Bethany Geckle
Ph.D. - Physical Cultural Studies and Media Studies, University of Otago
B.S. - Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
My research explores everyday leisure practices rooted in physical activity and media as accessible means of producing social change. I am interested in how our quotidian acts can empower us to challenge dominant norms and systems of power while making transformative resistance feel possible (and pleasurable!). I employ qualitative methodologies informed by critical theoretical perspectives including new materialisms, queer theory and queer of color critique, critical race theory, and post-colonial and indigenous studies.
Specific interests: skateboarding, 'alternative sports' and 'folk games'; queer identities, communities, and world-making practices; music and DIY cultures including punk, hip hop, and urban art; queering, indigenizing, decolonizing, and crippling relations with space and belonging
Courses Taught
SLM 276 Current Issues in Leisure and Sport
SLM/CRE/SOC 279 Race, Nation, and Sport
SLM 378 Sport, Power and Inequality
SLM/WGS 475/575 Women, Gender Relations, and Sport