-authored article, "Strategies for Supersaturated Screening: Group Orthogonal and Constrained Var(s) Designs," accepted for publication in Technometrics.

Assistant professor of management Monique Murfield’s co-authored manuscript, “I Wasn’t Expecting That! The Relational Impact of Negotiation Strategy Expectation Violations,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Maciej Rysz, assistant professor of information systems, has received a grant from the Air Force Research Laboratory to work on developing a decision framework related to placement of sensor systems to ensure communications are maintained.

Management associate professor Peter Salzarulo has accepted an invitation to join the Editorial Review Board for Decision Science Journal

October 26, 2020

Arthur Carvalho and Jeff Merhout, information systems and analytics, had their coauthored paper "When Good Blocks Go Bad: Managing Unwanted Blockchain Data," accepted in the International Journal of Information Management

October 22, 2020

David Gempesaw, Assistant Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper, “Information Choice, Uncertainty, and Expected Returns” accepted for publication at the Review of Financial Studies.

Feifei Wang, Assistant Professor of Finance, had her co-authored paper, “On the Performance of Volatility-managed Portfolios” accepted for publication at the Journal of Financial Economics.

David Yin, Assistant Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper, “CEO Non-Compete Agreements, Job Risk, and Compensation” accepted for publication at the Review of Financial Studies.

October 14, 2020

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain management and operations, had her manuscript titled "Cost Avoidance: Not Everything that Counts is Counted" accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Logistics.

October 7, 2020

Zhe Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Predicting Shareholder Litigation on Insider Trading from Financial Text: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach" accepted for publication by Information & Management

October 5, 2020

Jing Li, associate professor of economics, recently had his paper, "Block Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Parsimonious First‐Order Vector Autoregression," accepted at the Journal of Forecasting.

October 1, 2020

Tim Krehbiel, professor of management, had his article, co-authored with Miami colleague Andrea Hulshult (CLAAS, Dept of Computer & IT), entitled “The need for agility in a VUCA pandemic world,” accepted in the American Journal of Business.

September 29, 2020

Timothy Eaton, professor of accountancy, and Jake Swyers, master of accountancy student, had their co-authored paper,“10 Tips for New Accounting Professionals in the Pandemic Environment” accepted for publication in New Accountant.

September 23, 2020

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems, had his co-authored paper, "Empowering the Workforce in Post-COVID-19 Smart Manufacturing Systems," accepted to appear in Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems.

August 24, 2020

Fadel Megahed and Allison Jones-Farmer, associate professor and professor of information systems and analytics, respectively, had their co-authored paper"A Forecasting Framework for Predicting Perceived Fatigue: Using Time Series Methods to Forecast Ratings of Perceived Exertion with Features from Wearable Sensors", accepted to appear in Applied Ergonomics.

August 18 2020

Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, had his co-authored paper “The other side of the coin: Investor identity and its role in resource provision” accepted for publication by the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

August 14, 2020

John Bowblis, professor of economics, had three co-authored papers recently: "Shortages of Staffing in Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Are the Driving Factors?" accepted in JAMDA, "Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio Nursing Homes: What’s Quality Got to Do With It?" accepted in Journal of Aging & Social Policy, and "COVID-19 Pandemic: Exacerbating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Long-Term Services and Supports" in Journal of Aging and Social Policy

August 11, 2020

Mark Tremblay, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper "Platform Competition With Endogenous Homing" published in International Economic Review

August 7, 2020

Gabe Lee, professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "How IT wisdom affects firm performance: An empirical investigation of 15-year US panel data" published in Decision Support Systems

July 30, 2020

David Shrider, "Are Mutual Fund Investors Loss Averse? Evidence from China" Financial Review  coauthored with Wenting Huang, Jie Jinag and Yanran Wu.

July 27, 2020

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, had her co-authored paper, "Can pandemics affect educational attainment? Evidence from the polio epidemic of 1916" accepted for publication by Springer Nature

July 22, 2020

David Yin, "Attention! Distracted institutional investors and stock price crash", Journal of Corporate Finance coauthored with Xiaoran Ni, Qiyuan Peng, and Ting Zhang 

July 16, 2020

Peter Nguyen, assistant professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper "Reviewing Experts’ Restraint from Extremes and its Impact on Service Providers" accepted for publication by the Journal of Consumer Research 

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper “A Two-Stage Machine Learning Framework to Predict Heart Transplantation Survival Probabilities over Time with a Monotonic Probability Constraint” accepted in Decision Support Systems.

July 7, 2020

Annie Farrell, professor of accountancy, has been name an Associate Editor at Management Accounting Research and has joined the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research

June 27, 2020

Tyler Henry, “Arbitrage vs. Informed Short Selling: Evidence from Convertible Bond Issuers” Journal of Corporate Finance coauthored with John Hackney at the University of South Carolina and Jennifer Koski at the University of Washington.

June 11, 2020

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "A Survey-Based Assessment of How Existing and Potential Electric VehicleOwners Perceive Range Anxiety," accepted by the Journal of Cleaner Production

May 12, 2020

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, recently had her co-authored paper, "Votes for Women: An Economic Perspective on Women's Enfranchisement" published in the spring issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. 

April 20, 2020

Assistant professor of management John Ni’s paper, "Product Positioning and Pricing Decisions in A Two-Attribute Disruptive New Market," has been accepted for publication at IISE Transactions

April 8, 2020

Professor Melissa Thomasson and assistant professor Greg Niemesh, both economics, recently had their paper, "Medical Education Reforms and the Origins of the Rural Physician Shortage," published in Cliometrica.

April 7, 2020

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytrics, had his co-authored publication, "A Data Analytic Framework for Physical Fatigue Management using Wearable Sensors" accepted in Expert Systems with Applications.

March 31, 2020

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had his article "A Letter to My Students During the Pandemic" published in BizEd

Mark Tremblay, assistant professor of econmics, had his coauthored paper "Inferring Tax Compliance from Pass-Through: Evidence from Airbnb Tax Enforcement Agreements" accepted for publication in The Review of Economics and Statistics

March 27, 2020

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had two co-authored papers:

"Extending the Trickle-Down Model of Abusive Supervision. The Role of Moral Disengagement" was accepted for publication in the Journal of Social Psychology.

"Overall Justice and Supervisor Conscientiousness: Implications for Ethical Leadership and Employee Self-Esteem" was accepted for publication in Business Ethics: A European Review

March 25, 2020

Associate professor of management Pete Salzarulo’s co-authored manuscript "Using Transaction Data and Product Margins to Optimize Weekly Flyers," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Research. 

March 24, 2020

Fadel Megahed, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his coauthored paper, “A Data Analytic Framework for Physical Fatigue Management using Wearable Sensors”, accepted in Expert Systems with Applications.

March 16, 2020

Joe Stinn, visiting assistant professor of economics, had his paper, "Cooperation, Contributor Types, and Control Questions," accepted to the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

March 6, 2020

Matt Schwieterman, assistant professor of management, had his  co-authored manuscript, “Do Supply Chain Exemplars Have More or Less Dependent Suppliers?" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Logistics.

Feb. 28, 2020

Darryl Rice, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, “The Unwelcoming Experience of Abusive Supervision and the Impact of Leader Characteristics: Turning Employees into Poor Organizational Citizens and Future Quitters,” has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Feb. 5, 2020

William Even, professor of economics, and Austin Smith, assistant professor of economics, had their co-authored paper, "Greek Life, Academics, and Earnings,"  accepted by the Journal of Human Resources. 

Jan. 6, 2020

Assistant professor of information systems and analytics Arthur Carvalho had his co-authored paper, "A Preference-Based Demand Response Mechanism for Energy Management in a Microgrid," accepted for publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production

Dec. 12, 2019

Assistant professor of managment Darryl Rice's manuscript, "Improving Employee Emotional and Behavioral Investments via the Trickle-Down Effect of Organizational Inclusiveness: The Role of Supervisory Moral Identity," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business and Psychology. 

Dec. 9, 2019

Maria Weese, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had her co-authored paper, "Response Surface Models: To Reduce or Not to Reduce?" accepted in the Journal of Quality Technology 

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, has been asked to join the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Organizational Behavior

Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had her co-authored manuscript, “From Supervisors’ Work-family Conflict to Employees’ Work-family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Employees’ Organizational Tenure,” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Stress Management.

Dec. 2, 2019

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, had her co-authored paper, “The Conflicted Role of Purchasing in New Product Development Costing,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Nov. 27, 2019

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his paper, "A Permissioned Blockchain-Based Implementation of LMSR Prediction Markets," accepted in Decision Support Systems

Zhe Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Discrete Emotions Effects on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Helpfulness: The Moderating Role of Reviewer Gender and Contextual Emotional Tone. Decision Support Systems," accepted in Decision Support Systems

Nov. 18, 2019

Matt Schwieterman, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper, "Last Mile Delivery in the Motor Carrier Industry: A Panel Data Investigation Using Discrete Time Event History Analysis,"  accepted at Transportation Journal 

Nov. 12, 2019

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Predicting Firm Failure in the Software Industry" accepted for publication in Artifical Intelligence Review.

Nov. 1, 2019

Allison Jones-Farmer, professor of information systems and analytics, and Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had their co-authored paper "Predicting Firm Failure in the Software Industry" accepted for publication in Artifical Intelligence Review.

Oct. 15, 2019

Maciej Rysz, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "An Integer Programming Formulation of the Key Management Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks," accepted for publication in Optimization Letters.

Oct. 7, 2019

Sanjay Puligadda, associate professor of marketing, had his article, "On Course For Creativity," published in BizEd.

Oct. 1, 2019

Kimberly Berg, assistant professor of economics, had her paper, "Demographics and Monetary Policy Shocks," featured in the current issue of the NBER Digest.   

Henry Jin, associate professor of management, had his co-authored paper, "How Does the Contingent Sustainability–Risk–Cost Relationship Affect the Viability of CSR? An Emerging Economy Perspective," published in MDPI

Matt Schwieterman, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Stock Keeping Unit Rationalization: A Cross-functional, Cross-firm Perspective" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Logistics Management. 

Sept. 23, 2019

Xi Liu, assistant professor of finance, had his paper "Are Analyst Trade Ideas Valuable?" cited in an article in American Association of Individual Investors' latest issue.  

Sept. 20, 2019

Michael Lipsitz, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper, "Low-Wage Workers and the Enforceability of Non-Compete Agreements," published in the SSRN (Social Science Research Network)

Sept. 19, 2019

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, has been notified that his co-authored paper, "Structural Complexity and Data Breach Risk," has been selected as the best paper in the Cybersecurity, Privacy and Ethics of IS track in the upcoming International conference on Information Systems. 

Sept. 18, 2019

Laurens Steed, assistant professor of management, had her co-authored paper, "Leaving Work at Work: A Meta-Analysis on Employee Recovery From Work" published in the Journal of Management.

Sept. 16, 2019

Matt Schwieterman, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored article, “Customer and Supplier Portfolios: Can Credit Risks be Managed Through the Supply Chain?” win the LaLonde Best Paper award at this year's CSCMP conference. The award is give to the top article published in the Journal of Business Logistics each year.

John-Patrick Paraskevas, assistant professor of management, has been named a Best Reviewer for the Journal of Business Logistics.

Jessie Wang, assistant professor of marketing, had her co-authored paper, "The Interactive Effect of Power Distance Belief and Consumers' Status on Preference for National (vs. Private-label) Brands" accepted by the  Journal of Business Research.

Sept. 8, 2019

Douglas Havelka, associate professor of information systems, and T.M. Rajkumar, professor of information systems, had their paper "Antecedents To Successful Software Training: A Research Framework & Preliminary Evidence" win best paper in the research category from the International Association for Computer Information Systems

Aug. 28, 2019

Krishna Regmi, visiting assistant professor of economics, had her co-authored paper "Labor demand shocks at birth and cognitive achievement during childhood" accepted at the Economics of Education Review.

Aug. 12, 2019

Congratulations to supply chain management professor Lisa Ellram, winner of the Operations and Supply Chain Management Division of the Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar award at #AOM2019

Aug. 11, 2019

Tim Krehbiel, professor of management, had two recent publications:

  • His co-authored paper, "Agile Teaching," was published in the Journal for Quality and Participation
  • His co-authored paper, "Incorporating Agile Practices into Online Courses," was published in the Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice

Aug. 4, 2019

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "An empirical study on predicting cloud incidents" published in International Journal of Information Management.

Aug. 2, 2019

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Structural Complexity and Data Breach Risk," accepted for the 40th International Conference on Information Systems

Aug. 1, 2019

Xi Liu, assistant professor of finance, has had several recent publications:

July 16, 2019

Gabe Lee, professor of information systems and analytics, had his manuscript entitled “The effects of progress cues and gender on online wait” accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems. 

June 14, 2019

Arthur Carvalho and Chai Sambhara, assistant professors of information systems and analytics, and undergraduate student Patrick Young had their paper, "What the history of Linux says about the future of cryptocurrencies," accepted by Communications of the Association of Information Systems.

June 13, 2019

Allison Jones-Farmer, professor of information systems and analytics, and Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had their co-authored manuscript, “Estimating the Onset of Physical Fatigue at the Workplace: A Statistical Perspective on Using Wearables to Detect Changes in Gait Trajectory Parameters” accepted by the Journal of Quality Technology.

June 10, 2019

Professor of management Xiaowen Huang and assistant professor of management John Ni’s paper in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, titled “Discovery‐to‐Recall in the Automotive Industry: A Problem‐Solving Perspective on Investigation of Quality Failures," has been selected as one of three finalists for the 2018 Harold E. Fearon Best Paper Award.

Pete Salzarulo, associate professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Patient Care Effectiveness and Financial Outcomes of Hospital Physician Contracting Emphasis"  accepted for publication in the Journal of Operations Management.

June 5, 2019

Matthew Makofske, visiting associate professor of economics, had his paper "The Effect of Information Salience on Product Quality: Louisville Restaurant Hygiene and" accepted for publication by 

May 20, 2019

Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had her manuscript titled “Idiosyncratic Deals and Work-to-Family Conflict and Enrichment: The Mediating Roles of Fit Perceptions and Efficacy Beliefs" accepted for publication in Human Resource Management Journal.

May 9, 2019

Austin Smith, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper "Legal Access to Alcohol and Academic Performance: Who is Affected?" published in Economics in Education Review.

April 19, 2019

Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, and Michael Conger, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had their co-authored paper, “Why believe? The promise of research on the role of religion in entrepreneurial action,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights.

Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, had his paper, “Entrepreneurship in the Controversial Economy: Toward a Research Agenda,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Ethics.

April 11, 2019

Bryan Ashenbaum, professor of management, had his co-authored paper, "Cross‐Functional Influence and the Supplier Selection Decision in Competitive Environments: Who Makes the Call?" accepted by the Journal of Business Logistics

April 10, 2019

Henry Jin, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper, “Collaborative Capability and Organizational Performance: Assessing Strategic Choice and Purity,” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Economics

April 8, 2019

Greg Niemesh, assistant professor of economics, had his paper, "Unions and the Great Compression of Wage Inequality,"  published in Economic History Society

April 5, 2019

Austin Smith, assistant professor of economics, had his paper, "All-In or Checked-Out? Disincentives and Selection in Income Share Agreements," recently published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

March 31, 2019

Jeffrey Merhout, associate professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "Blockchain - a Solution to Age-old Problems: Overview, Case Examples & Research Ideas," accepted for presentation at the 14th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference. 

March 28, 2019

Hannah Lee, assistant professor of marketing, has had her co-authored paper, Social Comparison in Retailer-Supplier Relationships: Referent Discrepancy Effects,” published in the Journal of Marketing and cited in a story on the American Marketing Association website.

March 20, 2019

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, “Supervisor-Subordinate Proactive Personality Congruence and Psychology Safety: A Signaling Theory Approach to Employee Voice Behavior” has been accepted for publication in Leadership Quarterly.

March 18, 2019

Analisa Packham, assistant professor of economics, had her co-authored working paper, "The Power of the IUD: Effects of Expanding Access to Contraception Through Title X Clinics," accepted in the National Bureau of Economic Research

March 8, 2019

Greg Fisher, assistant professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper, "Organizational learning and technological innovation: the distinct dimensions of novelty and meaningfulness that impact firm performance," published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

February 28, 2019

Zhe Shan, assistant professor of information system and analytics, had his co-authored paper "Operational Efficiency and Patient-Centered Health Care: A View from Online Physician Reviews" accepted by the Journal of Operations Management

February 19, 2019

Michael Conger, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, had his paper “The Collective Construction of Green Building: Industry Transition Toward Environmentally Beneficial Practices” accepted at the Academy of Management Perspectives

February 18, 2019

Michael Conger, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, and Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, had their co-authored manuscript, “Why Believe? The Promise of Research on the Role of Religion in Entrepreneurship,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights

February 17, 2019

Brett Smith, professor of entrepreneurship, and Tim Holcomb, associate professor of entrepreneurship, had their article "Innovating on and beyond campus: Entrepreneurship at Miami University," published in Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy

February 6, 2019

Matthew Makofske, visiting assistant professor of economics, had his paper "Inspection Regimes and Regulatory Compliance: How Important is the Element of Surprise?" accepted in Economics Letters

January 31, 2019

Henry Jin, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored manuscript, "Theoretical and Empirical Evidence of Behavioral and Production Line Factors That Influence Helping Behavior," accepted for publication in the Journal of Operations Management.

January 28, 2019

Henry Jin, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper, “The Social Process of Big Data and Predictive Analytics Use for Logistics and Supply Chain Management" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.

January 15, 2019

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had his co-authored paper, "Too many cooks in the kitchen: The effects of dominance incompatibility on relationship conflict and subsequent abusive supervision,” accepted for publication in The Leadership Quarterly.

January 14, 2019

Brett Smith, professor of marketing, had his co-authored paper, "Biased and overconfident, unbiased and going for it: Framing and anchoring effects on the decision to start a new venture," published in the Journal of Business Venturing.

January 8, 2019

Megan Gehardt, professor of management, and Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had their paper, “Protecting My Turf: The Moderating Role of Generational Differences on the Relationships between Self-Direction and Hedonism Values and Reactions to Generational Diversity,” accepted forpublication in the Journal of Social Psychology.

January 8, 2019

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, had her co-authored paper, "An Exploratory Study of Gender and Motivation to Lead in Millennials" accepted for publication in the Journal of Social Psychology.

November 12, 2018

Melissa Thomasson, Julian Lange Professor of Economics & Director of Graduate Studies, and Greg Niemesh, assistant professor of economics, had a co-authored paper entitled "Revising Infant Mortality Rates for the Early Twentieth Century United States" published in Demography.

October 24, 2018

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, had her co-authored manuscript, “Finding True North: Design and Implementation of a Strategic Sourcing Framework,” accepted for publication in Industrial Marketing Management.

October 16, 2018

Laurens Steed, assistant professor of management, had her co-authored article “Is Perfect Good? A Meta-Analysis of Perfectionism in the Workplace,” published in the Journal of Applied Psychology

October 10, 2018

Tim Krehbiel, professor of management, had his coauthored paper,  "Should Agile be Part of Your Quality Management System?" published as the lead article in the current issue of the Journal of International Technology and Information Management

October 3, 2018

Bill EvenRaymond E. Glos Professor in Business, had his coauthored paper "The Affordable Care Act and the Growth of Involuntary Part-Time Employment"  accepted by Industrial and Labor Relations Review.

September 26, 2018

Michelle Scarpino-Johns, visiting assistant professor of management, had her co-authored manuscript, “Destination Resilience and Smart Tourism Destinations,” accepted for publication in Tourism Research International.

September 26, 2018

Jay Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had his co-authored paper, "A Longitudinal Study of Unauthorized Access Attempts on Information Systems: The Role of Opportunity Contexts," accepted by MIS Quarterly, Aug 2018.

September 12, 2018

Laurens Steed, assistant professor of management, had her co-authored paper “Is perfect good? A meta-analysis of perfectionism in the workplace,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology

August 10, 2018

Carol McGuire, visiting assistant professor of information systems & analytics, had her co-authored paper "Improving IS Research Relevance for Practitioners: The Role of Knowledge Networks" accepted by the International Conference on Information Systems.

August 6, 2018

Chaitanya "Chai" Sambhara, assistant professor of information systems & analytics, had his paper "Why Increased Use of IT can be Beneficial or Damaging? Insights from the Puzzle of IT Use and Managerial Expertise for Internal Controls" accepted by the International Conference on Information Systems.

July 31, 2018

John Ni, assistant professor of management, had his paper, “Application Developers' Product Offering Strategies in Multi-Platform Markets” accepted by the European Journal of Operational Research.

July 24, 2018

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, and undergraduate students Nathalia Jerdack, Akmaral Dauletbek, Meredith Divine, and Michael Hult, had their paper "Understanding What Drives Bitcoin Trading Activities" accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.

July 18, 2018

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, and Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had their manuscript entitled “I’m Too Old for This: Time Demands and Older, Early-Career Employees’ Receptivity to Supervisor Support” accepted for publication in the Journal of Career Development.

July 9, 2018

Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had her manuscript entitled “Core Job Characteristic and Uncertainty Avoidance: Into the Black Box of Transformational Leadership Effect on Creativity” accepted for publication in the Journal of Creative Behavior. 

July 1, 2018

Henry Jin, Neil R. Anderson Endowed Assistant Professor of management, had his co-authored article "I Know it when I See It: The Nature of Trust, Trustworthiness Signals, and Strategic Trust Construction," receive the International Journal of Logistics Management's outstanding paper award for 2017.

Peng Wang, associate professor of management, had her manuscript entitled “Reconsidering the costs and benefits of work engagement on work-family interaction and turnover intention: the antecedents and outcomes” accepted for publication in Community, Work, & Family.

June 12, 2018

Annie Farrell, Endres Associate Professor Fellow & associate professor of accountancy, received a Certificate of Merit in the Lybrand Awards Manuscript Competition for her manuscript 'Do You Want Linkages with That?' that was published in the July 2017 issue of Strategic Finance and co-authored with former students Lauren Jutte and Katelyn (Fauble) Young.

June 8, 2018

Fadel Megahed and Waldyn Martinez, assistant professors of information systems and analytics, have had their co-authored article, 'Predicting Short-Term Stock Prices using Ensemble Methods and Online Data Sources,' accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications. 

June 7, 2018

Chris Sutter, the David F. Herche Endowed Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, has had his co-authored paper, "Entrepreneurship as a Solution to Extreme Poverty: A Review and Future Directions" accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.

June 6, 2018

John-Patrick Paraskevas, assistant professor of management, has had his co-authored manuscript, “A proactive environmental strategy: Analyzing the effect of SCM experience, age, and female representation in TMTs,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Supply Chain Management.

April 20, 2018

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was co-author of the paper "Optimization of Split Keyboard Design for Touchscreen Devices" that has been published in the International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. Read abstract

April 9, 2018

Michele Frank, assistant professor of accountancy, won the Glen McLaughlin Prize for Research in Accounting and Ethics for her paper 'Why auditors are unable to see their own behavior as others do: Understanding a potential blind spot' 

April 5, 2018

Jessie Wang, assistant professor of marketing, has had her paper 'How Do Consumers’ Cultural Backgrounds and Values Influence Their Coupon Proneness?: A Multi-Method Investigation,' accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Mar 28, 2018

Monique Murfield, assistant professor of management, has had her co-authored manuscript, titled 'Achieving Integration: A Dual Pathway Model of Supply Chain Orientation and Organizational Identification,' accepted at the International Journal of Logistics Management.

Mar 12, 2018

Scott Friend, assistant professor of marketing, co-authored the paper 'Initiating value co-creation: Dealing with non-receptive customers,' which has been published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. read full story

Feb 20, 2018

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA’s co-authored paper, “A machine learning approach to detect changes in gait parameters following a fatiguing occupational task,” has been accepted for publication in Ergonomics.

Feb 20, 2018

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management and co-director of the CBL, wrote a chapter titled, “Mind the Gap: Moving from Ethnocentric to Ethnorelative Perspectives of Generational Diversity.” Included in a book she co-edited titled “Millennials: Trends, Characteristics, and Perspectives.”

Feb 20, 2018

Anne Farrell, Endres Associate Professor of Accountancy’s co-authored article, “Financial Incentives Differentially Regulate Neural Processing of Positive and Negative Emotions During Value-Based Decision-Making” has been accepted for publication by Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Feb 7, 2018

Scott Dust, Assistant Professor of Management's co-authored paper, "Ethical Leadership and Employee Success: Examining the Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Emotional Exhaustion" has been accepted for publication by The Leadership Quarterly.

Jan 31, 2018

Scott Dust, Assistant Professor of Management's co-authored manuscript "Supervisor-Employee Power Distance Incompatibility, Gender Similarity, and Relationship Conflict: A Test of Interpersonal Interaction Theory" has been accepted by the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Jan 29, 2018

Gabe Lee, Gabe Lee, C. Michael Armstrong Business Chair & Professor of ISA’s co-authored paper, "Managing online wait: Designing effective waiting screens across cultures," has been accepted for publication in Information and Management. read full story

Jan 25, 2018

Scott Dust, Assistant Professor of Management and Joe Rode, Professor of Management's co-authored article, "Managing the self‐esteem, employment gaps, and employment quality process: The role of facilitation‐ and understanding-based emotional intelligence" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was selected as a webinar panelist for SmartWay “freight Matters” Using Freight Supply Chain Performance Benchmarking to meet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Demand.

Lisa Ellram, ames Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was the conference co-organizer and co-facilitator, “Meeting of Minds: The future of Purchasing,” Invited Academic conference, Florence Italy.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was invited to provide a research talk at the Iowa State University Eminent Scholar Award.

Leslie Stoel, Professor of Marketing, was awarded the 2017 ITAA Distinguished Scholar Award. The criteria for this award include significant contributions in creative scholarship and/or research, scope and broadness of professional presentations.

Peter Salzarulo, Associate Professor of Management’s co-authored paper, “Simultaneous Use of Customer, Product, and Inventory Information in Dynamic Product Promotion,” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Research.

Michael Conger, Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship’s article co-authored with Brian Bergman, former Assistant Director for the Center of Social Entrepreneurship, “Category Membership, Identity Control, and the Re-Evaluation of Prosocial Opportunities,” was published in the Journal of Business Venturing.

Eric Stenstrom, Richard T. Farmer Endowed Assistant Professor of Marketing’s paper, “Menstrual Cycle Effects on Prosocial Orientation, Gift Giving, and Charitable Giving,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Research

Eric Stenstrom, Richard T. Farmer Endowed Assistant Professor of Marketing’s paper, “The Effects of Money Exposure on Testosterone and Risk-Taking, and the Moderating Role of Narcissism” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Research

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was awarded approximately $50,000 in a 2016-2017 CAPS Research Grant for her project, “Understanding and Achieving Cost Savings Goals in Purchasing.”

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was a Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Jönköping University, Sweden.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, was a Visiting Scholar, Smurfit Graduate School of Management, University College Dublin, March-April 2017.

John Ni, Assistant Professor of Management and Xiaowen Huang, Professor of Management's paper, "Discovery-to-Recall in the Automotive Industry: a Problem-Solving Perspective on Investigation of Quality Failure," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Supply Chain Management

Henry Jin, Neil R. Anderson Endowed Assistant Professor of management’s co-authored paper, "Sweating the Assets: Asset Leanness in Motor Carrier Performance," (Journal of Business Logistics 2016, v37n2), was the runner-up for Best paper award at CSCMP’s Academic Research Symposium this year.

Rhett Brymer, John Mee Endowed Assistant Professor of Management’s paper, "Pre-Exit Bundling, Turnover of Professionals, and Firm Performance" has been accepted at Journal of Management Studies' special issue on Knowledge Worker Mobility.

Monique Murfield, assistant professor of management's lead-authored paper, "Supplier Role Conflict: An Investigation of Its Relational Implications and Impact on Supplier Accommodation" (Journal of Business Logistics 2016, v37n2), won the prestigious  Bernard J. LaLonde Best paper Award, which is presented to the best paper published in the Journal of Business Logistics each Calendar year. This award was presented at CSCMP’s Academic Research Symposium.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management’s co-authored paper, "A bibliometric analysis of reverse logistics research (1992-2015)," was published in the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management’s co-authored paper, “Environmental Sustainability in Freight Transportation: A Systematic Literature Review & Agenda for Future Research,” was published in Transportation Journal.

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management’s co-authored paper, “The Role of Legitimacy in Pursuing Environmentally Responsible Transportation Practices,” was published in Journal of Cleaner Production

Chai Sambhara, Assistant Professor, Information Systems & Analytics has an article, "Risks and Controls in Internet Enabled Reverse Auctions: Perspectives from Buyers and Suppliers" forthcoming in Journal of Management Information Systems.

Zafer Ozdemir (professor of ISA) and Jeff Smith (George and Mildred Panuska Professor in Business for ISA) had a paper accepted in the European Journal of Information Systems. The paper is titled: "Antecedents and Outcomes of Information Privacy Concerns in a Peer Context: An Exploratory Study."

Michael Conger, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper titled "Ontologies and Epistemologies in 'Knowing' the Nexus in Entrepreneurship: Burning Rice Hay and Tracking Elephants" accepted at the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management and co-director of the CBL, had a chapter called "Strengths Based Leadership Development" accepted in the journal Sponsored Research Administration: A Guide to Effective STrategies and Recommended Practices.

Bryan Ashenbaum, chair and associate professor of management, had a paper accepted in the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. "From Market to Hierarchy: An Empirical Assessment of a  Supply Chain Governance Typology."

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA, had a paper accepted in Applied Ergonomics. "A Survey of the Prevalence of Fatigue, its Precursors and Individual Coping Mechanisms among U.S. Manufacturing Workers."

Robert Leonard, visiting assistant professor of information systems and analytics, had an article accepted in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. "Bayesian D-Optimal Screening Experiments with Partial Replication."

Jonathan Wolff, assistant professor of economics, recently had a paper accepted for publication in International Economic Review. The paper was co-authored with Eric Sims of Notre Dame and is titled: "The Output and Welfare Effects of Government Spending Shocks over the Business Cycle." It will be published in August 2018.

Michael Conger, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had his paper, “Stability vs. flexibility: The effect of regulatory institutions on opportunity type,” accepted for publication at the Journal of International Business Studies.

Annie Farrell, Endres Associate Professor Fellow of Accountancy, co-authored two papers with former Miami students: "Do You Want Linkages With That?", accepted for publication in Management Accounting Quarterly and co-authored with former students Lauren Jutte and Katelyn Fauble Young; and "What Happens When Managers Make Swift Business Decisions?", accepted for publication in Strategic Finance and co-authored with former student Ryan Kahle.

Maria Weese, assistant professor of ISA, had a paper accepted in Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems: "Response Surface Experiments, A Meta-Analysis." She co-authored the paper with two of our students (Rebecca Ockuly, a master's student in statistics; and Le Chang, an undergraduate student in statistics and business analytics).

Annie Farrell, Endres Associate Professor Fellow of Accountancy, was elected president of the Management Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association.

Marc Rubin, PwC Professor and Chair of the Department of Accountancy, is the new President-Elect of the American Accounting Association’s Board of Directors. The ’Triple A' is the largest community of accountants in academia. It was founded in 1916, and has a rich and reputable history built on leading-edge research and publications. The diversity of their membership creates a fertile environment for collaboration and innovation. Collectively, they shape the future of accounting through teaching, research and a powerful network, ensuring their position as thought leaders in accounting.

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA, recently had another paper accepted: "Estimating the Relative Efficiency of Highway Safety Investments on Commercial Transportation," forthcoming in Transportation Journal.

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA, recently had his paper accepted in a forthcoming issue of Expert Systems with Applications. Full article title: "Stock market one-day ahead movement prediction using disparate data sources."

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA, recently had his paper, "A Data-driven Approach to Modeling Physical Fatigue in the Workplace using Wearable Sensors," accepted in a forthcoming issue of Applied Ergonomics.

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of ISA, recently had a research note published in The Journal of Prediction Markets: "A Note on Sandroni-Shmaya Belief Elicitation Mechanism."

Maria Weese, assistant professor of ISA, had her paper (which was co-written with D.J. Edwards and B.J. Smucker) "A criterion for constructing powerful supersaturated designs when effect directions are known" accepted into the Journal of Quality Technology.

Monique Murfield, assistant professor of management, had her paper “Buyer and Supplier Perspectives on Environmental Initiatives:  Potential Implications for Supply Chain Relationships” accepted for publication in International Journal of Logistics Management.

ISA faculty Maria Weese, Waldyn Martinez and Allison Jones-Farmer had their paper accepted for publication in Quality and Reliability Engineering International. The title of the paper: “On the selection of the Bandwidth Parameter for the k-chart.”

Chai Sambhara, ISA assistant professor, attended the International Conference on Information Systems in Dublin, Ireland (Dec. 11 - Dec. 14, 2016) and presented his paper, “Enterprise System Implementations: Role of Information Risk, Internal Controls and Environmental Uncertainty.” The paper was chosen as the best paper in the IT Implementation, Adoption and Use Track, and it was also a finalist for best full paper at the conference.

Greg Fisher, assistant professor of marketing, had his article, titled "A Framework of Interfirm Open Innovation: Relationship and Knowledge Based Perspectives," in the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.

Tim Holcomb, Cintas Chair in Entrepreneurship and associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, had two papers published: (1) "Top Management Team Incentive Heterogeneity, Strategic Investment Behavior, and Performance: A Contingency Theory of Incentive Alignment," was accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal (co-authored by Bert Cannella and Cindy Devers from Texas A&M University, Adam Steinback from the University of South Carolina and Michael Holmes from Florida State University)and (2) "Double-Edged Swords: A Review and Future Research Agenda for International Strategy On Business Groups," was accepted for publication in the Journal of World Business (co-authored by Bob Hoskisson from Rice University, William Wan from City University of Hong Kong, Michael Holmes from Florida State University and Hicheon Kim from Korea University Business School).

Michael Conger, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, has a paper forthcoming from Long Range Planning. The paper, titled “An Expanded Model of Distributed Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation in Social Entrepreneurship,” is based on the partnership between Greg Van Kirk’s New Development Solutions Group and the Center for Social Entrepreneurship. The paper was co-authored by Conger and colleagues Benedetto Cannatelli (a past visiting scholar) and Jessica Jones (a past assistant director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship).

Allison Jones-Farmer, Van Andel Professor of Business Analytics & Director of the Center for Analytics and Data Science, had her paper in Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education selected as DSJIE’s Best Research Paper of 2016 (“Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for Entry-Level Business Analytics Positions: A Multi-Method Study.”) In addition, she has a paper forthcoming with Tim Krehbiel in Statistics Digest (“Agile Teams: A Look at Agile Project Management Methods.”)

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of ISA, had his paper “Understanding Fatigue and Its Implications for Worker Safety” accepted for publication in Professional Safety.

Brett Smith, director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship professor, had a paper, titled “Is it the Job or the Support? Examining Structural and Relational Predictors of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention for Nonprofit Employess,” accepted for publication in Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Annie Farrell, Endres Associate Professor Fellow and Associate Professor, will travel to Sydney, Australia, and the University of New South Wales in order to give a presentation about her recent research. The presentation will be part of the UNSW BizLab half-day conference, which is titled: “New Frontiers in Behavioral Research: Perspectives from Neuroscience and New Technologies.” read full story

Gabe Lee, C. Michael Armstrong Business Chair & Associate Professor of Information Systems & Analytics' co-authored paper, "An Attentional Model of Online Waiting Perceptions: Using Temporal Information and Distractors to Make Online Waits Feel Shorter," is forthcoming in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Scott Friend, Assistant Professor, Marketing has three co-authored articles forthcoming in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management: "The Role of Delight in Driving Repurchase Intentions," "Familiarity Breeds Contempt: Perceived Service and Sales Complacency in Business-to-Business Relationships," and "Mixed Interpretations of Sales Proposal Signals."

Maria Weese, Assistant Professor of Information Systems & Analytics' article, "Compositional Models and Organizational Research: Application of a Mixture Model to Non-Experimental Data in the Context of CEO Pay" has been accepted by the Journal of Organizational Research Methods.

Chai Sambhara, Assistant Professor of Information Systems & Analytics' article, "Enterprise System Implementation: Role of Information Risk, Internal Controls and Environmental Uncertainty" has been accepted for the International Conference on Information Systems.

  1. Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Analytics, received $2,300 research funding from the Mathematics and Statistics Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany for "Univariate Process Monitoring."

Chuck Moul, Associate Professor of Economics', co-authored paper, paper "Hoping Grey Goes Green: Air Pollution's Impact on Consumer Automobile Choice" has been accepted in Marketing Letters.

Hannah Lee, Assistant Professor of Marketing's article titled "Cross-country Collaboration of Marketing Personnel within a Multinational: Leveraging Customer Participation for New Product Advantage" has been accepted by the Journal of International Marketing.

John Bowblis, Associate Professor of Economics, in conjunction with the Scripps Gerontology Center, received a $180,213 five-year grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities for a project titled "System Factors and Racial Disparities in Nursing Home Quality of Life and Care."

Tim Holcomb, Associate Professor and Cintas Chair in Entrepreneurship, "Examining Managerial Preferences and Choices: The Role of Value Creation and Value Appropriation Drivers in Strategic Outsourcing" published in Science Direct's Long Range Planning. hover for more   read full story

Neil Brigden, Neil Brigden, Richard T. Farmer Endowed Assistant Professor of Marketing received a $9,800 grant from the Marketing Science Institute's Customer Experience Initiative for his proposal titled, "Experiencing Problems: How Product Malfunctions and Consumers' Corrective Actions Drive Consumption Enjoyment." hover for more   read full story

Monique Murfield, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management co-authored an article in the Journal of Business Logistics, "Supplier Role Conflict: An Investigation of Its Relational Implications and Impact on Supplier Accommodation". hover for more   read full story

Eric Stenstrom, Richard T. Farmer Endowed Assistant Professor of Marketing, received a $47,376.89 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Leslie Stoel, Professor of Marketing, presented the best paper, "Efficacy of Using Social Media to Increase Knowledge and Promote Socially Responsible Consumer Behavior," at the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) annual conference.

Robert Dahlstrom, Joseph C. Seibert Professor & Chair of Marketing, "Comply or defy? An empirical investigation of change requests in buyer-supplier relationships" published in Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 2015 Vol 30 5 E has been selected by the journal's editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. read full story

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems & Analytics’ co-authored textbook, "STATISTICAL METHODS FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE: Basics, Measurement, Control, Capability and Improvement," will be available from Springer Publishing late May to early June, 2016. read full story

Anne Farrell, associate professor of accountancy received the Greatest Potential Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award from the AICPA and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants for her co-authored research on corporate employee compensation programs. "Employees' Subjective Valuations of Their Stock Options: Evidence on the Distribution of Valuations and the Use of Simple Anchors." hover for more   read full story

Anne Farrell, Associate Professor of Accountancy and Jonathan Grenier, PwC Assistant Professor in Accounting, "Scoundrels or Stars? Theory and Evidence on the Quality of Workers in Online Labor Markets" accepted at The Accounting Review read full story

Anne Farrell, Associate Professor of Accountancy, "Decision-making approaches and the propensity to default: Evidence and implications" accepted at Journal of Financial Economics

Scott Dust, Assistant Professor of Management, "An ethics-based discussion of product liability and the responsible corporate office doctrine" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Case Research.

Dr. Daniel Herron, Professor, Business Legal Studies, was awarded the Stan Marsh Outstanding paper for his paper and presentation, "A Unified Approach to Collaborative Decision-Making: How to Teach It and How to Operationalize It" by The Association of Law Teachers at its 51st Annual Conference in Newcastle, England.

Hannah Lee, Assistant Professor of Marketing, "The Influence of the Structure of Interdependence on the Response to Inequity in Buyer-Supplier Relationships" forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing Research.

Robert Dahlstrom, Joseph C. Seibert Professor & Chair of Marketing, “The Psychology of Co-Branding Alliances: The Business-to-Business Relationship Outcomes of Role Stress” in Psychology & Marketing, Volume 33, April 2016. read full story

Brett Smith, Director, Institute for Entrepreneurship & Founding Director, Center for Social Entrepreneurship, received the 2015 Schulze Award for his article, “Social Entrepreneurship Deserves Better Research.” The Schulze award recognizes the quality of the contribution to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange (EIX) and to the study and practice of entrepreneurship. The award includes a $5,000 academic scholarship donated by the Richard Schulze Foundation to support students interested in entrepreneurship.

Bryan Ashenbaum, Associate Professor of Management, "Purchasing-Logistics Integration and Supplier Performance: An Information-Processing View" forthcoming in the International Journal of Logistics Management.

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems & Analytics, received two research grants; $8,428 from the German Research Foundation Young Scholar Fund for "Control and Optimization for Nonlinear Evolution Equations with Delay in Ecology," and $5,530 for "Real-Time Upset Detection for a Class of Gaussian Processes," from the University of Konstanz.

Ismael S. Talke, Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, "Measures of Uniformity for Space-Filling Uniform Designs in a Spherical Region", forthcoming in the International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation.

Bob Leonard, Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, "Statistical Engineering Approach to Improve the Realism of Computer Simulated Experiments with Aircraft Trajectory Clustering" forthcoming in Quality Engineering.

Tessa Chen, Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, "Empirical Likelihood Based Detection Procedure for Change Point in Mean Residual Life Functions under Random Censorship" forthcoming in Pharmaceutical Statistics

Leon Chen, Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, "Knowledge Dissemination Channels: Analytics of Stature Evaluation" forthcoming in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Marcus Jobe, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems & Analytics, "A Cluster-Based Outlier Detection Scheme for Multivariate Data" appears in the Journal of the American Statistical Association in December 2015 issue in the Theory and Methods section, vol. 110, Issue 512, pages 1543-1551.hover for more   read full story

EJ Ume, Assistant Professor of Economics, "Housing and Unemployment: The Search for the 'American Dream'" will appear in the Journal of Macroeconomics.

Tim Holcomb, Associate Professor and Cintas Chair in Entrepreneurship's publication, "Making the Most of What You Have: Managerial Ability as a Source of Resource Value Creation," was abstracted in the January 3, 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review in an article entitled, "NFL Black Monday: How Much Do Coaches Really Matter?" authored by Boris Groysberg, a Harvard Business School professor. read full story

Jon Grenier, PwC Assistant Professor in Accounting, and Drew Reffett, Associate Professor in Accounting's article, "Risk Disclosure Preceding Negative Outcomes: The Effects of Reporting Critical Audit Matters on Judgments of Auditor Liability", will appear in the September 2016 issue of The Accounting Review. read full story

Jing Li, Assistant Professor of Economics, "System-Equation ADL Test for Threshold Cointegration with an Application to the Term Structure of Interest Rates" will appear in the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. hover for more

Rich Hart and Thomas Hall, Professors Emeritus in Economics, "Forder on Hall and Hart on the Samuelson-Solow Phillips Curve" will appear in the History of Economics Review.

Jeff Smith, Interim Chair, Department of Finance & George & Mildred Panuska Professor in Business, “Exploring Information Privacy Regulation, Risks, Trust, and Behavior,” Information & Management. hover for more   read full story

Jeff Smith, Interim Chair, Department of Finance & George & Mildred Panuska Professor in Business, “Informing Privacy Research Through Information Systems, Psychology, and Behavioral Economics: Thinking Outside the ‘APCO’ Box,” Information Systems Research. hover for more   

Austin Smith, Assistant Professor of Economics, "Spring Forward at Your Own Risk: Daylight Saving Time and Fatal Vehicle Crashes" will appear in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. hover for more   

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, received a Volkswagen Research Initiative grant for $38,037 to fund a research project titled "The Impact of Logistics and Transportation Commoditization on Customer Relationship Management and Firm Performance."

Po-Chang Chen, Assistant Professor, Accountancy, "Banks' Acquisition of Private Information about Financial Misreporting" will appear in the May, 2016 issue of The Accounting Review. hover for more   read full story

Maria Weese, Assistant Professor of Analytics, Waldyn Martinez Assistant Professor of Analytics and Allison Jones-Farmer Van Andel Professor of Business Analytics, "Statistical Learning Methods Applied to Process Monitoring: An Overview and Perspective" accepted to the Journal of Quality Technology August, 2015.hover for more   

Waldyn Martinez, Assistant Professor of Analytics, "Noise peeling methods to improve boosting algorithms" appears in the July, 2015 edition of Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.hover for more   read full story

Lisa Ellram, James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management, "A Note on the Use of Survey Research Firms to Enable Empirical Data Collection", appeared in the July edition of the Journal of Business Logistics. hover for more   read full story

Darryl Rice, Assistant Professor, Management, "The "Right" and the "Good" in Ethical Leadership: Implications for Supervisors' Performance and Promotability Evaluations" appeared in the July edition of the Journal of Business Ethics. hover for more   read full story

Eric Stenstrom, Richard T. Farmer Assistant Professor of Marketing “Testosterone at your fingertips: Digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2) as predictors of courtship-related consumption intended to acquire and retain mates” appeared in the June issue of the Journal of Consumer Psychology. The research has also been covered extensively in the popular press, including the British Daily Mail, AOL (US), Medical Daily, Business Standard,,, The Free Press Journal(India) and IOL Lifestyle (South Africa). hover for more   read full story

Public Media and Recognition

December 2024:

Megan Gerhardt

Riley Acton

Henry Jin: and

November 2024:

Riley Acton:

Michele Frank:

EJ Ume:

Tim Holcomb:

John Bowblis:

John Bowblis:

Oct. 31, 2024: Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, had her research  on students and college proximity covered in both EdSurge and Inside Higher Ed

Oct. 24, 2024: Po-Chang Chen, associate professor of accountancy, was featured in an Oxford Observer article.

Oct. 21, 2024: Mark Lacker, assistant clinical lecturer of entrepreneurship, had an article about his use of AI in the classroom featured in Inside Higher Ed.

Oct. 17, 2024: Jenny Darroch, dean of the Farmer School of Business, wrote an article for IMD on “Marketing to women: Four tips for avoiding pitfalls

Oct. 14, 2024: Simon Buechler, assistant professor of finance, was interviewed for an article in MSN about the issues with under insured properties in flood prone areas.

Oct. 10, 2024: Henry Jin, associate professor of management, was interviewed for an article on overseas toilet paper shortages

Oct. 2, 2024: Ejindu Ume, associate professor of economics, was quoted in a CNN article about the federal jobs report of September

Oct. 2, 2024: Henry Jin, associate professor of management, was a guest on 700WLW with Scott Sloan, where he discussed possible supply chain issues due to dockworker strikes

September 28, 2024
Megan Gerhardt, professor of managment, was interviewed for a pair of articles:

September 23, 2024

September 9, 2024

September 7, 2024

September 6, 2024
Henry Jin, associate professor of management, was featured in two recent MoneyGeek articles:

August 28, 2024

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain operations and management, was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article about Walmart logistics offerings.

August 23, 2024

Henry Jin, associate professor of management, was on the WLW 700 Scott Sloan show to talk about trade with Canada.

August 19, 2024

Joseph Nwankpa, associate professor of information system and analytics, did an interview with WKRC-TV about mobile app privacy that aired on more than 50 TV stations.

Nam Vu, associate professor of economics, was quoted in a CNET article about recession fears.

August 16, 2024

Joseph Nwankpa, associate professor of information system and analytics, wrote an article about mobile app privacy for The Conversation.

July 31, 2024

Darryl Rice, associate professor of management, co-wrote an article for Ms. about Kamala Harris and DEI.

July 5

July 2

June 27

June 26

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, had his coauthored research cited in this National News article.

June 25

June 5

May 30

May 15

April 24

March 21

March 14

March 13

March 12

March 5
John Bowblis, professor of economics, was the guest of a Health Affairs podcast episode about "Increased Reliance on Staffing Agencies in Nursing Homes" 

February 29

February 19
Information systems and analytics professor Zafer Ozdemir's research into wearable health device data is featured in this new Forbes article.

Henry Jin, associate professor of supply chain operations and management, was interviewed on CBS-WKRC Local 12: ‘Fighting fraud: Beware of knockoffs when looking for eclipse sunglasses’

January 21

January 5
MoneyGeek recently published articles featuring expert advice from Dr. Yao (Henry) Jin:

November 29

November 21

November 6

October 18
Jenny Darroch, Farmer School dean, was interviewed for a New York Post article about students and the impact COVID had on their preparedness for college

October 13

October 3

September 20

September 15

September 13

September 6

August 9
Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, wrote for Forbes about the impact of workplace allegations against singer Lizzo and how they affect her brand.

July 18

Joseph Nwankpa, associate professor of ISA, wrote a piece on refugee biometric data and cybersecurity risks for The Conversation

July 10

Henry Jin, associate professor of management, was interviewed for a story on Amazon Prime Day counterfeit items for Consumer Affairs.

June 28

Darryl Rice, associate professor of managment, was featured in an p on equity leaders in University Business.


In June, Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had a series of ps published in Forbes about marketing and leadership relating to the LGBTQ+ community.

May 22

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, had an op-ed posted on CNN's website

May 4

Zhiyong Yang, professor and chair of marketing, was interviewed for a WalletHub p about credit cards.

March 22

Michele Frank, associate professor of accountancy, was interviewed for a U.S. News and World Report p on taxes and personal loans

March 17

EJ Ume, associate professor of economics, was interviewed by WHIO for a story on Silicon Valley Bank

March 16

Skip Benamati, chair of information system and analytics, was interviewed for a Network Computing p about critical thinking

March 14

Darryl Rice, assocate professor of management, was interviewed for a Fortune p about how remote and hybrid work has changed career paths

March 3

John Bowblis, professor of economics, had his research cited in several ps about efforts to increase nursing home staffing

February 6

John Bowblis, professor of economics, was interviewed for an p on nursing home staffing

January 26

Daniel Jones, Department of Entrepreneurship associate director of community engagement and external relations, was quoted in a Cincy Inno story

November 18

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an p on older people using TikTok in MorningStar

November 7

Darryl Rice, assocate professor of management, was interviewed for a Fortune p about lingering layoff fears.

November 1

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, was interviewed for this Wall Street Journal p on LGBTQ representations in advertising and how they are received. 

October 3

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an p on recession fatigue in Pedfire

September 19

Tim Holcomb, professor of entrepreneurship and director of the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship, was interviewed for a Hamilton Journal-News story about College @ Elm

September 6

Arthur Carvalho, associate professor of information systems and analytics, was quoted in this Hot Links p in Protocol

August 30

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics took part in a Cincinnati Public Radio discussion of student loan forgiveness

August 24

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, was quoted in this Dayton Daily News p about student loan forgiveness

August 23

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain operations and management, was interviewed for a Wall Street Journal story on how retailers are stowing inventory

August 15

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, authored an NBC News Think story on "The silver lining on Gen Z’s generational trauma."

July 29

Hannah Lee, associate professor of marketing, had her recent research mentioned in the Forbes p "Does Advertising Increase Happiness? A New Study Suggests The Answer Is Yes"

July 12

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, was part of a panel discussing inflation on WVXU's Cincinnati Edition.

Jonathan Wolff, associated professor of economics, was interviewed for a Forbes p on inflation stimulus checks.

June 22

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, wrote a piece for NBC News Think about airline pilor shortages.

May 8

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed for a Dayton Daily News p about COVID, wages, and inflation.

May 6

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was quoted in this Yahoo! column about return to work and bosses.

April 21

John Bowblis, professor of economics, was interviewed for a Bloomberg p on the push for more nursing home staff and the costs involved.

April 5

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain operations and management, was interviewed for a Marketplace report on the decline in supply chain costs.

March 25

John Bowblis, professor of economics, is quoted about nursing shortages in nursing homes and other effects COVID-19 has had on the nursing workforce in this Indiana Public News report

March 24

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, was quoted in the Fortune p " The Great Resignation’s Wage Hikes May be Sending Fewer Students to College"

March 22

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for a story in Supply Chain Dive about blockchain transparency

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was featured in the Think podcast Why is ageism still ok? 

March 2

Karen Meyers, visiting assistant professor of finance, was interviewed for a p on the reasons for different car insurance rates between states

March 1

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed for a Dayton Daily News story about Russia imports and Ohio

February 6

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed for a CNN story about the importance of community colleges to the workforce

February 4

John Bowblis, professor of economics, was interviewed by KQED-FM for a story about the economy and nursing shortages.

January 31

Melissa Thomasson, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs & Personnel & Professor of economics, was interviewed for a WCPO-TV story about sports team performance and the local economy

January 24

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, was a guest on a WVXU-FM panel discussion about the Great Resignation

December 20

Jenny Darroch, dean of the Farmer School of Business, was interviewed for an Inside Higher Education p "Reflections on Fall Campus Connections"

November 30

Fadel Megahed, assocate professor of information systems and analytics, was quoted in the Supply Chain Dive p "Pandemic opens the door to investments in wearables for supply chain workers"

November 22

Henry Jin, assocate professor of supply chain management and operations, was quoted in a Financial Times p about how big box stores and smaller stores are handling the supply chain issues.

November 18

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain management and operations, was quoted in a Financial Times p looking at the shipping container impact on the supply chain.

November 15

Megan Garhardt, professor of management, was quoted in the p "Is fashion finally beginning to respect the intern?"

November 5

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain management and operations, was quoted in a Wall Street Journal p about when the supply chain strain would ease.

November 4

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain and operations management, was interviewed for an Oxford Observer story on local supply chain impacts.

October 22

Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, was quoted in this New York Times p about free community college policies

October 7

Management professor Scott Dust was interviewed for this story about the "Great Resignation."

Management professor Megan Gerhardt was interviewed for a story in Business Insider about Gen X wealth growth during the pandemic. 

October 5

Lisa Ellram, professor of supply chain management and operations, was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal p about logistics troubles in construction.

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was featured in the AACSB Insights p "A Generationally Intelligent Return to Campus"

September 22

David Yin, assistant professor of finance, had his research cited in a Wall Street Journal p about non-compete clauses for executives.

September 10

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for a Lifewire p about AI and invention

September 9Tim Holcomb, professor and chair of entrepreneurship, was the subject of a Forbes interview on entrepreneurship and liberal arts 

September 3

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, had her book "Gentelligence" reviewed by Harvard Business Review

August 26

Dan Docherty, assistant clinical professor of entrepreneurship, had his p "Psychological Safety – Free to Frozen" published by BrainTrust

August 19

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was quoted in a Business Insider p about Gen X debt

August 18

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for a Forbes p looking at the T-Mobile data breach

August 10

Scott Dust, associate professor of management, was interviewed for a Financial Management p on harnessing emotion from self-awareness

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, had her research mentioned in a Forbes p on emissions in shipping freight

July 29

Joseph Nwankpa, assistant professor of information systems, was interviewed for a LifeWire p about artificial intelligence

July 26

Scott Dust, associate professor of management, wrote an p for Psychology Today on the importance of trust in virtual teams

July 21

Jay Shan, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, took part in the Databricks University Alliance Program Community Lightning Talks

David Yin, assistant professor of finance, had his research cited in an p on

July 20

Greg Niemesh, associate professor of economics, was part of a WVXU-FM panel discussing the Cincinnati-area jobs market

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an p about Baby Boomers and the job market

July 2

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, was interviewed for a MarketPlace story about brands and LGBTQ+ marketing history

June 28

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had the third of a series of ps on LGBTQ+ marketing published in Forbes CMO, looking at corporate authenticity. Second part hereFirst part here

June 24

Corey Shank, assistant clinical professor of finance, was interviewed about his co-authored study into recency bias in sports betting for an p in SportsHandle

June 18

Haim Kassa, Associate Professor of Finance, had his co-authored paper on Hazard Stocks cited in a story on The Evidence Based Investor.

June 10

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, discusses "The 3 Dimensions of the Multiple Team Membership Mindset" in his latest p for Psychology Today

June 4

Peter Nencka, assistant professor of economics, had his co-authored paper on public library investment cited in a story on MarketWatch

June 2

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had the first part of a series of ps on LGBTQ+ marketing published in Forbes CMO

June 1

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for a Plan Trader p on workforce representation.

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for an IoT World p on blockchain uses.

May 26

Tim Holcomb, professor and chair of entrepreneurship, was a guest on the StartEd Up podcast episode "Miami University: Entrepreneurship and Economic Placemaking"

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed on the Transition Your Workplace podcast about Gentelligence

May 20

Joseph Rode, professor of management, had his study on emotional intelligence and career success cited in an article on

May 17

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had his p "Emotional intelligence is more than a buzzword—it’s a requirement for a return to life" featured in Fast Company.

April 28

Robert Dahlstrom, professor of marketing, was featured in the story "How COVID-19 Is Damaging The Circular Economy" on

April 21

Arthur Carvalho, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for a LifeWire p looking at how blockchain could change virtual reality programs.

A writeup about the recent LIFE Research Conference by Amanda Lawson was featured in Faith Driven Entrepreneur

April 16

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, had her new book "Gentelligence" reviewed in Publisher's Weekly

April 13

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, and FSB graduates Rachel Cleveland and Anthony Massa wrote an p for Psychology Today on "3 Ways Gen Z Can Help Address the Future of Work"

April 7

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, was interviewed by the Australian Broadcast Corporation about the idea that the 5-day work week is obsolete.

April 6

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, published an p in Forbes introducing the concept of cultural intelligence to the marketing discipline.

April 1

Jenny Darroch, Farmer School dean and professor of marketing, was interviewed for a story on Miami's decision to suspend ACT/SAT admission requirements for fall 2022/spring 2023.

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was featured in "An End to the Phrase “Reverse Mentoring”: 4 Practices to Use Instead" in Training Industry Magazine.

March 17, 2021

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, wrote "How to design a plan to return to the office that works for introverts" for Fast Company.

March 16, 2021

Melissa Thomasson, professor and chair of economics, took part in a What Is? podcast looking at the future of health care.

March 3, 2021

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, wrote an p for Fast Company about the hidden challenges of onboarding in a remote environment.

February 25, 2021

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, was interviewed for an p about aligning supply chain with finance

February 18, 2021

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, wrote an p for Psychology Today called "Why Diversity without Inclusion is Worthless"

February 11, 2021

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, was interviewed for an p in Insight Into Diversity about virtual reality

February 8, 2021

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, wrote an p for Fast Company about time management myths.

February 7, 2021

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, had her p on the Super Bowl quarterbacks published in NBC News Think.

January 27, 2021

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, was interviewed for an p about the effect of the pandemic on supply chains.

Bill Even, professor emeritus of economics, was interviewed for an p in the Hamilton Journal-News about Butler County's finances.

Brian Ballou, professor of management, was interviewed for a Forbes p about ethical political lobbying.

January 25, 2021

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for the Ladders p "7 advantages Generation X has over others in the workplace"

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, wrote "Why remote work may render the 5-day workweek obsolete" for Fast Company

January 21, 2021

Management professor Scott Dust's latest post for Psychology Today looks at something that's potentially important to everyone -- time management

The latest NBC News Think piece from management professor Megan Gerhardt looks at how two generations claim Kamala Harris, and how that custody battle may offer a chance to unite rather than divide.

January 10, 2021

Assistant Professor of Marketing Peter Nguyen was a guest on the KGO810 Consumer Talk with Michael Finney podcast, talking about his recent paper "Reviewing Experts’ Restraint from Extremes and Its Impact on Service Providers"

January 5, 2021

Brian Ballou, professor of accountancy, was quoted in a Forbes p about CEO turnover during the pandemic.

November 9, 2020

Assistant professor of management Scott Dust's p,"Teaching in the Zoomiverse," was published in BizEd.

October 14, 2020

Assistant professor of management Scott Dust's p, "5 overlooked ways business leaders can support remote workers", was published in Business Insider

September 30, 2020

Professor of economics Melissa Thomasson's coauthored study on the effects of school closures during 1916 polio outbreak was featured in this p on

September 23, 2020

The Beyond Ready CQ program was the subject of an p in the Global Education Times.

August 27, 2020

David Lindequist, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed for a Miami Student story about the university's move to a cashless campus.

August 25, 2020

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, was profiled for an p in Supply and Demand Chain Executive.

August 7, 2020

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had her post "Calling All Female CMOs - We Need a Shero!" published on

July 27, 2020

Laurens Steed, assistant professor of management, was interviewed for the HuffPost p "There Are 2 Types Of Work-From-Home Personalities. Which Are You?"

July 21, 2020

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had her post "U.S. Brands Can Save America" published on

July 13, 2020

Bryan Ashenbaum, professor of management, was quoted in a Bloomburg p about the demand for hand sanitizer and disinfectants during the coronavirus pandemic

July 8, 2020

Haim Kassa Gebeyehu, associate professor of finance, had op-eds published by the Brookings Institute and Africa Business Magazine

June 17, 2020

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had her post "Bridging the Empathy Gap" published on

June 15, 2020

Nam Vu, assistant professor of economics, was interviewed by Vietnam TV about economic implications of American actions.

June 6, 2020

Gillian Oakenfull, professor of marketing, had her post "Are Marketers Equipped For The New Empathy Brand Mandate?" published on

May 12, 2020

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, wrote an p for Biz Ed on "Higher Education's Crucible Moment" during and after the pandemic. 

April 24, 2020

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, was interviewed for an NPR p on when and how schools might reopen during the pandemic.

April 9, 2020

Bryan Ashenbaum, professor and chair of management, was interviewed for an p in USA Today about the short supply of disinfectants.

March 26, 2020

Lisa Ellram, professor of management, was interviewed for a Business Forward p on free market ethics during the pandemic

March 24, 2020

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an p on millenials' response to the pandemic in the Indianapolis Star

March 3, 2020

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an p on generational consultants in Business Insider.

March 2, 2020

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, had his p "Democrats attacking Pete Buttigieg's lack of experience are making a critical mistake" published by Business Insider.

Feb. 27, 2020

Austin Smith, assistant professor of economics, had his research on Daylight Saving Time mentioned in the p "Here’s How Much Money Daylight Saving Time Costs the United States" in Reader's Digest

Feb. 5, 2020

Scott Dust, assistant professor of management, authored "'I Wish You Were Funny!' Why Employees Prefer Humorous Leaders" in Psychology Today

Jan 21, 2020

Fadel Megahed, assistant professor of information systems and analytics, was interviewed for a Supply Chain Dive p on worker fatigue

Jan. 17, 2020

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, wrote an p for NBC News Think, "Is 'OK, boomer' ageist? John Roberts is mulling it, but laws won't fix generational shaming."

Nov. 20, 2019

Melissa Thomasson, professor of economics, was interviewed for an p on dental insurance for

Sept. 20, 2019

Michael Lipsitz, assistant professor of economics, had his research cited in a New York Times opinion piece on non-compete contracts

Sept. 16, 2019

William Even, professor of economics, was interviewed for a Journal-New p on holiday hiring

Aug. 26, 2019

Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, was interviewed for an Indianapolis Star p on quarterback Andrew Luck's retirement

July 26, 2019

John Bowblis, professor of finance, had his co-authored research cited in the Forbes p "Despite Their Importance, Many Nursing Homes Lack Social Workers"

FSB Faculty Awards

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Michael Conger
Outstanding Junior Professor - Joseph Nwankpa
Outstanding Teaching Professor - Wei (Vivian) Chen
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Xi Liu and Scott Friend
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Darryl Rice
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Thomas Boulton

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Dan Heitger
Outstanding Junior Professor - Peter Nguyen
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Rocco Manzo
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - John Bowblis
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Arthur Carvalho and Hannah Lee
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Debbie Coleman

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Tim Holcomb
Outstanding Junior Professor - Jon Pyzoha
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Karen Meyers
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Tom Boulton
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Lee Biggerstaff
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Terri Barr

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Allison Jones-Farmer
Outstanding Junior Professor - Arthur Carvalho
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Eric Marinich
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Jon Grenier
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Michael Conger
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Rocco Manzo

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Melissa Thomason
Outstanding Junior Professor - Scott Dust
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Carol McGuire
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Brett Smith
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Chris Sutter
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Gillian Oakenfull

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Tim Eaton
Outstanding Junior Professor - Michele Frank
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Lawrence Hilton
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Joe Rode
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Scott Dust
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Xiaowen Huang

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Gabe Lee
Outstanding Junior Professor - Greg Niemesh
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Jan Eighme
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Xiaowen Huang
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Scott Friend
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Tim Krehbiel

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Megan Gerhardt
Outstanding Junior Professor - Po-Chang Chen
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Susan Cramer
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Lisa Ellram
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - John Bowblis
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Steve Elliott

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Thomas Boulton
Outstanding Junior Professor - Jing Li
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Patrick Schur
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Zafer D. Ozdemir
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - T. Colin Campbell, Jonathan Grenier
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Rebecca Luzadis, Jeffrey Merhout

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Peter Salzarulo
Outstanding Junior Professor - Jonathan Grenier
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Rocco Manzo
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Mark Griffiths
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Brett Smith
Farmer School Faculty Service Excellence Award - Jan Eighme

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - David Shrider
Outstanding Junior Professor - Charles Moul
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Jim Friedman, Jan Taylor
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - H. Jeff Smith
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Thomas Boulton

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Tim Greenlee, Terry Nixon
Outstanding Junior Professor - Bryan Ashenbaum, Thomas Boulton
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Mark Lacker
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Lisa Ellram
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Peng Wang

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Rebecca Luzadis
Outstanding Junior Professor - Brett Smith
Outstanding Clinical Faculty Member - Todd Bailey
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Byron Finch
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Zafer Ozdemir

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Tim Eaton
Outstanding Junior Professor - Xiowen Huang
Senior Faculty Award for Research Excellence - John Benamati
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Xiowen Huang

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Gillian Oakenfull
Outstanding Junior Professor - Megan Gerhardt
Samuel Laws Teaching Award - Tom Murphy
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Devon DelVecchio

Richard K. Smucker Teaching Excellence Awards
Outstanding Professor - Marcus Jobe
Outstanding Junior Professor - David Shrider
Samuel Laws Teaching Award - Ronald Schloemer
James Robeson Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award - Maria Cronley

"The Journey" Magazine

Journey magazine cover with images of international flagsThe Journey is the semesterly in-house magazine of the Farmer School of Business. We're immensely proud of our students, staff, faculty, and alumni, and this is our way of sharing their wins.

Accessible versions of the following PDFs available upon request.

Spring 2024

2023 Issue 2

Summer/Fall 2022

Winter 2022

Spring/Summer 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Summer 2019

Winter 2019

Summer 2018

Winter 2018

Summer 2017

Winter 2017

Spring 2016

Winter 2016

Spring 2015


Beyond High Street podcast

Beyond High Street logo and photo of Jenny Darroch

Join Farmer School of Business dean Jenny Darroch as she holds bi-weekly conversations with top-notch Miami University alumni exploring the common traits that bring people to Oxford and how that helped them with their professional successes.

Recent episodes:

Brandon Starkoff, CEO/managing partner, Transparent Partners

Stephanie Ferris, Chief Financial Officer, Worldpay

Justin Sheperd, investment manager and board member

Greg Roche, Global President - Robotics and Technology, Zimmer Biomet

Mary Tehrani, Senior Manager, Sales Strategy & Planning, Newell Brands

More episodes at Beyond High Street website

Farmer School of Business

800 East High Street
Suite 3075
Oxford, OH 45056