The Humanitarian Engineering and Computing (HE&C) Steering Committee consists of faculty and staff appointed by the Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing. This group developed the minor and is responsible for continuing oversight of the program.
This Steering Committee is also responsible for pre-approval of the following courses or activities to meet the requirements of the minor.
Study Abroad course with a Service component
Independent Study course (with a humanitarian or service focus)
Project for capstone courses
To be approved courses, independent study projects, and senior design projects must require that students learn, extend, or apply domain knowledge through activities that have the potential to enhance the lives of and opportunities for people on a local, national, or international level.
For approval of one of these items/activities, a student must request and complete a petition that can be obtained from the HE&C Advisor in your department. Your advisor will assist with any questions and bring the petition to the Steering Committee for review.
Steering Committee Members
Jason Boock , Ph.D. Chemical, Paper, and Bioengineering 513-529-0520 Engineering Building 66B
Garrett Goodman, Ph.D. Computer Science and Software Engineering 513-529-0381 Benton Hall 205H
Yong Lin, Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering 513-529-0741 Garland Hall 260
James Chadges, Ph.D. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 513-529-0742 Garland Hall 56K
Keisha Norris College of Engineering and Computing 513-529-3769 Benton Hall 113
The College of Engineering and Computing
Contact Us
510 E. High Street Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-0700