FSB Directory
Jenny Darroch
Dean and Mitchell P. Rales Chair in Business Leadership & Professor
Office of the Dean & Marketing

Contact Information
- Campus: Oxford
- Office: 3075G
- Phone: 513.529.3381
- Email: darrocj@miamioh.edu
- Curriculum Vitae [PDF]*
* Accessible version of PDF available upon request.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. University of Otago, New Zealand, Marketing
- M.S. University of Auckland, New Zealand, Commerce (First Class; Marketing and International Business)
- B.S. Massey University, New Zealand, Applied Economics (Honors)
- B.S. University of Waikato, New Zealand, Marketing and Economics
Academic & Professional Experience
- Dean, Farmer School of Business (2020-Present).
- Dean, F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, California (2016-2020).
- Professor of Marketing and Innovation, F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, California (2013-2020).
- Co-Faculty Lead, Drucker Executive Education, F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, California (2013-2020).
- Associate Dean, MBA, F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, California (2010-2013).
Recent Publications
- Darroch, J. and Miles (2015). A. “Sources of innovation,” in Narayanan, V.K. and Colarelli O’Connor, G. (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (3rd ed.). J Wiley & Sons, 13: 1-8
- Miles, A. and Darroch, J. (2015). “Competitive Advantage,” in Cary L. Cooper (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, 2: 1-7
- Darroch, J., Morrish, S.C., Deacon, J. and Miles, M (2013). Market Creation as an Entrepreneurial Marketing process. In Sethna, Z., Jones, R. and Harrigan, P. Entrepreneurial Marketing: Global Perspectives (pp. 179-198). UK: Emerald
Jenny Darroch has been dean of the Farmer School of Business and the Mitchell P. Rales Chair in Business Leadership at Miami University for almost four years. The school is currently ranked by Poets & Quants as a top-5 public business schools for career outcomes, skills development, the quality of faculty, and the degree being worth the time and cost.
Jenny earned her doctorate in marketing from the University of Otago in New Zealand. She has a Master of Commerce degree in marketing and international business from the University of Auckland an honors degree in applied economics from Massey University and a bachelor’s degree in marketing and economics from the University of Waikato, all in New Zealand, which is her native country. Jenny moved to the United States in 2004. While at Otago, Jenny was the inaugural Director of Entrepreneurship and launched New Zealand’s first masters in entrepreneurship.
Jenny has authored three books and her research, focused on looking at innovation strategies from the customers’ point of view — has been cited over 7,200 times, appearing in marketing, management, innovation, and entrepreneurship journals.