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Exit Criteria

In order to pass the internship and be granted a Certificate of Completion from the MU SCS Internship, interns must:

  • Attend a minimum of 80% of individual supervision meetings.
  • Attend a minimum of 80% of group supervision meetings.
  • At minimum, present an average of three outreach/preventive/psychoeducational programs to the community per semester.
  • At minimum, complete 20 hours of clinical service time (includes individual and group clinical hours, emergency and on-call crisis interventions, and clinical consultations) per week during the academic year. During the summer months, complete hours as designated by needs of the center.
  • Complete 500 clinical hours, 450 of which are comprised of individual, group, clinical consultation, supervision provided, and emergency services, and up to 50 hours of outreach.
  • Complete all described responsibilities of the full-time, twelve-month internship.
  • The MU SCS Health Service Psychology Doctoral Internship Program uses the following rating scale on feedback forms that evaluate intern performance:
    • A = attention needed (below acceptable standards)
    • M = improvement needed (growth area)
    • T = on target for expected standards
    • S = strength area (beyond expected standards)
    • E = area of expertise (level of established professional skills)
  • By the final Spring End of Semester Feedback Form, earn T or above ratings for 100% of items, listed within Goals #1 through #4, including Objectives #1 through #13. No intern will be passed with any ratings of A or M at the time of the Spring End of Semester Feedback Form.

Evaluation and Feedback Policy

SCS interns receive feedback both informally and formally throughout the year, and they are asked to evaluate the internship program both during the year and after they complete the internship. Feedback from the interns is important and guides the changes we make to the internship.

  • Interns are formally evaluated by their individual supervisor mid-semester and at the end of each semester, and by their group co-facilitator at the end of each semester.
  • The Training Director provides a written letter of progress to the intern's program midyear and then again at the end of internship.
  • The MU SCS Internship does not complete any outside evaluation forms.
  • If formal remediation becomes necessary the intern will be informed, in writing, of the concern, and of a remediation plan. (See Due Process information below for more details)

Due Process Statement

Interns' Conflicts or Grievances with Staff

  • Conflicts and grievances that may occur during the training year are typically resolved through informal mediation and discussion.
  • The next step in conflict resolution would be to talk with the intern's individual supervisor, followed by the Training Director, and then the Director.
  • If this does not resolve the conflict or grievance, a formal complaint may be initiated.

Staff Conflicts or Grievances with Intern(s)

  • Staff concerns about intern performance are typically resolved informally through mediation.
  • If conflicts cannot be resolved in this manner, interns will be informed of grievances in writing. The intern may respond to grievance discussions with formal written notice of disagreement with the staffs' grievances and recommendations.
  • Intern "Professional Competence Problems" are defined at the MU SCS as significant and continuing inability to achieve basic requirements of the internship at a minimal "On-Target" level ("T" on evaluation forms), as evaluated by training staff in formal written evaluations.
  • Interns may be found to have professional competence problems before periods of formal written evaluation if their deficits are seen as posing the risk of damage to themselves, their clients, the counseling environment, and/or other staff.

Contact for Student Counseling Service APA Doctoral Internship

Maria Carrubba-Whetstine, Ph.D.

Training Director
Miami University
Student Counseling Service
Clinical Health Services and Wellness Facility, Room 2035
Oxford, OH  45056

New reception area for Student Counseling Service.
Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility

Student Counseling Service

Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility
421 South Campus Ave.
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513-529-4634 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Instagram Facebook