What should I keep in mind? (FAQs)

What will happen after June 1, 2014?

  • Information pointing to muohio.edu will no longer redirect to MiamiOH.edu
  • Email messages sent to a muohio.edu address will no longer be forwarded
  • Many muohio.edu URLs are published in journals and other printed publications, however the published URLs will no longer work

Why can’t we keep the old muohio.edu domain name in addition to the new MiamiOH.edu domain name?

Unlike .com domain names, which companies can own in unlimited number, .edu domain names are restricted by federal policy. An educational institution can only have one domain name. EDUCAUSE, which is the registrar for .edu domain names, is currently considering a rule change that, if approved by the Department of Commerce, would allow educational institutions to have two domain names. Unfortunately, a decision on this proposed change has yet to be made. Miami University has been advocating strongly for two domain names to be allowed for universities.

What does this mean for my research?

Many muohio.edu URLs are published in journals and other printed publications. If new policy allows us to have two domain names you will not need to take any action. However, if the policy isn’t changed, the published URLs will not work after June 1, 2014. Many people have expressed concerns about losing compliance with funding agencies if their research becomes inaccessible if/when the muohio.edu URLs no longer function. If that is the case, in order to remain in compliance with these agencies, you will need to contact each funding agency to advise them of the change and make sure your publications are accessible online.

I know of schools that have two domain names; how did they get to keep multiple domain names?

The rule limiting educational institutions to only one domain name came into effect in 2001. Educational institutions with more than one domain name prior to that date were allowed to keep the additional name. Some schools, like Kansas State, opted to keep multiple names retaining both ksu.edu and k-state.edu. Other schools, like Northwestern, opted to release their additional names, choosing to retain northwestern.edu while relinquishing nwu.edu. The University of Miami had both umiami.edu and Miami.edu.

Icon for new content How can I tell if a webpage or service has been moved to MiamiOH.edu?

Many webpages and services have been updated so that they actually respond to both muohio and MiamiOH. These include Miami listservs, many student organizational websites, older departmental websites, and learning objects within the www.academic.muohio space. To test a webpage or service, simply type in the URL address in your browser, but replace the muohio with MiamiOH.  In most cases it should resolve to the correct place. If it does not, please sensd a note to muit-comm@MiamiOH.edu with the full address.